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SHOW AND TELL--Your Blocks

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    Oh heck, I left out djane and did not mean to. You blocks are really lovely. I enjoy them so much.


      Ginny, month 6 is what is coming early—it contains the Double 9 Patch instructions and 4 appliqué blocks. I believe month 4 will be released April 1 as a expected.
      North Alabama, USA
      "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


        Barbara do you see my block pictures?


          Ginnyleber, I don’t see any blocks attached.


            Ginny, no I don’t. Look back on the last page here, currently page 20, for my tips for posting photos to the Forum

            North Alabama, USA
            "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


              ginnyliber, I don't see your blocks either. If you have a slow internet service like I do, sometimes it takes a really long time to upload. You can hit edit at the bottom of your original post , put add picture in the box that asks reason for the edit, then add the picture; hit submit and wait until you see it show up on the screen. A lot of times I just leave it on and then come back a little later to check. It has always worked when I do it that way. HelenW


                OK, I'm trying again to add my photos. I love everyone's blocks so much. They are like little jewels.


                  I am trying again to post my pictures. I love everyone's blocks so much. They are so beautiful. Making them is a real pleasure.


                    Ginny, you did it! Beautiful blocks.

                    North Alabama, USA
                    "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                      Thanks Barbara,
                      I saved the pics in JPEG.PDF. That PDF tag was the problem.


                        Month One and Two applique blocks. Using Tilda fabrics.


                          JanetE beautiful fabric choice. Colours go so well together. I might just change some of my fabrics after seeing yours LOL. Good job.


                            All the blocks that everyone has posted in the past week are wonderful. It's fun to see all the different fabric colors and prints. Great job ladies.


                              Jan, Feb and Mar with all 9 Shoo Fly blocks!

                              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                                I have finished the blocks for March. I am really enjoying the applique. I did applique blocks 9 and 10 as I had done the previous blocks. They are raw edge using Quilter's Select Green Bean wt 80 thread in double blanket stitch. I wanted to do more matching of the colors. So block 11 is done with a red 80wt thread in the top and green bean in the bobbin. But I wanted to experiment further so block 12 is done with matching 80wt thread colors and Superior Threads Monopoly as the invisible bobbin thread. I did discover on block 11 that the tension has been off quite a bit. It just didn't show because the top and bobbin thread were the same. This is definitely a great quilt for experimenting and expanding skills. A skill builder as Barbara said.

                                Now on to finishing the remaining Shoo Fly Blocks and then month 6. Very exciting


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