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The Prayer List

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    Hi All -- I need to put my DD Laura on the list -- the one in the pic with me. She fell at work last week and has a concussion. She had one about 4 years ago and this one is worse. We did a cat scan on Sat. and that was ok -- just her head is screaming at her. Doctor gave her Darvacet and is helping her sleep. She has 3 weeks of school left to finish this semester.

    Thank you in advance for your prayers -- hope you are all safe in CA with the fires, but that also sounds better today.

    Sharon in warm Colorado


      I hope your daughter's head feels better soon, Sharon. I'll say a prayer for her.
      Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


        Hi, Sharon! Sorry to hear that Laura has another concussion! Sending good thoughts and prayers your way! Mary Kay


          Happy Turkey week or at least I think it is this week. I don't know Things are pretty busy in our home lately. I have been thinking of all my Quilting friends. My fibro is in full gear but family priorities are so that I refuse to acknowlege the pain. However by 8:30 pm I am usually to a point that it can no longer be ignored. My Father is not doing as well as we had hoped. He is severely dehydrated. I can not get him to understand the importance of fluids right now. He says he doesn't have the strength to walk to the bathroom. I tell him that he will walk, that that is his only exercise, and he will not have a bedside cammode. I refuse to let him get a blood clot or pneumonia. He tells me that I am unreasonable and that I would not treat my patients this way. I tell him I am more stearn with them it is out of respect that I don't force him out to the kitchen table and allow him to eat in the living room. :? My one brother Steve is being a pigheaded jerk :twisted: I went with him to have his meds adjusted; the ones he is on are going to fry what is left of his liver. He didn't see a Dr he seen a nurse practioner who really didn't feel comfortable making any changes :roll: . So rather then increase the dose of his oxycotin she doubled his lortab :!: :?: :!: Despite the fact that I told her that he only has half a liver and that the Lortab are most likely giving him rebound headaches. :roll: We can take it up with the Dr in 3 months at his next check up. :evil: We will be taking it up with the DR. in 2 weeks when I made the next appointment for. I am not an idiot and I refuse to wait 3 months to address this issue. My other brother is trying to postpone his surgury because of the nasty custody battle over his grandaughter. That issue is too sad and heart wrenching to even talk about. All I ask is that you pray that the Father of the little girl use his head and reopen the lines of communication. Hopefully he will quit listening to his girlfriend and realize that he has always been encouraged to be apart of his daughters life. Either that or start listening to the Dr.'s and give his little girl her medicine on the days he has her. I really do hope this war is over before this little one is old enough to see her parents be so cruel to each other. Well that is life here I am back in PT by the way. keep your fingers crossed that this helps.
          God Bless All


            Oh Rachel, I'm so sorry about all the troubles in your family. Bless you for advocating for your brother. It helps a lot when you have someone who understands on your side. Hope the PT starts helping with your pain soon.


              Rachel sorry to hear what is going on we are going throw the child thing with my brother son to it can drive a good person crazy I hope your brother has he surgery it will be the best thing for him I hope you dad and brother starts to feel better soon keep in touch lady HAppy


                Oh my, Rachel! You have so many things going on! I am praying!!! And did you ever finish your remodel? Praying for everyone here!


                  Rachael, not hard to understand why you are in PT.

                  Prayer go out to you and your family!


                    No the remodel is stopped at the moment we have the outside up and we can use the room provided we don't mind the cold. I can not tolerate it though so Jeremy took my sewing stuff up to our bedroom. He put the table on my side of the bed so I can sit on the bed and sew. He is funny he says I can sit on the electric blanket and keep my butt warm put the heating pad on my arm and go to town. I will say the bed is the perfect heighth. Also he says when I get tired just roll over and lay down. :roll: You really do have to love the guy for trying. He will come up and watch the TV while I sew and he will fussy cut peices for me because I shake too much. He laughs at me when I applique and asks me when I am going to just give it up. I tell him when he throws away his comb. :lol: His hair is about a quarter of an inch long and there isn't much of it there. I
                    I went and checked on Dad today by the way he looks better. I made him drink 20 ounces of water while I was there. I made him a bananna cream pie. So that went over really big. Then I had him drink about 6 ounces of milk with it. Not bad for being there less then 2 hours :wink: . Mom doesn't know how I can get him to do things I just told her I love him enough to be mean. Just like she loved me enough to be mean when I was growing up. It is tough but it has to be done. Anyway thank you everyone out htere for praying for me.
                    God be with you


                      Once again, I am posting a thank you prayer request. God is Good All the Time, All the Time God is Good and I know that this prayer list and all my friends have made a difference.

                      I went to the doctor today and my blood counts had actually gone up without any intervening treatments since September. This has never happened before and my numbers are higher than they have been since this crazy pattern of anemia was diagnosed over ten years ago. Even the doctor is puzzled about what I am doing right so as long as things stay even I do not have to go back to have my blood tested for two months.

                      I am slowly learning the symptoms of when I am in trouble with the anemia but for right now am feeling better than I have in years. My answer is that the prayers of all my friends have made a difference. and God Is Good, All the Time.

                      Prayers and hugs to all of you on the list and especially to you, Rachel. I know what it is like to have a plate so full you wonder how you can even take one step forward. But I also know that with trust in the Lord we can put one foot in front of the other and some day we will know that we persevered and TRIUMPHED.



                        That is called tough Love! I'm so glad to hear your dad is doing better. I'm Happy you can sew where it is warm. I hope you get that room fixed soon with good heat. I've been Thinking of you during all these difficult times through family health crisis. Stay Strong,take it easy/

                        I'm so happy to hear you are doing great,you have Dr. orders to stay this way. Always great to hear they found a better treatment
                        Stay well,take care

                        My Thought and prayers continue for each and everyone of my TQS friends. Kathy


                          Praying for you, Rachel. Ann, it's so good to hear that wonderful news! Prayer really does work!!!


                            Rachel, glad your dad is better. Sounds like you have a pretty great hubby! And, Ann, so glad for your good report!


                              Good news about your blood counts, Ann! The power of prayer!!

                              Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                                Rachael, tell your hubby "I LOVE HIM!" He sounds like a real keeper!

                                Ann, you have great, great news! I really think it's all the endorphins from all the sewing! Good for the body (and the soul!)



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