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The Prayer List

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    Thanks for the updates everyone. Glad to hear most are progressing well. I was up late last night and heard the dire warnings to evacuate in Ike's path and doubled my prayer effort. Watching and waiting for this storm to be over and dissipate. Be safe all of you in that area. I guess the rest of us need to go fill up our gas tanks.


      Thanks for the prayer list summary Ritzy. I feel all caught up and thankful for the good outcomes. I will continue to pray earnestly for those who still need another dose.

      Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


        Ritzy Thanks for asking Philip is better but BIL has not found a job I get hope he will get one soon
        Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


          Ritzy, my back is much better. In fact, I finished physical therapy yesterday. Thanks for the prayers.

          We are going to receive really bad wind from Ike. I'm praying for everyone else in the wake of Ike. Everyone take care.

          Happy Quilting,

          Shiner TX



            Thank you for getting updates,I'm happy to hear Katie is feeling some better,just keep an eye on her fever. I'm a big worry wart and I go to pieces and my mind starts activating at times like these, you know; the "what ifs" plays in mind. so please keep us up dated.
            I'm happy to hear Jordon is doing better,I pray he continues to improve.

            Cecille is doing great,still no monkey bars! Give her another two weeks and she will be at it,she is counting down the days.

            I hope that Morgan test result shows healing and she has out grown this Kidney reflux. Our Allix 4 had stomach reflux for a year and has out grown this. So I pray that Morgan news will be the same.

            I hope that you all are a safe distance from Ike, my prayers go out to all that are effected by the floods in New Orleans and else where. Please Be safe.

            I Want you all to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

            Happy Quilting,

            Shiner TX


              Just need another quick set of prayers for my Mom, she was supposed to be discharged from Hopkins last Thursday, and only then got the bad news that she would have to wait a few more days. She's developed another, different rash, which again may be Graft-vs-Host disease so they had to biopsy it to find out... results won't be back until Monday. So I came to Baltimore today to relieve my big sis, who of course also thought SHE would be home Thursday. If she gets released Monday I'll pack up the rest of the apartment & drive her home, if not, little sis is prepared to drive down from NJ for the duration, or until next weekend, whichever comes first :wink:
              So now we're dealing with both a painful-itchy rash AND disappointment.
              But tonight we got to look out the windows at a fireworks display from Ft. McHenry commemmorating the battle which spawned the Star Spangled Banner! When you can't really go anywhere, fireworks are a real treat!
              Happy Quilting,

              Shiner TX



                Prayers for your mom and family are on their way. Hope all comes out well, and she gets to come home.

                Margarita in Auburn, CA
                Happy Quilting,

                Shiner TX


                  Good to hear all the updates. Glad so many are doing well. Hope everyone has weathered Ike well. Florence, I'll pray for your mom.
                  Judy in Torrance


                    Florence, the disappointment is very understandable. Your mother has been thru so much. I am praying for the rash to go away and the graft is accepted and she can finally leave the hospital.


                      Well, I haven't heard how Kate is doing but since they are running around I have to assume her fever is gone. Called to wish her big sister Happy Birthday and she sounded sick.

                      Jordan is out of intensive care but is still running a fever. They said he has a bacterial infection.


                        Farmers, at church yesterday, said that with all the rain--over 7" in some places--if we get the high winds they are calling for--they will lose their corn crops. With the ground so wet, the corn will just fall over and rot. They won't be able to harvest.


                          It is mind boggling how far reaching this storm is. I am thinking of and praying that everyone is safe.


                            Hey all I haven't been MIA just boys and parents have been keeping me very busy. Steve hasn't had surg yet but scot does the monday before thanksgiving. We are very thankful he finally got a date. Dr. said even if he loses his ins. again she is doing the surg otherwise he will lose the leg. She will find someone to assist her to do it probono. :P She is a very nice lady.


                              You all have been in my prayers. I have to ask for yours. My sister is the primary caregiver for mom and dad, and dad is wearing her out. He is 86 and is not in the best shape and he gives everyone hell everyday. Mom has dementia, and he gets frustrated with everything and everybody. I will be taking care of them Oct 15-Nov 8 (so I will need your prayers too!) and we just need some peace in the family. Telling my sister he's getting old (86) is not enough to help her. So we need some prayers for him to help him realize he is blessed with a family who has not thrown him away and who cares to keep him well. He needs to find peace with his situation. Florida here I come!


                                Oh boy what a handfull you all have. I'll be praying for strength and peace for you and the family.
                                Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


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