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The Prayer List

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    Ann, take it slowly, remember to rest before you feel tired.

    Teri, I'm praying for you.

    Everyone, I'll pray that the New Year brings us all good health and lots of quilting! :lol:

    Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


      Teri, this sounds good. I'm praying.


        Teri since I'm often on the "employer" side I agree this is very promising! Sounds like they didn't get what they wanted at the price they thought they could! "you get what you pay for" applies to employment too!

        And an update on Mama, today was her 74th birthday and we had a lovely lunch together. Sisters, neices, and my aunt & uncle (her brother) stopped by JUST before we were serving, so we invited them to stay, and also her housekeeper was working today so we invited her to join us (she's only been with our family for about, um, maybe 45 years? :wink: She really is family!) So it was a very festive, joyous event. Mama is stronger than she was at Christmas and instead of fixing the food I drove 45 miles to her favorite caterer to pick up soup & shrimp salad. (I was counting on leftovers, so the last-minute guests weren't a problem) My big sis even bought a pink foil birthday "tiara" and it looked very cute on Mama with her newly-grown short hair
        Still no real word on how well the current treatment is going but she is able to stop one of her meds & cut another in half. Don't know what 2009 will hold but we'll at least all be there to find out!


          Thanks everyone - we really appreciate the support!


          Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


            Florence what a nice birthday bash for your Mom. I'm glad she is getting stronger and will keep her in my prayers. Karen
            Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


              Florence sounds like a nice time and it also sounds encouraging on the meds for your mom. Praying that 2009 just keeps picking up momentum for your mom and all of you.


                So far looks like 2009 is starting off better then 2008 ended. Thank you God for being so GREAT I would like to report a blessing in my family My brother Scott's daughter Erica is expecting a baby in July. She is so excited she is glowing.


                  Seems that I can't catch up on everything on TQS.
                  I continue to keep you everyone in my thoughts and prayers.

                  Congratulations on your brothers daughter Erica being pregnant. A blessing indeed,wishing her the very best through her first pregnancy. Auntie Rachel,that is very exciting news.Better get Busy with her first blanky!

                  Blessings to You everyone,Hugzzz,Kathy


                    Hello everyone !

                    I've been following your requests and updates for many months and praying along the way.

                    After some tough health months, I'm feeling well enough to be back on daily and even do some posting .

                    Joan, I'm so sorry for the loss of your father and I'm praying you will know the peace of God that passes all understanding.

                    With your plan to have your Mom come live with you, I'm really thinking of you and praying. My Mom wound up living with us for 15 years until she died last year. I was her only caregiver. She was a troubled and unhappy person all her life. Old age, illness, and dementia didn't make that any easier to live with. We trusted the Lord that in this very long difficult time, He would bring glory to Himself.

                    In the end, when 3 MRSA septicemias had increased her dementia to where she didn't know my name, we saw what you've begun to see and hope to see in your Mom. My Mom became very child-like; she giggled and chortled like a baby. She was very reserved and unemotional, and here she was blowing kisses to her favorite aides. She had us in stitches with her stories about our brother Steve (we actually don't have a brother Steve :wink: ), her hallucinations about the dogs she saw running around her room and more. She no longer remembered the defenses and prickly behavior she used to deal with the world and us. It was very freeing and healing to both my DB and I.

                    I certainly hope that you can have such a healing time with your Mom, where she can be free and innocent as a child and just rest in your love and care for her.

                    Blessings to you all,



                      Thank you Sue! It is wonderful to be on this prayer list and hear from so many good friends! I am hoping she will be able to come soon, and the only thing standing in the way is my brother and sister! He knows she needs to come up here, he is just worried about the cold after 24 years of Florida living. And my sister, 47, has never been without them for her whole life. But I say she has to get on with her life and with my empty nest now is the time for me to take over. So I am trying to patiently wait them out! In the meantime I am going to quilt up a storm, and I have some ideas for quilting projects for when mom gets here. She is very good at cutting out applique pieces, and I'm hoping to be able to teach her a few more stitches. Fine work won't be easy but folk stitches would be. We won't be able to afford any type of nursing home, so I'm hoping to get her here before that stage comes and maybe delay it a bit, God willing. When I was there for a month Oct-November we did quilting and Sudoku and I had her typing on the computer emails to her sister. It was like being back at school and tutoring, I just took my time and when dad was napping and my sister out, it was quiet and we could easily work together. I am hoping for more days like that with her, right now she just sits in front of the tv and I see her slipping away.
                      Thank you all for your prayers. Know that you all are in mine each night.


                        My Dad just called. My Mom had a mini stroke or seizure this morning. She is alert and already 'demanding' to go home. No signs of residual effects at this time, but all the tests are not back yet. They are making her stay at least overnight. Based on symptoms nurse Sandi thinks she threw a small clot. Mom's been on coumadin for years and she has been on and off if last few weeks r/t surgeries for a cancer on her face. Please add her and my Dad to your prayer list. Thanks so much. Sandi in FL


                          Your mom and you and family will be in my prayers. I have a special prayer for healing and I always say for all my quilting buddies and think of you all.
                          Take care


                            I'm sorry to hear of your fathers passing,I know his memories will be treasured. I hope your mother gets to come live with you soon, I think this would be very nice. It's Nice to hear she can still sew. I Know it will be hard for her to leave Florida. It will be alot to take care of a parent but I think with Gods good will you will all do good. God Bless you everyone.

                            I'm sorry sorry to hear about your Mother having a stroke,I hope she is feeling better and the Dr. treats her well. Wanting to come home to early before all test are done isn't good,though I can understand her wanting to get out of there,you get no rest/sleep.
                            Will pray that your Mom gets better soon.


                              My prayers are with you and your parents. Hopefully she will be able to resume her cumadin therapy soon.
                              I am glad to hear that you have activities planned out for your mother that do not include watching 23 hours of TV So many people think that is the answer. How wrong they are. If they only understood that that is what contributes to the wasting away of the brain. It really is sad. I will continue to pray that your Mom arrives to your home soon.


                                Sandi, reading this a day later but still praying for a complete recovery for your mom.


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