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    Ann, I am sorry to hear that you have been unwell again. I had missed you on the members blog and forum. I hope that now you have a diagnosis that things will improve and that you will be able to enjoy the holiday. Love and hugs Pam in mild UK.

    In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


      Oh Ann, that is so frustrating! Hoping it clears up quickly and doesn't do more to spoil your holidays. Between the oven and now the colitis, I think you've been sabotaged in the food department. Feel better. Praying for you. Did I tell I saw on my trip a sign on a church that said "God is good all the time?!"


        Ann I hope you are feeling better soon now get some rest Happy


          Anne- thank goodness you have a diagnosis. Now I just have one request "get better quick" :lol:
          Florence- Hang in there. Just keep praying and remember you have lots of people out there that love ya that are praying for you tonight.
          Joan- I am glad that the service was a healing one. Remember to take care of yourself though. If you don't then you are no good to anybody. I am happy to hear the positive sound of your notes it makes me a lot less worried.
          ***Please everyone don't forget to pray for Katz she may still be in the hosp. I don't know but either was colitis or whatever it is she has bowel wise is not pleasant.
          ***Again I ask that you all remember my sister's family. They are still having such a hard time of it. My neice had a car accident the other day. No major injuries to her, but it cost over $200.00 to get her towed to the nearest garage. WHAT A RIP OFF! Oh well the tow truck guy has to feed his family too. At least that is what I told my sister :lol: . I paid the bill. She promised to pay me back and I just told her that when I need to be towed the next time she pays :P . All I know is the rest of this year and the first week of next year it is left over ham and cheap hot dogs for dinner with mac and cheese. It is a good thing it is my kids favorite foods. :lol: Happy NEW YEAR ALL


            Ann, am praying for your speedy recovery!


              Yes, Ann, get well soon! I'm praying for you. Judy in Torrance


                Ann, I am so sorry to hear about your current health issues! I'm praying!!!


                  Oh Ann, I kinda get how ya feel. Feel better soon!!!


                  Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


                    Hi all, we are back from the Florida trip. It was good to be there for Christmas, now I think we are home for awhile! Ann I hope this note finds you feeling better, freeze some cookies for when you can eat!!
                    Thanks everyone for your prayers. Don't know when mom will come up here, so I've decided not to do anything about it until God lets me know. I think I need a rest from these past three months anyway!
                    You are all in my prayers every night. Let's have a Happy New Year good health and good friends by our sides.


                      Several weeks ago Bob talked with someone he knows about a position - the money wasn't quite what we need so he didn't apply. (He knows this woman through his former job.) Anyway, he decided to give her a call yesterday to see if the position is still open. She was just looking for his info to give him a call. Seems as though the position is being re-written and will include more money. Bob sent his resume off to her as they talked and she's going to work on setting up the interview with the guy in charge of the department.
                      Please keep this in prayer - it would be a good position with good possibilities and would allow me some flexibility being able to really pursue a career in quilting.


                      Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


                        Sending prayers, Teri! Let us know how it goes! Mary Kay


                          Thanks for all the prayers and encouragement. I am feeling much better although stamina is still an issue. ( and I am not one to stay still for long so it is frustrating) I think the antibiotics and anti-diarhhea medication are finally doing the job. I have been able to participate in most of my normal routine for the last three days but sewing or long concentrated projects still wear me out. Today's goal is to clean up the mess I made when I fell and the rest of the sewing room. Then maybe actually quilting will be next on the list. Thanks again, Happy New Year, Hugs and love to all of you. Ann


                            So glad to hear that you are feeling better Ann! Ease back into your groove!

                            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                              I hope the recovery continues Ann. I'm glad you feel a little better now.
                              Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                                I've been praying for you guys Teri. This sounds very promising. I hope all goes well.
                                Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


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