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    Oh Sharon, I just read your posting, I have been busy taking care of mom and dad in Florida. I hope you will soon be up and about. I had some similar surgery April 2007, they called it a vaginal sling and the urologist and gyn doctors were both in there tying and pulling things up! after three big babies I was falling out both ends! It took me awhile to feel better, and I am hoping you will soon be back to your ol' self too!
    Take care


      Sharon, I just got caught up and read about all your troubles. I am so sorry you've had to go through all this! I will be praying for a speedy and complete recovery.


        Sharon I am glad to hear that you are on the mend fortunately a bladder infection is not all that uncommon and a real easy fix. Unfortunately you have to endure the pain of it. I am so happy that todays doctors have the knowlege they do. Imagine what you would have had to endure as little as 50 years ago.
        Gram, I am so sorry to hear about your SIL boss' family. Thier grief is tremendous. Hopefully several other young and old drivers will take care when driving that road. Just in rememberence of them. Who knows maybe their death will save several others.
        I did want to let you all know that I am still here. My DAD is in quite a bit of pain but he came through surgury fine. He is home now and my brothers and I have been helping as much as possible. I have been ordered to no longer touch him because of my back. I am to give instructions only. like that is helpful :roll:
        well next is Scott's knee surgury . I am still praying for all of you. Unfortunately it is a bit generic and for that I am sorry. But I have not been able to get to the computer or the sewing machine very often this past month :x ops: and even if I could I couldn't move my one arm anyway
        God Bless Rachel


          Please continue to pray for Soren2go and her son, Stephen (Read her latest blog). It sounds so grim - only God can turn this into a blessing, whether that means a cure, or something else. They definitely need His strength and guidance in this journey.


            Soren2go also says they're in the area of the California fires! Please pray for that situation, as well.


              I think every one in Calf needs our prays


                Please pray for our California firefighters, they work so very hard for us. So many homes lost, so very sad but so far no deaths, thank God.

                JoAnne in southern California


                  JoAnne, I remember how beautiful Montecito was even 50 years ago when I attended UCSBC. Can't imagine it burning. The estates back then were beautiful. Judy in AZ


                    JoAnne, Yes, I have been thinking about the fires and hope and pray it doesn't get any worse. We lived in San Diego for 17 years, evacuated during the last two wildfires, so I remember it well. My son is still in LA, said no fires there, but very hot and dry. I wish I could send them all some of the cold rain we are having here in Burke VA! This is my first winter here, brrrr!


                      Rachel, I was in bed for 5 months this year and the could not sit up for long enough to come to the TQS and read the blogs and Forums so I know how you are feeling. Prayers for you and your family to get thru this very trying season.


                        Originally posted by joanrae
                        JoAnne, Yes, I have been thinking about the fires and hope and pray it doesn't get any worse. We lived in San Diego for 17 years, evacuated during the last two wildfires, so I remember it well. My son is still in LA, said no fires there, but very hot and dry. I wish I could send them all some of the cold rain we are having here in Burke VA! This is my first winter here, brrrr!
                        Joan, we would sure love some of that cold rain right now! I live in Diamond Bar and that's the latest city threatened by the fires. I think we're about 5 miles northwest from one part of the fire and about that distance northeast of another part. It's really weird hearing the firefighting aircraft overhead at the same time as I see them on the tv news. The firefighters are "cautiously optimistic".

                        Joan, I do wish I could send you some of our 80 degree weather!

                        JoAnne in a very smoky southern California


                          Hi everybody, just wanted to let you all know that things are getting better.

                          I had to stay an extra day after the surgery because of the pain. Because of my fibro, I feel pain more intensely than most people, so I was in a lot of pain and questioning the sanity of the whole operation. Now I can see that the surgery is working and it's so much better than the way things used to be.

                          Thank you all for your prayers.

                          For everybody who is going through trials and challenges, I pray that God will meet all your needs according to His will.

                          Have a great week, Sharon in TN


                            Sharon I'm so glad things are getting better. I've been praying for you.
                            Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                              Sharon glad to hear that everything worked out for you I hope that it will be getting better Happy Good Luck
                              Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                                I have fibromyalgia too, I understand about the pain! I just bump a table or something and the pain just radiates throughout my whole body! I will pray for a quick recovery for you.

                                Yes, I worry about all my friends and my son, out there in SO-CAL, as he calls it! Christopher is in LA and last night told us he can feel the heat and see the smoke and red skies. We need to pray for more rain on the west coast!



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