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The Prayer List

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    The Prayer List

    I know a few of us have had circumstances in which we have reached out to others to ask for help in prayer. So, mabe instead of posting on a blog, it would be helpful to have a section in the Forum for the same topic/request...

    I need to ask for help in prayer again. My Uncle, who was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer/plasma cell cancer just 2 weeks ago, under went his first treatment on Thursday last week. Light flu symptoms were anticipated, and he has had a much more serious reaction and is now in ICU, temp 105.8, infection throughout his body and sedated as the docs try to help him.

    Thank you!

    Mary Kay

    Great idea Mary Kay. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


      Will be sending prayers and positive thoughts your way.

      Pat in Rockport, TX


        Great idea Mary Kay, he's in my prayers. I would like to ask for prayers for J. Her mom is a friend of mine. J has kidney problems and is having surgery on Wednesday.


          Great idea. Will say a prayer for both.


            Sorry about the complications and yes I will pray.

            I love your idea for a prayer thread. I kept one for a small chat loop I'm in and it is very encouraging to read back to see the answers to the prayers. Much more encouraging than watching the evening news which often leaves me feeling tempted to despair. It's great to see positive results.


              Yes, Mary Kay, I will be happy to. And also for "J" and her mom. Please add DH Don who is trying to get his readings right (anti-coagulants for blood clot) so we can resume life once again. Also, I have an x-ray coming up Aug 4, as follow-up for my renal carcinoma last fall. These tests will be approx 6 mos apart; Doc says if it reoccurs, will probably be within 2-1/2 to 3 years. So this is hanging over me. Thanks - Linda


                What a good idea. We support each other in many other ways but this could be a special thread for specific requests. Be sure I'm praying for all who are in need. Gloria


                  I added Linda, Don and "J" to my prayer list!

                  And I hope that anyone needing a little support will just add it to this chain!

                  Mary Kay


                    Mary Kay -- I'm glad you suggested this place for the prayer requests. I also have one.

                    Our awesome DD (who is in the pic with me) broke her foot the end of her Junior year in high school. For those of you who know what this is she had a Jones' Fracture. Yep! Not fun -- she has since had two surgeries. She plays soccer and is such a great athlete that still got full ride athletic scholarships to college. She is now facing a third surgery. She hasn't been in any pain for 2 1/2 years and in May her foot just started killing her. The doctor is suspecting tendon and nerve damage. After several attempts at therapy, the pain is still unbearable and tomorrow we will make the decision with the doctor. She will red shirt this fall, but may never play again.

                    She is such a wonderful person and doesn't deserve this. But that is life. I know.

                    Thanks TQS members.

                    Sharon in HOT Colorado


                      I like the idea of a prayer thread. I will for one pray for those mentioned. Just so that it is not all bogged down with bad news right from the start. For those of you who knew about my friend who was in the horrible accident with the frontal lobe head injury. She came home friday. She has some memory issues. But other then believing she is 11 years old instead of 23, from time to time. She is alright the only one having a hard time adjusting to things is her fiance. When he tries to kiss her she tells him he is old. Thank God though it could have been so much worse. Rachel


                        More prayers coming your way, from hot, humid Texas! I like this idea very much.

                        What a cute daughter, Sharon. Do hope the medical team can repair the damage and let her play again. But the thing I pray the most for I guess is that she be allowed to become pain free!

                        Love to all the rest of you with prayer needs!


                          Lynn and all -- thanks so much -- you know I didn't mean to just emphasize the sports, she also has to use that foot for the rest of her life and it would help to be pain free.

                          Thanks again all -- I will post tomorrow what is decided.



                            Mary Kay I will send out prayers that your uncle tempature will come down to the regular temp.and that the chemo will not make him so ill and that things will improve soon for him.

                            Frances, I will send out prayers that your dear friend gets through kidney surgery well and that she will be recoverying soon with out alot of pain.

                            Linda, I'll be sending out prayers that Don's blood clot will clear up soon and that he will be feeling much better.

                            Sharon,I'll be sending out prayers for your daughter foot to heal up soon so she can enjoy all the things she loves in sports,soon.

                            Rachel,I'll be sending out prayers that your friends head injury heals soon and she can get back to normal as before soon.

                            I would also like to send out afew more prayers to afew our very dear friends here

                            Frances, that her foot heals up completely with out giving her any problems down the road.

                            Amber, prayers that she is recovering well at home after her heart surgery and that she will be up running soon feeling good,and that she never has any future problems with her heart.

                            Ann who has been struggling with blood indifitioncies. (sp) prayers that she will feel better soon and that she doesn't have to have blood transfusions to reach this level of feeling good.

                            There are so many here that I think about that have been having struggles in thier lives. ((So if I didn't mention you know you are "all" in my prayers.))

                            I send out prayers that Ricky has no more troubles with his heart and that the heart surgery he has had in the pass has fixed him for good health for life.

                            I pray that the ones that have Fybromyalgia,will find a balance that will always find them living a life with quality with out the need of meds.

                            You're always in my prayers, May God Bless you & yours always.
                            Love, Kathy


                              I will keep all your intentions in my prayers. I ask that you pray for Laurie. She's had breast cancer, a reconstruction that didn't take and now she's got some kind of lesion on the chest wall. Since she's had so much chemo and radiation, if it is cancer, she can't have any more. She had a PET scan last Wednesday and we're all waiting to hear the result.

                              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


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