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    Beverly, locally, if I were to purchase a knit fabric I'd get it at The Mill End Store or Fabric Depot. I purchased the ribbing at Joann Fabric and Craft store. For as quickly as little ones grow, I wouldn't be afraid to purchase a knit at Joann. This fabric was gifted to me and I imagine it had lived in the giver's stash for sometime! I usually machine stitch the ribbing to the shirt first and then serge the edge. Before I had a serger, I either used a zig zag stitch or an overcast stitch that was on my sewing machine for the edge finish. I hope you will try sewing a shirt with your princess. It took us about a month to finish this shirt just because after a few seams, my little princess was ready for another activity! Thanks for visiting me!


      Thanks for the information, Terry. I'm going to give it a try soon as she gets a little bit older. I have a serger, so I should be able to make something presentable after some practice! Happy Thanksgiving!


        Beverly, I'm glad that you are considering a knit t-shirt project with your little grand. I hope you two have a lot fun and that the wearer is over the moon with her creation!

        I made an ornament and posted about it here. I had help from a grand! Earlier this month, I took a class with Joen Wolfram and I posted about it here.

        I suppose that I had better get back to the studio as I'm just about finished piecing a back which I'll share in a future post!


          Oh, Terry, I just read your wonderful blog on color/hues,etc and your class with Joen Wolfrom. How very interesting it was. I just enjoyed every word and learned from it. Bev



            What Beverly said!

            Thanks, geneva


              Hi all -

              I finally finished all of my blog posts about the Houston quilt show this year. It was such an incredible experience! I love going to this show each year! If you are interested, you can see an overview of the special exhibit quilts here, here and here. And you can see an overview of the contest quilts here, here and here.



                I figured out a plan of what to do with some hexagons that I made in a workshop a number of years ago. I'm calling the project Rue. I'm in the processing of adding some embroidery to the top.

                I also went to a make and take at the local quilt shop. I had so much fun that I went off script. Tis the season to be stitching what I stitched though! I also enjoyed the diversion!!


                  I shared the ornament exchange results in this post.

                  With a little help from my sweet husband, I recovered my ironing surface. This might not seem like a big deal; but, it took me way too long to get it done! I'm curious as to what fabrics you use to cover your pressing surface so please let me know!


                    Hi all -

                    Well, I've finished all of my Christmas knitting and have shared my projects in a blog post here. If you like to knit, I hope you'll enjoy seeing my projects.



                      Great gifts, Nancy! There is a local knitting shop near me "The Fuzzy Goat". I don't know how to knit at all, but when I go in there with friends that do knit, I can see that I could get bitten by the knitting bug very easily! Many of my quilting friends quilt in the summer and knit during the winter months. Maybe if I can use up my quilting fabric and not buy any more ...................


                        Originally posted by "NanaPie" post=143024
                        Maybe if I can use up my quilting fabric and not buy any more ...................
                        You're looking at this all wrong! This is an opportunity to build a yarn stash while still maintaining your quilting stash!


                          Nancy and Terry, As usual I really enjoyed your posts and creativity! Thank you for sharing!

                          Nancy, Love all the knitted items... they are pretty cool.

                          Terry, I covered a piece of plywood with a thicker type of cotton on top. I love it! And, like you, my sweetie made quick work of the stapling! Love that Butterfly you are making....

                          Happy Christmas everyone!


                            It's called "no self control" on my part! :cheer:


                              Originally posted by "NanaPie" post=143029
                              It's called "no self control" on my part! :cheer:
                              That's definitely not something that I can help with!! So far, I have been able to keep from starting a wool stash for wool applique. I'm very proud of myself!


                                As well you should be!!


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