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The Prayer List

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    Another favorite--"The best thing to make for dinner is reservations."

    Pat in Rockport, TX


      I have a saying about smiles " Smile it makes people wonder what you're up to." That and " smile it increases your face value."
      Here's a prayer request I have a new printer and I am ready to take a baseball bat to it. It cost a lot of money so pray I figure out what I am doing wrong with it.( ops: :lol: :twisted: :!: :lol: )


        I can't remember the exact quote, but it went something like...

        Maintaining a positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

        Pat in Rockport, TX


          we're still waiting for a call from the place my husband had an interview last week. The call to let us know if he has the position or not should have come yesterday. This is very challenging. As a married couple we've never been out of work.

          I am praying for everyone with their various situations.


          Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


            Sending a prayer your way Teri. I hope he gets the job.

            Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


              I will pray, too, Teri. That's a very uncomfortable place to be. But God knows your needs and he will meet you there - just trust! If not this job, then something better...
              In the realms of jobs, my DH has to take a test for the Arkansas Contractor's License. He cannot begin the project here in Arkansas until he gets it, even though he's been a contractor in Wisconsin for over 30 years. He's not a book-type-of-guy, and the studying is getting to both of us! Test is on Sept. 20. Please pray that he will (1) understand the material, (2) have good recall at test time, (3) pass the test, and (4) anything else you think is appropriate! Thanks.
              Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                Teri I know this is a very hard time for you and DH. I am praying for you and hoping you have little bits of encouragement to keep you strong during this time. Now phone ring, please.

                And Linda praying for brain cells to get active LOL. I remember going thru training many moons ago for the airlines. They gave us 2 4inch thick books to read/memorize before training even started. Oye I worked hard. I hope he can be patient with himself.


                  Call DGD Kate to wish her happy birthday and she is sick. 102-103* temp. the last two days. Please pray for her. Thank you.


                    I responded to your prayer request on your Member Blog, then thought to look here. I'm glad you posted in both places! Praying that Kate recovers quickly from her illness and that the Lord protects her and keeps her.


                      Thank you--I sure do appreciate all you prayer "warriors". You warm my heart.



                        Kate is on my prayers.

                        Margarita in Auburn, CA


                          Please add all of us on the Texas coast to the prayer list. This is a huge storm and will more than likely affect us all. We're running to San Antonio to stay with a friend, and will leave tomorrow after lunch. Had planned on leaving Friday, but the outer bands of this enormous storm will be coming on shore then.

                          Pat in Rockport, TX


                            Pat you have my prayers. I'm so very glad y'all are evacuating and that you didn't wait till the last minute! Too many folks make that mistake and end up stuck on a highway. :shock: Take care!
                            Sherry in S MS


                              Yes, even tho Houston (and we are in S.W. Houston) is usually far enough in-land (30-60 miles) we don't worry toooooo much. But with all the building and drainage changes from year to year, one doesn't have the guarantee that just because it didn't flood 20 years ago, doesn't mean it won't this year. And of course that is just the rain from above in that case. Then there is the rising water from the gulf - for those closer to the shore, that's another whole story.

                              And then there is wind damage. Just how much do we need to plan for, that is the question? When it's blowing 100 mph, alot more is at risk than just the loose stuff on your patio and porch.

                              Prayers for safety and wisdom coveted here on the Texas Gulf Coast this weekend.

                              As our old preacher used to say, Pat, - Mercy Journeys to you!



                                I continue to pray for everyone in the line of these storms.
                                Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


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