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The Prayer List

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    Yes I'm still praying for all and I too am hoping the news on everyone comes back good. Especially for Philip on Wed.

    I had a great day at work yesterday. I knew it was going to do me in when I got up at 6:30am. I work 4:30-1a and that was one long day. It was hard on my body. I ache today and am having a little trouble sitting. I thought I might have the doctor write me back full time after one week. He wrote me out for part time for 2 months because he thot the Mon-Wed-Friday was a bit much. Well today I'm thinking I'm glad he's giving me more time than I was giving myself. We'll see, it could be just a matter of getting acclimated. Thank you all for praying. I so appreciate it.


      Don't know where I've been, but I just discovered this thread. Thanks so much for starting it. We all need prayer, and we all need to pray for others. I will check in every day. My DH needs prayer. He was doing pretty well at 81 until he fell asleep at the wheel and went off the road in his Mini Cooper. Thank heaven he didn't hit anything or anybody, but he ended up with a compression fracture in his back and is in a lot of pain. It happened six weeks ago and he's some better but we've been told it takes 8-12 weeks for them to heal. So we go just a day at a time. He stopped driving when he had the accident, so I am the driver for all his appointments now and have much less time to get things done. But we have lots of time together :lol: I will keep all the requests for prayer in my heart each day.

      Nancy in NC


        Nancy, your husband's accident was scary!! We will be praying for him for a quick recovery and for you too!! XXOO Damaris


          I've got your husband and you in my prayers, Nancy.

          Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


            Well my son Philip went back to the DR and he did not have mono he has adhd and is on adderll when in school he lose weight when on last school year he lost 5 pounds well he has gained 10 this summer we are so glad thanks for all the prays Happy
            Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


              Thanks for the prayers...on top of the compression fracture, he's in the beginning of Alzheimer's and the short term memory is going.

              I'm checking in here every day. You all are wonderful friends.

              Nancy in NC
              Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                Nancy I think sometimes a tramautic event causes dementia or early onset of Alheizmer's. My mother's battle with short term memory problems started in 1999 after suffering a stroke during surgery. You and your husband will be in my prayers along with everyone else.


                  I hadn't realized that trauma could cause short-term memory loss. I will be praying also, Nancy. I'm glad you've given us that opportunity to support you during this difficult time in your life.


                    You know my mom's Alzheimers came to fore right after my dad died. She never really could come to grips with it and lost reality. There was that medication which I can't recall the name now that helped so much but it was super, super expensive and we just could not get it in her no matter how hard we tried. We even bought it for her but it was like fighting with a stubborn. Anyway I digress/it really made such a difference when she took it.

                    Nancy you have much you are dealing with now {{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}


                      Nancy - You, your DH and your family are all in my prayers! Mary Kay


                        I'm still praying for all of you and for your friends. Please keep my daughter, Nancy, in your prayers, too--she's going through a serious situation with some parents (she's an elementary school teacher). She needs prayer for the Lord's protection. What are our schools coming to these days????? Thanks in advance for your prayers. Judy in Torrance


                          Judy, I sure will pray for Nancy. I have a granddaughter who is an elementary school teacher (4th grade) and she sometimes has trouble with parents. She also has quite a few kids who are either ADHD or developmentally delayed. It sure makes for a difficult time sometimes. I don't think she bargained for this when she was in college. But she's a sweetheart and copes quite well.

                          Hugs, Nancy in NC


                            Thank you, Nancy. We talked to our daughter today and she is going to transfer to another school next Wednesday. She filed a police report today. Please keep praying for her safety. It's such a shame this is happening. She is a popular teacher with the parents and they are always asking to get their children into her class. How is your husband, Nancy? I'll keep you both in my prayers. Judy in Torrance


                              I'm keeping all of you in my prayers.
                              Happy Quilting,

                              Shiner TX


                                Judy, I told my husband last night about your daughter. We pray for her safety. Glad she's able to transfer to another school. We are doing fairly well, good days and bad days. It is 7 weeks since the accident and he definitely is better, the back pain isn't nearly as bad, but still there. He uses cold packs when he's sitting in his recliner and they help. Thanks so much for your prayers.

                                Nancy in NC
                                Happy Quilting,

                                Shiner TX


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