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    PLease keep my sister and her DH in your prays he has not been able to find a job yet. She just had knee replacement done and can not stand or work more than 30 mins because her ankel swells she has RA and the medican is vering costley I hope he can get something soon Happy


      Morning all. Mom's surgery went well. The doctor reiterated that her bone are very fragile. She is talking about going into rehab--which would help me--but I don't know how long she will last. Please pray for her depression to dissipate enough for her to get strong. Thank you for all your prayers and good wishes--God bless.


        Happy and Ritzy. I will pray for both your situations. And in both situations, praying for hope to grow.


          Im happy to hear you are doing so much better and that you found great Dr's. I'm hoping the vampires stay away from you and that Dr. finds the pattern and that he can fix this through meds. Keep the good faith and know we are thinking of you.

          Wishing your DS a fast recovery through her knee surgery. Hope her DH can find a job soon. Knowing its very stressful through the time of having health problems makes it harder to heal so you need to stress that taking care of herself is very important for healing. I'm Wishing her a fast complete recovery.

          Happy to hear your mothers surgery went well. I hope she will recovery soon and feel better. I think its very stressful for her to be down like this and needing to depend on her children at this time. I'm wishing her a stress free speedy recovery. Gotta spoil her alittle with her favorite treats.

          (( My thoughts and prayers go out to you everyone))

          Hugzzz,Love Kathy


            Morning, mom told the doctor she wanted to go to rehab, something the visiting nurse suggested, so she has been moved to a care center to get the rehab she needs. I don't think she understood, as I didn't know until this morning when I talk to the care center, that she cannot go home until the doctor releases her. I don't expect she is going to be happy even though I know this is what is best for her to build up her strength, since her ultimate goal is to be able to live by herself again. Please continue to pray for her and me as I feel guilty.


              Praying for you and your mom, ritzy. Sometimes it's hard to be the daughter, huh? Hang in there friend.


                At least you know she is in the right place to get what she needs to get her strength back. It must be hard on both of you but maybe motivating for her to get out of there. I'll keep you all in my prayers.
                Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                  Stopped to see mom today and she was in good spirits. She dressed herself and got up and walked a bit. Doesn't seem to be in as much pain as she was before the second surgery. Thank you for your prayers and hugs. She hasn't started her PT yet--hope her good mood lasts.
                  Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                    Ritzy do not take to hard it will be go for your Mom to be there you never know she may end up liking it she will be able to be with people her age and be able to talk to different people. you need some time for your self I know what you are feel like I went throw the same thing with my mom it will be ok Happy
                    Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                      Ritzy - Glad to hear that you Mom is doing ok! Hang in there!

                      I found out last night that my sister-in-law, Renee, has finished up all her tests in Virgina and the docs say that she needs no further treatment/surgery regarding the lumps on her pituitary glands - great news, as they just weren't sure after finding them during her thyroid surgery. While back in th states, the docs also helped her with her sleep apnea (I am not spelling correctly!). So all is well! Thank, God!

                      I also found out that the reason that she had to come back to the states to see the doctors is that a) there wasn't the right specialist in Italy (where the family is based), and b) the troops coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan really take precedence at the US Army hospital in Germany.... so coming back to a military hospital in Virgina was the closet choice.

                      Now I'll switch my prayers back to her hubby, who heads back to Afghanistan where he is forward deployed on a NATO staff.

                      Thanks for your prayers for Renee!

                      Mary Kay


                        Glad to hear things are going well for some of you, and will keep all of you in prayer. I've been busier than usual, didn't know that was possible! Mama is doing well but still tires easily, we're hearing it could be 12 months before she's really back 100%, but she's a very patient patient. Now, my Dad is doing water-rehab for his hip, and has begun radiation for prostate. Seems to be ok so far, only one week in, 7 more to go...
                        I've been up to my ears in my latest project--getting the twins thinking about college. We've done a couple of tours and are embarking tomorrow on a 4-day, 1000-mile circuit around Va., looking at about 18 or so colleges! They couldn't eliminate any from consideration, so off we go! Now's when I wish they DID drive, I can imagine LOTS of sewing time, but... wish me luck and pray for good traffic!


                          I've said a prayer for all of you and your families--God hears us and He loves us! Judy in Torrance


                            I'm finally getting caught up with all or most of you.

                            Glad to hear your Mom is doing well Ritzy. That sandwich generation stuff if really challenging. I remember when my Dad was moving into the wheelchair stage how tough it would be to take him grocery shopping because of lifting the chair into and out of the trunk - and I had back problem history and had had surgery myself.

                            I felt so guilty when I felt the resentment - it's a confusing time for both of you so go easy on yourself.

                            Maybe this is the RIGHT treatment to get her independent again! Wouldn't that be wonderful?

                            And for all of the rest of you with family members being challenged in Italy and the jobless couple with health issues and all the mom's with health problems.

                            God Bless all of you.


                              Ann, what great news! Really great! Isn't it such a relief when we can get MDs who will work together? I now have that and it is such a comfort.

                              Tell Betty and Dale "hi" from us.



                                Florence glad to hear from you I am happy to hear the good news about your parents good luck with the twins Stephanie is taking the SAT today then has volley ball game Mark is meeting up with Daniela to shop for my birthday it is in two fridays I will be at work but have fun with the twins Happy


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