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Kaffe Mystery Quilt

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    Hi Wendila
    I washed my Brassica in hot water and Synthrapol. There was very little bleeding but I’m still glad I decided to wash them. Julia Sweetshelties


      My 12 inch blocks are filling my wall. I have 10 grandchildren and am making each a bedquilt to give to them when they get married, or get a new place , or whenever, lol. Hoping this might wind up being one of them. We'll see.


        I LOVE how these colors blend MickyF on your Sequoia.


          This method of color choice is blowing my mind! I'm coming up with combinations that I would normally never choose. So far I'm loving everything, The last block, New Album, I found it to be a bit fiddly putting it together. I trimmed it too close on one side and decided to make it again. It was still fiddly! Probably my terrible skills. This is good practice. I've finally decided how I'm putting this together, I think.

          This is not necessarily how I will place each block. I just randomly placed them, it was late!


            I love your dark blocks, I may have to rethink, I never use white normally so decided that it might make a change, but I’m very drawn to your dark ones and may have to change. Thank you for showing them


              How do I add a photo to comment? I clicked on Attachments, then chose the photo to upload and the size, but nothing happened. Please help.


                Does anyone know if there is a list of the blocks that have already been done for this quilt? I'm a little behind in my sewing.


                  I was away last week (family vacation to the lake) but have now caught up! These blocks are so the color fun!


                    Glad to know I'm not the only one having trouble getting the Single Wedding Ring to fit. With Alex's hints and using a different foot on my machine, for the first time in 40 years of quilting all my blocks are coming out the size they are supposed to be. The center square on the Single Wedding Ring was too big with cutting that part at 2 in. But so far I have trouble with cutting it at 1 7/8. I'll keep trying.


                      I'm total New to this Hope I do it rigtig. It is a pleasuer to participate whit you. LOVE to play whit the one collert fabrick. Here is my first 4


                        I noticed that people are starting to cut their Kaffe fabrics into squares as they are getting anxious to see how things are going to look.
                        I was playing around with EQ8 and thought of one way that would give a secondary design. You would make alternating squares that have
                        4 triangles and that would give the illusion of pieced block as square in a square. Fabric placement makes the design. I have attached
                        a screen shot using the first 3 blocks. Just an idea. HelenW


                          Thank you. Waiting for my book, but this is very helpful.

                          I am guessing because this is live there are no recordings? I can do the blocks but am missing out on the color discussions and learning Alex’s other tips, when I am unable to watch.
                          I saw someone else asking about where to find missed sessions, but did not see an answer. Anyone?


                            These are beautiful.



                                How do we make comments under someones picture?


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