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The Prayer List

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    Annis I will keep your sister in my prayers and Syliva you know that this can work out I hear of a man that was give 4 months he lived 2 years it is just a date no one but the man up stairs know when things will happen god bless all of you.

    T let you all know my surgery went well I in bed because I have a stent in and it si painfull to sit so I have been laying in bed I am on oxycodone for the pain and I can take the stent out on Sunday well that all take care Happy


      Great Happy. Glad it is going well - well, except for the pain.


        Sylvia, I'm so sorry to hear of your struggle. How good to know you are responding to all the treatment. For years, doctors were pushed to come up with a number about survival, but it's just a guess. And you are proving that the guess was wrong !

        Are you still caregiving for your mother and mother in law ?

        I certainly hope you are able to get all the rest you need.

        If you are up for a cup of tea, just let me know. I think we're pretty close to each other if my memory is correct.

        I'm always glad to help folks with medical research if they need it, too. Otherwise, if you just need a break, we can talk about quilting !



          Hi Sue~
          Great to hear from you. We had to put both Moms in nursing homes last January when we got the news. We couldn't care for them. They are both adjusting. It turned out to be a good thing because my mother in law is in advance stages of dememtia now and my mother was just diagnosed with Altzheimers.
          I would love for you to come over. I am in Goffstown. I am scheduled for chemo on Monday so I will e-mail you on Tuesday unless my numbers are too low again and they send me home, then I'll shoot you an e-mail on Monday. I am suppose to have chemo every 3 weeks but my body cannot handle it so it is sometimes 6-7 weeks apart.
          I don't get out much these days because of all the germs out there and my blood count being so low. I cannot get sick or I'll be in big trouble. I would love your company.
          Thank you for the offer.



            I have said prayers for each of those requesting help from above. I will continue to keep you in my prayers.

            Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


              Sylvia, Happy and everyone, you are all in my prayers. My aunt tells me we are all going through a time of purification.
              God bless


                My mother-in-law just sent this email: a cleaning service for people going thorugh chemo


                I hope it is true and works for you all who need it.



                  My sister-in-law looked on snopes:

                  "As described above the Cleaning for a Reason Foundation is a non-profit agency that "offers free professional housecleaning and maid services to improve the lives of women undergoing treatment for cancer— any type of cancer." Since 2007, the Texas-based group has been connecting cancer patients in the United States and Canada with cleaning firms who offer their services for free to cancer patients, and as of November 2009 their partners had cleaned upwards of 2,000 homes at an estimated donated cost of $350,000. Cleaning for a Reason fields about 325 calls per month and currently has 604 cleaning partners throughout the fifty states and four Canadian provinces. "


                    Well after pulling the stent out this morning I was so much pain Mark had to take me back to the ER one of the stones went to the bladder and there is still a big one in the kidney so I am on stornger pain meds and still in bed and getting very sick of this I miss my sewing room


                      Oh, Happy, I'm so sorry you are going through this---I've had kidney stones too----I hope the pain killers make you comfortable. Does your doctor use the ultrasound that blasts the stones into pieces ? Just another way to get rid of them. Praying for wisdom for you all !



                        Thank you for mentioning 'Cleaning for a Reason', and posting the description. This is one of the things I had to let the house. I do the bare essentials and it is getting to me. I will definitely look into it.
                        Thanks, Sylvia


                          Sylvia, I'm glad it's for real! Good luck and prayers going out to you.


                            I had my 10th chemo treatment yesterday and all went well.
                            Thank you for all the prayers.



                              Sylvia, it's hard to see the housework undone--hope you can get some help. I'm glad your chemo is going well. Happy, can they do lithrotripsy on the stone in your kidney? I had that done and it's not bad at all. The stone gets broken up in the kidney like a little jackhammer is working on it! I hope they do something for you quickly. I'm praying for you all. Judy in Torrance


                                Hi All~~
                                I just wanted to thank everyone who prayed for me. I got my CT scan results yesterday and the news was not what I was hoping for. The chemo has stopped working and the tumors are growing again. The MD's are going to give my body a 2-3 month break because I've been in chemo for a year.Then I'll have another scan before trying a different drug. It was a tough day yesterday. Today is a little better. The news has sunk in. I will pick myself up and forge forward with determination again. I apprecaite all prayers!! Sylvia


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