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    Lynn, DH and I have never regretted "over preparing" for a storm. With high winds lose of electricity is a real concern. Flashlights, batteries, and candles are good to have. We discovered, though, that if the house is hot candles only make it worse. If you use a well for water start filling up containers now. If an evacuation is ordered or even suggested please don't hesitate! Your house is important but personal safety is the priority! A lesson learned from Katrina: Don't trust flood zone maps.

    Everyone BE SAFE!!!

    Sherry in S MS
    Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


      I am thinking of all my friends on the TX coast and you are in my prayers! Mary Kay


        One more thing, just in case the local water supply is impaired, we will fill both bathtubs with water before we leave, so we will have flushing water for the toilets. Now it looks like the storm may pass further east, good for us, but not good for those further east. It's really difficult to tell what it's going to do, so we have the weather channel on all the time today.

        Pat in Rockport, TX


          For anyone in the path of Ike, take care of yourselves and your pets. Stay safe. At one point we thought we might get some rain from Ike.
          Judy in AZ


            We are in the path. The saying is "Run from the water, hide from the wind." The forecast at this moment for us is 80-plus mile per hour sustained winds in our zip code. We will be hiding in a walk-in closet I am afraid. I am sure we will lose electricity. When they can restore it would be the big question.


            It gets crazy during a hurricane. DH managed to fill the van up with gas at 6:30 AM and the lines were beginning even then.

            I was at the grocery at 7:15 AM and it was already crowded and crazy. I was 25th in line to check out and there were atleast 20 more behind me. We have gas in our cars and all our supplies plus a lot of food that would sustain us for a week.I am not saying it is the best food... but it will still be appreciated. LOL.I also loaded up on dog food and parrot food, and treats and toys for them all also. It gets confusing for them also.

            DH and DS stored everything from outdoors that they could in the garage. so the outside areas are secured. Tomorrow we will move a lot of things away from windows as there is a big risk of them breaking. (No, we taped windows once---and spent 6 months scraping the heated residue-goo off- never ever again!) I will be packing my Bernina and storing it in a safe closet. All of our treasured photos are in a waterproof plastic tub. We will also put our important documents in a zip lock bags and keep them with us in the closet.

            Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. They are so very appreciated. My wishes and prayers for others here that are about to go through this also.

            I will update as I can-

            and upon leaving this...One of my pet peeves are the news men and women that feel it is their duty to stand in the storm and broadcast. We know what rain and wind looks like. Please spare me the drama.


              I will be thinking and praying for all in the path of Ike. Sandi in FL


                Ike has moved enough north and east of us that we're able to stay home. I am so grateful to our friend in San Antonio that was prepared to host us and our zoo, bless her heart. Will be praying for those in Ike's path.

                Pat in Rockport, TX


                  Pat that is great that you will be able to stay in you own home hope all works out for you Happy


                    I've been checking Google maps to see where some of our TQS friends are located. Pat - so glad you're going to be okay! Will be praying for everyone in Ike's path.


                      Kate is feeling a little better and her fever is down--though not gone.
                      Sharon: how is DD's foot
                      Nancy: Is Briana home safe
                      Kathy: how is Cecille
                      Frances: is your side healed yet
                      Rachel: have they done Steve's surgery
                      Linda: how is Alan's knee, Linda's PPD
                      Has DH taken test yet, Did Deb find work
                      Wanda: how is your back doing
                      Sandy: any more on Kevin
                      Happy: is Philip feeling better and did BIL find work
                      Bridget: have the doctors done follow-up on Morgan, how is she; what about DH shoulder
                      ??????? Inquiring minds want to know


                        Thanks for reminding me to give an update. Kevin does have a form of Epilepsy. He had a seizure during a sleep disorder test and they saw it. They have started him on medication and the doctor doesn't expect him to have any more seizures once he adjusts to the medicine. I have done any research but my dad had seizures over 20 years ago but was never diagnosed with epilepsy but was on the same medicine they gave Kevin. I wonder if it is genetic?


                          Ritzy and everyone,
                          Yes my side is all better. Thanks for the prayers. Also, looks like we'll get some wind and a couple inches of rain from Ike in Austin.


                            Ritzy, thanks for asking. Yes, Briana returned home to New York safely from Thailand. We were very scared for a day or two. She left yesterday for California to attend Stanford graduate school.

                            Hope we hear in the affirmative about all the other concerns.

                            Nancy in NC


                              (1)Well, I keep emailing my DIL about son Alan's knee and apparently he's fine because nothing else has been said! They sent him home the same day he had the surgery, saying the staph infection had not actually entered the joint (thankfully!) but they cleaned it all out and left the wound open to drain and to heal from the inside-out. He had a brace (and crutches) to keep it immobilized and then was taught how to keep the wound cleaned. They expected it to take 3 weeks - and hasn't it been that? So I am praising the Lord for answered prayer there.
                              (2) DD Lisa (post-partum depression) is doing somewhat better and is on Zoloft, which she hates taking because it pretty much deadens all emotion - so she doesn't feel real sad but can't really feel real good, either! But she connnected with a woman (Christian lady) who immediately came to be with her and has a support Mom's Group she is planning to take part in. Other than that, I think she's coping. Her DH goes out-of-town frequently which really bothers her, being sole parent to 2 when that's not what she signed up for! (Her words). She could still use prayer.
                              (3) DH's test is Sept 20 - he's studying as much as he can and trying to comprehend it all. He could still use prayer! Thanks for asking.


                                Thanks Ritzy! I'm so glad Kate is doing a bit better and am glad to hear the progress reports from everyone else on here as well.

                                Morgan goes in on the 17th for her follow up tests and Dave's shoulder surgery is on the 26th. And I honestly believe Morgan will have been the easier of the two to deal with! Dave has already been whining about not being able to have his morning coffee that day and went as far as to ask my sister-in-law (who is currently in medical school) why he can't drink anything before surgery! :lol: You see where the priorities lie with him!

                                I continue to pray for all of you as well.


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