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    Thank you, Joan.

    A second request. My son just called. He needs a Christian, single, male roommate today if possible. We know that with God all things are possible.

    He has a roommate. They share a 2-bedroom apartment. My son works three jobs and still is not financially independent from us. He learned today that a one-bedroom apartment in their same complex is available today for about $90 a month less than what they are paying now--but it will go fast. My son called his roommate and lost an hour of work-time trying to convince him that this move would be most beneficial.

    His roommate does not have a job. Does not usually clean. Does not usually wash dishes. (The complex management is even willing to put in a dishwasher in the one-bedroom if they want it.) He wants them to get a third roommate, but he wants my son and the third person to share a bedroom, because he wants his own space.

    Please pray for his situation. He lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan.



      oh the pangs of growing up! My oldest is in LA going to UCLA and he is in a one-bedroom with a roommate, and he has the bedroom and the roommate has the living room (although still uses part of the closet) They shared the bedroom for awhile but it did not work out, I would not suggest doing that!! Your son will be in my prayers along with my boys as I'm praying to St Monica. She had her hands full with St Augustine and it all worked out. A priest I heard on retreat once said "A child prayed for with tears is never lost" With all our prayers how else can our kids turn out??!! We just have to trust and all with be fine!


        Talk to your dr about physical therapy for your vertigo. When I was doing PT for my ankle, there were several people in there with vertigo problems and it sounded like the PT was really helpful. It helps retrain the brain so that regular movements of the head don't cause the dizzyness.


          I have exercises that I do when I have an occasional problem with vertigo. After about 3 days of doing the exercises twice a day, I'm okay for a while. Do go to a good PT and ask about the exercises.

          Pat in Rockport, TX


            I will pray for you to feel better very very soon. My sister suffers with severe bouts of vertigo, I've seen her suffer. I will also pray that your mother settles easily in her new home, at 86 years old that's a feat in itself. I will also pray for your son.
            Take good care and have faith,


              Thank you, Pat and Frances. I never thought of physical therapy being helpful for vertigo. I will see what I can find out about that. I am feeling a bit better tonight. I got absolutely nothing done today and that irks me. I should clean, and I want to sew!

              Joan, thank you for praying for my son. He called this evening and said that his roommate has offered to pay an extra $75 on his part of the rent so they can stay in the two-bedroom apartment. My son is accepting that because that is $75 dollars a month that stays in his pocket. His roommate is borrowing the money from his parents! This young man has never held a real job in his life. His parents have backed him all the way. He just graduated from college in May along with my son. I can't imagine how he is going to get on in life.



                Thank you, Sylvia. It helps to know that others are praying.



                  Thank you Karen and Kathy for my DH'suncle .His surgery has been postponed because he has a UTI.Many thanks, Dixie


                    update us on the new set date for your Dh uncle surgery.

                    Sorry to hear about your vertigo troubles,could this be caused by physical stress-being overly tired and not getting enough rest? I really don't know but my DH Pete has been having the dizzy blurr vision and my thought was that he always over does himself tired always and he doesn't rest enough. I always tell him and so many others have that its all going to catch up soon to him.
                    I hope everything works out for your son and he finds a nice room mate.

                    I have a question here Dh and I had our blood preasure and heart rate checked today.Our blood pressure was close to the same in the normal range but our heart beats were way off DH was 55/p.m .and mine was 88/p.m isn't this weird. What is the norm on heart rate per minute. His is slow,mine is fast. Is it true that everyone has a different norm for heart rate? These are things I do not know.

                    My thoughts and prayers continue to each and everyone
                    Blessings,Hugzzz Kathy


                      Yes, what is normal for one person is not normal for another. My DH ran track in HS and ran for years afterward. Even after 25 years of not running, his heart rate is 55-60. Mine is usually 70-80 and sometimes even higher.


                        Hi my heart rate is 45 and my bp is 90/55 yep I am almost dead :shock: That is why I pass out. Well I thought I would give a quick update. Steve is going to have the Gamma knofe first week of Dec. Scott is having leg surg. Mon before Thanksgiving. Dad has back surg. the fri before Christmas. and Mom should be having her heartattack sometime around New Years :shock: I asked her what they were all thinking. She said they were all spaced out enough. :roll: Yeah 3 men all down at once and none of them make good patience. Steve's shouldn't be too bad. Yes it is risk but he has had it before but he recovers really quick he is just a really big ass for about a month afterwards and refuses to be nice. The meds change his personality. Scott will be too drugged up to notice anything around him and he is Mr. Funny when he hurts. he and I are a lot alike. Dad is a bear. need I say more. :?


                          Joyce, glad your son worked things out with his roommate. And they will all be fine. They have parents praying for them, and us! Somehow they all usually make it in someway or the other!. I just pray for my boys every night and I have included your son. What is his name?


                            I am feeling better today. Thanks to several of you for your helpful suggestions. I have some avenues to pursue for possible answers to help and deal with the dizziness.

                            Kathy, thanks for responding. I was wondering about the stress also. I make it a point to get plenty of rest at night. And thanks for thinking of my son.

                            Joan, my son's name is Trevor. He and his roommate may have worked out a financial agreement for now, but there are other issues that must be discussed. Hopefully, they will have some time this weekend to hash it all out. If my son could afford the one-bedroom apartment on his own, I'm sure he would move in a minute. He likes his roommate for a friend, but not to share living quarters.



                              Joyce I'm adding you to my prayers, I had an aunt who suffered from vertigo for many years (although that was a long time ago, I expect diagnosis has improved SOME by now) and I went thru roommate things myself eons ago, but he may develop good negotiating skills from this experience!

                              And now, the big news: Mama is HOME! The rash is responding to the prednisone and the docs have decided it's a reaction to stopping one of the meds, not GVH, so she's been released. One more visit to the doc in Baltimore next week then totally back to her local oncologist.

                              Yesterday was such a blessing b/c we had earlier been told she would need to be seen on Monday, so I was planning to take my Dad up for a weekend visit, my brother had come down for a visit and my lil' sis would return home for the weekend, then she'd be back on duty next week. So, when this wonderful news came, there were 2 of them available to pack up the rest of the apartment, and big sis and I were able to have a nice supper ready when they got home, PLUS it was the first time in a while that we were ALL together, w/o kids and spouses and some crazy activity (wedding, funeral) going on, so last night was a truly special night. What joy!


                                I have been reading this site daily and praying for all of you. So glad to hear that so many are improving and praying for those that still need it. I woke up this morning very dizzy and my BP was up too high. I had to go out and give a client an injection, so, my hubby did the driving. I went back to bed and feel a bit better now. My hubby says he will know I am better when I head to the sewing room. Thanks for any prayers. Sandi in FL


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