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    Rita, I accepted your request to be a friend. Thank you. I tried inviting others to be my friend by using old screen names but I had to have emails. Hmm? Don't have everyones emails. I followed your link to the group you suggested. I clicked on discussion there but there was no discussion. It said "why don't you start one but I couldn't figure out how. I guess we're all walking in a fog.


      Lois, the simplest way is to click on there avatar when you see it and that will bring you to their profile where there is a tab to invite them to be your friend etc. It is confusing because when you agree to be somebody's friend nothing seems to happen, but the person who has invited you gets a notification to say you have accepted. Maybe that will change over the course of the next few days. As for Quilter's Cove, there is nothing happening there yet, but maybe someday. :lol:


        I really like the new look, but navigating everything will take a little getting used to. Maybe you already discussed this, but I found that there is a drop down box by Recent Topics that says Since Last Visit. Also, I'm not sure I like the idea of friend requesting people - I've always considered everyone here my friends. Oh well, everything new takes a period of adjustment.


          I wonder if the Karma is a "like" button. I just hit the plus sign on Rita's and it changed from - 1 to 0


            Thanks Sherry! I was not happy being in a negative Karma place :lol: I agree with you about the friend thing - but as it's there I guess we will all be doing it before too long. It feels kind of childish to me, like something that is so important to my kids on FB.


              I just gave you another karma bump to put you in the positive. Good to have a buffer! I don't use facebook so know nothing about it, so I guess I'll be learning a lot on the new site. I will friend anyone who wants to because, as you say, you are all my friends here!

              I'm fine with the new look and feel of the site, but a bit frustrated with how much of it doesn't work. There really shouldn't be so many buttons that don't do anything. If I were a new user checking out this site, I wouldn't be impressed and probably wouldn't come back. Those of us who are invested in the community will, of course, make it work. But I think it was a mistake for TQS to roll out a new site that wasn't thoroughly tested and working. I know it looks bad to say you are rolling out a new site and then continuing to delay, but better to delay and get it right than put it out before it works and losing members. Sorry to be negative, but that's my honest assessment of the site so far.


                LOL, Rita on the negative karma. I was thinking I could get offended if someone disliked something Well, it looks like I will be spending more time on TQS while I learn to navigate everything. The last few years I've gotten pretty quiet. I read the forum almost every day (and the blogs, which now seem to be gone) but rarely comment.


                  Originally posted by "rehak" post=122706
                  I just gave you another karma bump to put you in the positive. Good to have a buffer! I don't use facebook so know nothing about it, so I guess I'll be learning a lot on the new site. I will friend anyone who wants to because, as you say, you are all my friends here!

                  I'm fine with the new look and feel of the site, but a bit frustrated with how much of it doesn't work. There really shouldn't be so many buttons that don't do anything. If I were a new user checking out this site, I wouldn't be impressed and probably wouldn't come back. Those of us who are invested in the community will, of course, make it work. But I think it was a mistake for TQS to roll out a new site that wasn't thoroughly tested and working. I know it looks bad to say you are rolling out a new site and then continuing to delay, but better to delay and get it right than put it out before it works and losing members. Sorry to be negative, but that's my honest assessment of the site so far.
                  I totally agree with you, Nancy, you have fully expressed my feelings about the rollout of the new site and while those of us who have been members for several years appreciate the potential benefits TQS has to offer and will deal with the less than successful rollout, a new member would not only not come back but is likely to tell friends about the experience too.


                    What happened to the saying "If it ain't broke don't fix it"
                    I know, I'm a bit of a dinosaur


                      I agree, it seems a bit juvenile, but I guess you've gotta be a bit of a kid to be a lounge lizard in the first place. And what's with the Karma thing?


                        I like the look of the new website but cannot find any blogs. Have they fallen by the wayside or are they hidden somewhere that I'm not looking? :huh:




                          I sent an email to tqs last night to ask about the member blogs. Bob got right back to tell me they are still there and will be bringing them over in the next couple weeks.
                          Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                            And I thought I was computer literate :unsure: I have just added a couple of photos and now want to delete some from my profile but when I click on 'Remove' nothing happens. Is it simply that not all the bits are working yet?

                            Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                              There are many, many buttons that don't work yet. When I tried to add photos earlier, that didn't work. Maybe that's working now.


                                Okay, this karma thing is too weird for me. I wanted to click the + on Karen's comment about the blogs to indicate that I like what she wrote and a box came up saying I can only affect a person's karma once every 6 hours. I've never liked that word karma and what it means - way too new age for me - so that is a feature I will avoid in the future.


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