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by gjordanI’m trying to learn how to load photos. ...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-25-2021, 09:17 PM -
I am late to the party so I have only completed the 8 Small House 1 units so far. I realize this post is too late for everyone...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-24-2021, 11:30 AM -
by HelenWMost Color My World quilters probably think of you as the trouble shooter for all thing Color My World.
They may not...-
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-23-2021, 06:47 AM -
I moved the first of the year but I had ordered the fabric kit. Now when I opened it i didnt find any directions or the...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-22-2021, 12:38 PM -
by midnight33I’m jumping ahead a bit....made brown fusible bias for tree trunks & now experimenting with dif shapes & fabrics...1 Photo
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-21-2021, 05:37 PM -
by nhbasketsThought I’d start a thread where those of us using wool can post on progress when using this alternative medium for this...2 Photos
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-19-2021, 04:31 PM -
Because I am using a dark background I plan to make lighter coloured trees. I know that the 14 yards of bias tape required...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-17-2021, 07:39 PM -
I can't find anything that mentions about what kind/size needle that is recommended if sewing with 60 wt thread on top and...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-14-2021, 08:04 PM -
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by gjordanI’m trying to learn how to load photos. ...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-25-2021, 09:17 PM -
I am late to the party so I have only completed the 8 Small House 1 units so far. I realize this post is too late for everyone...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-24-2021, 11:30 AM -
by HelenWMost Color My World quilters probably think of you as the trouble shooter for all thing Color My World.
They may not...-
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-23-2021, 06:47 AM -
I moved the first of the year but I had ordered the fabric kit. Now when I opened it i didnt find any directions or the...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-22-2021, 12:38 PM -
by midnight33I’m jumping ahead a bit....made brown fusible bias for tree trunks & now experimenting with dif shapes & fabrics...1 Photo
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-21-2021, 05:37 PM -
by nhbasketsThought I’d start a thread where those of us using wool can post on progress when using this alternative medium for this...2 Photos
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-19-2021, 04:31 PM -
Because I am using a dark background I plan to make lighter coloured trees. I know that the 14 yards of bias tape required...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-17-2021, 07:39 PM -
I can't find anything that mentions about what kind/size needle that is recommended if sewing with 60 wt thread on top and...
Channel: BOM 2021 - Color My World
03-14-2021, 08:04 PM -
The Prayer List
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Brink you just believe in your higher power and call him what you will. My God has many names and I bet he may even go by what you call him. I am sorry to hear that your expierence with a traditional GOD was a bad one. But as long as you would like to be a part of this group you are more then welcome.
Ritzy, Happy, Ann and Florence, I am so happy to hear things are going in the right direction. And Joan thank goodness that you switched insurence and found the new info about your son. It amazes me how things con go so long undiagnosed.
Please pray for my sons they have the week off school and I have been suffering migranes again. I am about ready to KILL THEM :twisted: No seriously they are both struggling with grades and trying so hard. Plus my oldest is dealing with a broken heart. His girlfriend told him that he was husband material not boyfriend material. :roll: :shock: He is 15 and very moody to say the least. Also my one neice who is pregnant is having a difficult time. She is very hormonal. :roll: In other words if you see her RUN :!: :!: :!: She will laugh cry and scream all in one breath. I think she needs an exorcism. :twisted: Her poor boyfriend is a saint. Sorry I have been absent but family and doctors have me running crazy.
- IP
Rachel hang in there! Wish I was closer I'd help you out! I remember the days of migraines and kids, and I finally just said the heck with everything and gave them my total attention. then when we all felt better we'd do dishes together! I am needing a "kid fix" so we will drive out to Ohio to visit Peter next weekend, he is the closest. and then Jeremy will be home soon for spring break! yay!!
My husband and I going to doctor today for blood work, and hopefully more help for my gut.
Love to you all, you are in my prayers.
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Please remember tqs member Soren2go
In leafy Berkshire, south of England.
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Oh my goodness I haven't been on the computer in so long first it had a virus then I had one that I am afraid has gone into pnuemonia. NO I do not want sympathy. I am a foolish idiot that does not know when to stop and take care of myself so I had it coming.ops: I have not been able to check in but I have been praying for everyone. I told my DH that I was going thru TQS site withdrawls. I did want to give a quick update on my family though. My sister is doing much better. She is now on Medicaid and gets a whole $75 a month in foodstamps. She is a very good shopper though and we will be able to stretch it so we are all very greatful. At least she will get her meds. The bundle of bloodvessles in my brothers head is showing signs of shrinkage. And my other brothers leg is healing very nicely. That and both neices that are pregnant are both doing well. Unfortunately I am not will post more later
In leafy Berkshire, south of England.
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Oh Rachel you do have your hands (and heart, and head) full! I've actually been able to be on the site a bit more this week b/c I've had a sinus infection that's literally knocked me on my a... Missed work Monday for the snow, then was sick & left early Tuesday & haven't been back. I've gotten a tiny bit of sewing done but I'm almost afraid to do anything of importance b/c my head is just in a fog & I don't want to screw anything up. But this too shall pass, and all that laundry will still be waiting for me....
In leafy Berkshire, south of England.
- IP
Jordan seems to be doing well but that can't get him placed where he can get the therapy he needs and be close to family. They are trying, once again to find him a place. Please pray. Right now he is more than five hours from anyone. His family does not want him to feel abandoned but it is impossible to travel that far every weekend and still keep their sanity and jobs.
In leafy Berkshire, south of England.
- IP
Florince sorry to hear you have not been up to par I hope you start to feel better soon. And Ritzy that is hard to be so far from the family that is the way it was with my mom she was 3 hours from us in the hospital. I hope and pray things will get better soon I am trying to stay healthy for my surgery in April Happy
In leafy Berkshire, south of England.
- IP
Rachel, please take care of yourself-those boys need their Mom.
Florence, it is so cool that the twins got into college and they'll be together. Don't forget that Keepsake Quilting's in New Hampshire, which is right next to Vermont. You know you'll have to make a stop there.
Hanne-Grete, I think your thoughts are just as good, if not better, than prayers. Just offer them up.
I have a request. My sister-in-law's boyfriend has been diagnosed with stage 4B(I don't know what the B means) lung cancer. As of last night, he was in ICU because they had to collapse his lung to get where they needed to go to do the biopsy. They're only giving him a couple of months. I don't even know what to say to her. They've known each other almost since they were kids; both married and raised families. They started dating 2 or 3 years ago. We were so happy for both of them and we're praying for a miracle.
from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ
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Eileen praying for your sister & boyfriend...lung cancer ain't pretty.
Job update: dh has had 3 interviews in the last month or so. He got a second interview on one and will hear further on the other two within a few weeks. Each position has potential. This one he had the second interview with is something he'd really enjoy. So we'll see what happens over the next couple of weeks.
Thanks for your support through all of this!
Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!
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Eileen I think the hardest thing about someone having cancer is how everyone doesn't know just what to say to the person with the cancer. During my DS's lung cancer 2 years ago I thought the phone would be ringing off the wall after her surgery and chemo, but that isn't what happened. No one wanted to say the wrong thing. What my DS needed was to talk about it...her fears, her hope, her confusion, her pain, but most of all about how she was going to beat this and be well again....her goal was to be a survivor and she wanted support in the form of just talking to people in an everyday way. I was her caregiver for about 8 month's as she went through this and I was the person who heard all the other things she was thinking about. That was a big part of my roll in her cancer treatment. Her Doctor told me to not be afraid to talk about all the issues concerning her surgery and chemo treatments. So my sister and I talked, cried and laughed and she is a survivor.
I pray your DH's daughter is one also. Karen
Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada
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