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The Prayer List

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    Linda I'm so glad that your daughter's feeling more rested and brighter. I've been keeping her in my prayers. Hope you can ever get home again. Thank goodness for well placed family so you can stop when you need repairs and whatnot.
    Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


      Woohoo, glad Lisa is doing better. My SIL, Veronica, has the same problem so please hold her up in prayer.
      Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


        Thanks all, you are all great friends. I like the comment about a wagon train to Arkansas - that's exactly what it feels like! :roll: No hand-sewing on this trip, I'm afraid. It's traveling way too rough. Did have a wonderful visit here, though. Youngest son came from Eau Claire with his family and we had a wonderful afternoon with 7 of our 11 grandchildren! Guess the Lord wanted to shower us with one more blessing on this trip. OK with me!
        Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


          Rachael, thinking about you and wondering how you are feeling? Still staying "off" Nancy Grace?


            I'm thinking about and praying for each of you and your families. Please add my nephew Kevin to your list. He has had a couple of seizures this week and they think he might have a form of epilepsy. He has further test Monday. He recently married and has a wife and stepdaughter to support and money was tight and losing work is adding stress that he doesn't need right now. Sandy


              Please say a pray for my youngest son Philip he has been sick for 3 days now they did blood work he has had a fever for 2 days and has had 2 lumps on his neck for aweek thanks Happy


                Just a quick note on something I read yesterday - "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1).

                I was thinking yesterday that faith is what keeps this list going.... there is no need to see the evidence (we are spread out all over the globe with connection through the Internet), we just keep adding requests when needed, as faith is the only evidence needed to know that prayers are answered and miracles do happen.


                  Well said, Mary Kay.


                    Sandy how's Kevin doing today? And Harriett, Philip? Been thinking so much of these two young men this weekend.


                      Mary Kay, well said! Please say a prayer for quick healing to my back. Keeping y'all in my prayers. Take care, WandaM
                      Happy Quilting,

                      Shiner TX


                        Originally posted by WandaM
                        Mary Kay, well said! Please say a prayer for quick healing to my back. Keeping y'all in my prayers. Take care, WandaM
                        You are on my list, Wanda! Have you gotten any advice from your doctor or physical therapist on how to get your back healthy again? I would think if you are following a good care regime, you should be able to get your back healthy again. Don't let this get you down!!! Hang in there!!! Mary Kay


                          Praying for all of the above listed needs.


                            Please add my friends Alan and Lois to your prayer lists. Lois just had a cancerous ovary removed and although the surrounding biopsies were negative she will start chemo therapy in a week or so. Alan has continuing problems with his feet and legs and will probably need surgery again on his feet. So being each other's caregivers has become even more of a challenge and their winter sojourn in Texas has been cancelled and they will spend another year in the cold north country. For us retirerees who love the warm weather that is enough challenge without the health issues. Thanks Prayers help. I know. Ann


                              Kevin is doing about the same just scared to death. I still think of him as a kid even though he is 34 years old. He goes to the doctor tomorrow for tests and they won't start him on any medication until they are sure what they are dealing with.


                                Hello everyone,
                                It has been a busy week. First figured out what one problem was the pharmacy cut one of my meds by half a dose but didn't tell me that it was half dose. I know I am a nurse I should read the bottle. I thought it was weird that so many pills were in the bottle. That was as far as the thought went though. Yes I am still grounded from Nancy Grace ops: :roll: Mainly because the main story is about a missing Florida girl who is 2. I keep yelling at the TV. DH says I am not helpng them find her. :roll: I have had some good news this week. I was approved for the medical portion of Social Security. Now I have to be approved for the non-medical portion. :?: What ever that means. :?: Either way things are moving in forward.
                                To those of you who have loved ones suffering from post partum. Get them lots of sun light. Have them continue taking their pregnancy vitamins. Most of all though do not judge them for thier fears or thier desires. I have a friend that refused to go with her son on his 5th grade feild trip to Niagra Falls, because from the time he was born she wanted to throw him off a cliff. I was the only one she ever voiced this to. She was ashamed and embaraced. She loved her son very very much but just wanted to watch him fall for some reason. We talked about why she had these feelings. Got them out into the open and let her vent them so she could acknowlege them without judgement. After she let them out the desire wasn't so strong and she was able to laugh about it with out feeling guilty. Now he is 17 and a smart a** : I asked her the other day How that cliff was looking now. We both started laughing.


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