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The Prayer List

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    Ann our prayers are with you!! Wrap yourself in a quilt and know our hugs are there!


      Feel better soon Ann. It sounds like you've had quite an ordeal.I hope the yogurt works.
      Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


        Ann I hope you get better soon you are right it no fun being sick love ya Happy
        Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


          The yogurt is a great idea for replacing the good bacteria. You also need easy to digest foods to eat and rice is a filling food that is easy to digest. That is what we start babies on. Hope you feel better soon. I have IBS and deal with periodic flare ups. Sandi in FL
          Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


            Ann, I was already praying but will continue to do.

            I would like to ask for prayer for my sister tomorrow. She has a date before the judge about a possible felony DUI. It was DUI #4 which makes it a felony and mandatory 10 year prison sentence. She called me tonite though and because #3 was 7 years ago, her lawyer thinks he can argue a loophole statute of limitations change in Alabama law and it could be considered like the first one which would be probably a fine. Her prayer request to me was to pray for justice and mercy.


              Hope you get better soon and you don't have to make a hospital visit. Thoughts and prayers come you way.

              So sorry to hear about your sister. I'll pray she gets a lighter sentence. I think most of us are guilty of this at one time or another - having one to many.We were alittle crazy in our younger years. We still get alittle crazy on vacation or at home. I'll pray that your sister getS a free pass and that she is more careful in the future. God Bless you, "you are a wonderful sister".



                I'm praying for all of you!!! Judy in Torrance


                  Thanks for the prayers. Got a call about an hour ago from my sister and they did not charge her with a felony. They did the same charge as if it were a 2nd offense which is a week in jail and a fine. She's very relieved and so am I. Thank you again.


                    Patti, I'm so glad things turned out okay for your sister. I hope she will get some help.


                      Patti - I know that is a load off your mind. I pray she recognizes she got a break and is able to improve her life. It sounds like she wants to but it is hard to do.


                        Hi, All! I keep all of your spoken and unspoken needs in my prayers!

                        I ask for your prayers for me and my family - lots going on regarding my job.... my boss was laid off yesterday, and the information I was given today is essentially that my job may be eliminated. I should know something one way or the other on Monday, Jan 19.....

                        There is also a lady at work that I ask your prayers for..... this afternoon I oversaw that her computer screen saver said "Cancer Sucks". When I asked her if she is doing ok, she shared with me that her 39 year old daughter is battling brain cancer. What a huge burden for she and her daughter to carry! My heart went out to her and I told her that I was adding she and her family to my prayer list.

                        Peace to all of you!
                        Mary Kay


                          Mary Kay, the Lord is our certainty in these uncertain times--I'll keep you in my prayers. Judy


                            Mary Kay, praying for you with the whole job situation. I know this anxiety.

                            I'll pray for your friend and her daughter. She's right cancer sucks on so many levels. My sisters sister-in-law had brain cancer and is back to a full life, oh there are some challenges including speech therapy but she's back to living a normal life.


                            Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


                              Mary Kay,
                              You and your friend will be in my prayers. Yes cancer is the big one, and I heard from a friend last night in San Diego who's uncle is going down hill fast. He is in a retirement home and now they think he has cancer. Please pray for them both.


                                MaryKay, I'm praying for you and your job and your coworker. I know how hard it is to keep your peace with the worries of a possible job loss. I am praying that your heart will hear your head when you reassure it that God will provide and we know He will.

                                Thank you Sandy. My sister's choices are on the top of my prayer list. I just want her to see how loved and cared about she is and have confidence that she is strong with God's guidance.


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