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The Prayer List

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    Carla I know what you are going throw My brother coded and was dead for 19 mins they got him back it was due to the vioxxen medacition need he still has problem he was just back in the hospital he is 63 Happy


      You got it, Carla! We'll be thinking about you and the family and sending good thoughts your way! Mary Kay


        Carla, you and DH are in my thoughts!!!


          Carla, Said a prayer and am thinking good thoughts about your husbands health.
          Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


            Carla all kinds of thoughts and prayers going your way. You aren't a hipa crit (I know spelling) I pray for almost everyone. :lol:
            Well here is a quick update on Elijah. All test are normal. No parasites, no stones, no hernia, and no obstructions. Gallblader and liver are fine. Blood work is good. Pain still persist though not as frequent. His birthday was yesterday. He ate like a pig and suffered today. He said it was worth it though he had seafood. :roll: :lol:
            Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


              Thank u all for ur support. We have the best community here. Hubby came through his stenting so far just fine. He had TWO stents placed and if he continues to do well he will go home tomorrow.



                My prayers are with you, MK, Rachel, Ritzy, Carla, and everyone who I may have missed naming. It is great that we have this prayer chain to turn to when things aren't always their brightest.

                Today, I will turn to all of you too. Today is my Dad's B-day, and he's been gone since January. Please keep my Mom in your prayers, she's not quite herself since he passed away. And this is another one of those days that we all need to live through while missing our loved ones. Thank you all in advance for all your prayers, I always tell my mom that TQS is my other family!


                  Yippee Linda! Dang I'm getting cocky about how many positive answers we get to our prayers (duck!) just kidding Lord. ops:


                    Liiddz, I know what u mean about ur mom. We are going thru the same thing with my mom. Dad has been gone for just over a year and she really cannot accept or deal with that. I hope each day gets a bit easier for u and ur loved ones.



                      Carla, I don't know how but I missed reading your request for your husband yesterday. But praying now for recovery and solution to the problem. And Rachel, praying that the problem will present itself so your son can get a fix too.


                        (( You 'everyone' are in my thoughts and prayers ))

                        Love,Hugzzz, Kathy


                          God Bless each and everyone,youre always in my thoughts and prayers. Kathy


                            Carla, so glad things went well for your husband. Liiddz, I said a prayer for your family--the Lord will comfort you and as the years go by, the "day" won't be so painful. My Dad passed away in 1992 and the heartache has been replaced with all the sweet memories. Judy in Torrance


                              thank you all for your dad seems to be doing better. I am in Palm Coast, FLorida with my mom and it is so strange to be just the two of us, and she is still confused as to why she had to leave dad and why he's not home yet. but we are doing fine, she is cutting fusible pieces for a quilt. I told dad that we were making a quilt and he said "but I can't eat that" so I think he is on the mend! my brother and sister are down in Miami with him.


                                Liiddz - Sending {{{HUGS}}} and prayers your way! Mary Kay


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