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The Prayer List

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    Thanks Rachel and everyone for your prayers. I think this group is great and I know we help each other by our prayers and having someone to talk to and listen to us.
    God bless,


      Thanks for the prayers and kind thoughts. I just talked to her and she is doing very well. No lasting residual from it. My Dad is gonna have to sit on her and make her behave though. For some reason this lady loves to clean! I keep telling her I really am not her daughter. I hate cleaning. Thanks again and please know I read this thread daily and all of you and your loved ones are in my prayers. Sandi in FL


        Sandi I hope your mom is ok Happy


          The good news - the first two interviews seemed to go well. Yes, you read that correctly there were two interviews today for the position. There will be another interview next week after the department head returns from vacation. One of the guys who interviewed him had a very lengthy conversation with someone Bob worked with at his previous position, and it was very positive. Bob is calling her tomorrow to thank her as she connected him with the head of HR, who Bob has also worked with over the years.

          So we very much appreciate the continued prayerful support.

          I pray for you all as well, the moms, dads, kids, medical and emotional situations we all find ourselves in.

          Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


            Teri, I was thinking about this job interview all weekend. I have a good feeling about it. I know, to God's ears, right? Well maybe....


              Terri, I am of the mind set that they usually don't waste thier time with so many interviews unless he has the they are probably just trying to figure out his worth. You and all of us know he is priceless, BUT....just to be on the safe side we will keep praying :P
              Joan, Keep the faith my friend your dear Mom will be there before you know it.
              Sandi, Remember old habits are hard to break and getting Mothers to stop doing everthing they have been doing for years ...well good luck with that one. :shock: My Mom is blind in one eye has no depth perception and still thinks she can thread a needle :roll: :lol: Oh well it's fun to watch and then help when she finally admits she can't do it. I am glad that she is getting better though.




                  Hi all,
                  thanks for your prayers and good vibes! Today I found out my colonoscopy was fine, so I just have to worry about the gastritis they found in the gut from the endoscopy. More medicine but maybe this time it will help.
                  I did hear from a good friend in San Diego, and her husband has many medical problems, one syndrone I can't even explain, MEN or MEM, anyway, they found spots on the lungs and make a long story (which I would get wrong anyway!) short it is stage 3 cancer and atypical. (Those words I remember!) So Jim needs your prayers. They are not sure chemo will work. They have a college age young man, and a 6th grade girl, my little neice as I call her!
                  So please keep them in your prayers. I told her about my group of praying quilters and let her know she and Jim and the kids would be getting good prayers from you all!
                  Thank you so much. And the last I heard from my cousin, her brother still does not know what is going to happen with Sarah's heart surgery, so please keep her in prayer too.
                  You know, I think prayer keeps us more connected even than quilting! God does know how to bring us together to do His work!


                    Man Joan sorry to hear about that when they find a spot it never good new I'll keep them in my prays and hopfuly they will be able to stop that bad thing from happing soon Happy


                      Hi All

                      I read this thread everyday and remember you all in my prayers. I would like to ask for prayers for my son Simon, (25). He is well, but getting depressed. He has been out of work for some considerable time and has had several possibilities disappear due to the the current economic downturn. At present there are very very few job vacancies in this area. He has heard about a vacancy where a friend works and has sent in his CV. Please remember him in your prayers for me. With grateful thanks Pam

                      In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                        Your son will be in my prayers. My oldest is 24, and looking into law schools so I know he will be out in the "real world" soon, my othertwo are coming up to that too.
                        Take care


                          Happy to hear your Test came back good,I hope your Dr gives you a good med for the Gasritis,with out meds in can get out of control it can get bad with pains. I believe Ritzy has been having stomach problems also. I hope she has saw a dr. I hope your friends DH gets treatment and that the treatment clears everything up. You all will be in my thoughts and prayers.

                          So sorry to hear about your DS employment. I can see how this would get him down,the times are so tuff now with the down fall in the economy. I hope his spirits rise with knowing that God will provide him with his needs.Tell him to stay strong and keep his inner faith that things will get better soon. Thoughts and prayers come his way.

                          Blessings to you everyone. Love & Hugzzz,Kathy


                            Rachel, you asked about me. Well there is good news and bad news. I still have a stomach problem and have not been able to control the diarhhea or eat much. Its been almost a month. I went to the doctor yesterday and he changed my antibiotic. The first one was just irritating my stomach more. And he told me to eat yoghurt (I should have thought of it myself but was worried about acids because I like the fruit flavored ones and he had told me avoid fruits. If I don't improve in the next three days, I will probably have to be hospitalized for IV nutrition next week. Thats all the bad news.

                            The good news, I lost some weight over the holidays so now don't need to do my usual after New Year's diet. LOL

                            Being sick is no fun!!!!!!

                            I have reading the forum but haven't done much responding so everybody, just know I am still praying for your concerns and trying to get better.

                            Hugs to all of you, Ann


                              Ann, please feel better soon. The good bacteria of the yogurt will do your body good. If I can make the suggestion get full fat organic yogurt like Stonyfield farm or something along that line.


                              Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


                                Ann, gut pain is no fun! I have been eating the Activia yogurt, the vanilla seems to work the best for me, although maybe we all should eat the plain variety! yuck! I haven't been able to! When I miss a few days my gut hurts worse, so maybe it does work!
                                You are in my prayers.


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