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    Mary Kay I hope it works out for you Happy


      Mary Kay it sounds like you might be feeling like this is a good thing for you right now. That's good. I hope it turns out to be a blessing in disguise. Karen
      Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


        Mary Kay I like your Hubby's way of thinking. You just do what you GOTTA do my friend and suffer through it. :lol:
        Sorry I haven't touched my computer in ages I have been so busy with my sister that I have had little time for any thing else. First PLEASE PLEASE pray for her health. I took her to a Dr. appt. last week and her blood pressure was 210/ 134, :!: her blood sugar was 381 :!: :shock: :!: I took it yeasterday and it was 418 and that was before breakfast. :!: :?: :!: :?: :shock: This Dr. wants her to monitor it for 2 weeks and come back then he will give her meds. I hope she survives this Dr.
        On a lighter note I don't know if I have told you yet that there will be 2 new little ones entering this world in late july/ early august. Little ones are always a blessing even if we are not too happy about the person who will be it parent. :roll: My one neice already has 2 that are 2 and 9 months both babies are very busy.
        Ann I am so glad to hear you are on the mend now stay that way. I look forward to your post and you worry me terribly when I don't see them.
        Happy I will pray that justice is not blind in your friends case for all parties involved. For every one person wrongfully imprisoned there is a criminal who is lose to repeat and inflict more harm. A rape charge is something that never leaves you even if proven innocent. I hope they find the felon quickly especially for this young girl though the most.
        To those who had shots I hope they work wonders for you.
        Sandi, I do hope they figure out what is going on with your Mom soon. I think not knowing is worse then anything. At least when you know what is wrong you can say ok let's deal with it or fix it. God bless All
        Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


          Mary Kay, I am glad that you are able to see the job loss in a positive way, and hope that you are able to enjoy the free time you have for a while. Go and enjoy that retreat!!! Hugs Pam

          In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


            Thanks, All!

            I set up my temporary office in my quilt room - I had to move Katie's sewing machine, but she said that was just fine (she is really busy during the school year and doesn't get much sewing time in).

            So, I have got my laptop, phone, printer, etc set up as my "part time job" has become the job search..... and every time I look up, I am facing my stash! I figured it would be best to "set up shop" where I feel the most comfortable!

            DH and I have gotten power walks every morning together and I have taken on some of the home chores to give him a little break. I haven't gotten any quilting time in, but I am still finishing some exit stuff with the last job, while also working on finding the next one. Hopefully things will be a little less hectic next week and I can fit some sew time in during the day!

            Life is good!

            Sending prayers and good thoughts to all of you!

            Mary Kay


              Mary Kay you sound very positive and I have you and your job search in prayer. But try to do a little quilting! Your work is so beautiful!

              Now I must ask for prayers for my mother. She had chest pains this morning and then vomited and my sister took her to the hospital, no heart attack, but low potassium, and she is over night. Please please pray that she gets out tomorrow and stays well. She is due to come up here in March and I so want some time with her! Is that selfish? I know sometimes couples go together, but we need her here right now. and aside from the dementia she is doing pretty well for 84.


                Joan that is not selfish at all and MaryKay may be you should look in to quilting as your next job you are very good at it and like it right Happy


                  Originally posted by joanrae
                  Now I must ask for prayers for my mother.
                  Added her to my prayer list, Joan!


                    Mary Kay -- Sounds like you have a great attitude. It is never too late to become what you might have been. So take this time to enjoy your family and do what you love most. Everything happens for a reason and I have not doubt that you will come out of this in a better place. You have a very smart husband and I'm glad he is insisting you come to the retreat. I'm so looking forward to meeting you and Dana.

                    Joan -- All the best to you and your mom.

                    -- Deb


                      MaryKay, well I know job hunting is a chore and plays on your emotions but I'm glad you have a cushion of time and a supportive husband. And I love the idea that it's never too late to become what you want to be. I passed a church yesterday that had on its sign "Don't make 2009 all about money." I've been thinking that very thought. That the issues of the day are not necessarily God's agenda for us. So I pray this is an adventurous time with lots of 'Godincidences' and good surprises. Have been and will continue to pray for you.


                        I love that: Godincidinces! (did I spell it right?) You were all in my prayers tonight at mass. I hope this coming week brings all of us much light and love. I have no idea what I mean by that it just came out! Anyway, we all need God's light and love and we know we have it, we just have to 'chill" as my son says and let it come over us!

                        But we need prayer for a priest friend who is in his 80's and they found cancer in his neck and have decided to let God take the course so no treatment, and his nephew, my friend who has been with him his whole life, needs prayers to get through this.

                        And mom is home!! She goes back to the hospital for a stress test tomorrow, but she did not have a heart attack, just low in potassium and so now we need to get her up here!!

                        Thanks for your prayers


                          I agree. You should look at maybe quilting as your next business or career. One you ARE very very good, two you have a very supportive husband, three it is a passion of yours and a natural gift. When you possess something like that you should not over look it so easily. I look at so many people who are in nursing homes or dying and they would say "I wish I would have done..." Don't make that you. Say I followed my heart and it was a ride that I will never forget. Eat the cookie Buy the shoes, LIVE LIFE! Especially if you have a hubby supporting you in it.

                          By the way NO IT IS NOT SELFISH TO want your Mama. I call mine every morning and evry night. Someday she will not be her and I want to tell her I LOVE YOU before her day gets to hetic and before she closes her eyes at night. You never know when she may leave. This way I can always say she knew.

                          Ok I will stop being so weird now just wanted to let everyone know I was alive and thinking of you all :P


                            I got up today with back pain just like when I am going to have a kindey stone pass. I have to go and get blood work done so no breakfast then to the clinic at work for a TB test I hope this is not a kidey stone again Happy


                              Happy, hope it is not a kidney stone!! I want to thank everyone for praying for my Mom. Last report she has not had 'spell' in a week. I am praying for all. Have a great day. Sandi in FL


                                Hi all, I'm checking in to let you all know that my mom passed away peacefully on Saturday night. Her last phases were very quick, she was in very little pain, and she was not afraid. While she fought her cancer, death was not her foe. She was very ready and as she lived with grace and dignity she died the same way. We were (almost) all around her, sang her favorite hymns most of Saturday afternoon. She had been asking for my niece Mary all week, Mary was on a school trip to Africa, and her dad met her at JFK in NY Sat. afternoon and Mary was able to talk to her grandma on the phone a few hours before she died. We all knew Mama was waiting for Mary to get home, so once she knew she was safe and in loving care, Mama could go home to be in the loving care of God.

                                Because I'm so very proud of my mom, and so you can know more about the person you were praying for, here's a link to the obituary: (caution, long!)

                                She's being cremated, and at her request no fancy box or urn, so I was asked if I have some black fabric I could use to cover the box... so my mind raced ahead and I'm making two more paper-pieced cranes, like from the crane quilt, (story here: daily-blog/119-member-stories ) using fabrics from all the grandkids' quilts, to decorate it for burial.

                                I'll be back on the board (and at my sewing machine) after the dust settles... hugs and thanks to you all, Florence


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