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    JoJo my DH is the same way. He is a big, strong man but worries about me. I agree get your insurance agent on the case. He might be able to help you or get an insurance advocate through the work company. It is so frustrating, did they want you to get worse before they made a decision. We are also very glad you are still here, just take easy and please don't fret. The girls won't lay if you are worrying. LOL I wish I was there to help you.

    I will be continually thinking of you dear one.

    Sharon in -- we are having a white Christmas, Colorado


      JoJo, I think each state has someone you can call to complain that your insurance company is not paying--maybe you can find who that is and contact them. Even threatening to call them works but if you can't get anyone to answer your calls I don't know what else you can do.

      Praying my friend.


        Jojo, I agree with Lois. This is the time for your husband to be dealing with this. Even if he isn't very strong when it comes to your health he will have to learn to be. You need to take this particular trouble and place it carefully and with love on his shoulders. It would be far too stressful for you to have to deal with insurance companies etc., right now. All that it will do to you is get your blood flowing faster - and that is exactly what you don't want to do. It's your turn to relax and leave the worrying to others. Take care of yourself please. Rita. X


          Your husband's HR department should have a person that deals with benefits and would know who to call. I would ask him to check with them to follow up for you. Also, your State insurance commissioner in your state capital is there to follow up on these type things. I think they would get things moving.


            I would call the insurance commissioner's office and sic em on the insurance company. I have done it in the past for meds and it works. If your MD thinks you need the MRI, put it on a credit card if at all possible, and you can get reimbursed when the dust settles. I went on line and found an open MRI that was 1100.00 less then the hospital price and paid for it myself so I could have my back MRI done. I paid 450.00 for it. Price varies considerably, so shop around if there is time. I don't understand the insurance company being able to close for the holiday if they have to have prior approval even for ER diagnostics. That is ridiculous. Am praying for your healing and for your stupid insurance company too. Hope the prayer helps someone there grow a heart. Hugs. Sandi


              Hi JoJo. Will keep you in my prayers. I am mad at that ins. Co. You should call the insurance commission in your state and complain. Thank God you are doing ok. God Bless. Jan


                JoJo, I can really relate to the sensitive husband part. My DH is the most level-headed, calm, rational person about almost all of life - except when I have a health issue. He can really get bent out of shape and unreasonably angry. When I decided to change cardiologists b/c I felt I could get more responsive pt centered care, he became so angry with my former cardio that I was afraid for awhile he was going to storm the building. Then when I worked for an MD (I'm a NP) who treated me unfairly during a disagreement, he was giving lots of thought to physical response! I don't think he would, but...............

                What I've decided is that when he feels he's out of control, such as in health issues where outcome is more dependent on others than his own wisdom, choices, or even the body's ability to heal, he acts it out in anger.

                On another level, if you begin to feel symptoms again, you get right back to that emergency room. They may be closed over the Holidays for your old request, but with new symptoms, they MUST have an emergency system in place!

                And as soon as possible, I'd try to get that insurance company changed!!!!! (Is this still the election period until Dec. 31?) Maybe you can change.



                  Oh, JoJo. I agree with what the others say to you. Your husband must be grown up to handle this. It's not your deal to protect him now. I send all my best wishes for you.

                  living in Central Denmark
                  Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                    JoJo, I missed this last update! I cannot imagine what you are going through between your insurance company, and trying to act fairly healthy for your DH's sake. Just remember you have a lot of us out here in TQS land who are praying for you! Please take it easy this week end, and stoop, do not bend over FOR ANYTHING! (And, I agree with the others, this is not something you should have to shoulder alone! Your DH needs to be there for you, all the way!)

                    Many hugs!!!!!!


                      If you read this article, you'll see that there is someone in each state that is supposed to go to bat for the patients:

                      I hope you don't have to go to this length, but it looks like a resource if you need it.

                      I will be praying for you, my friend. Be safe and Merry Christmas.

                      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                        JoJo~ The run-around you have gotten from your insurance company is outrageous! You are getting a lot of good advice from TQS sisters and I cannot add to that, but I do want you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

                        in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


                          I have been following this thread and praying for all of you, and hoping that I don't fall apart worrying about my sister. She is travelling four hours next week to a neurologist, she has episodes of not knowing who anybody is, one night she left her bed and went outside in the snow barefoot saying she wanted to go home. Someone has to be with her 24/7, the wait time to see a specialist is so long the local doctors have no idea what is wrong with her it is so frightening she is only 44. JoJo I pray you find help USA and Canada's system is so broken. I haven't wanted to speak or write the words because it makes the situation so real I am going to hide under my Friendship SOTTs quilt. Merry Christmas Sisters We must be getting very strong. Joan


                            Thank you to all of you for such an outpouring of love and support. I can't express in words how much it has meant to me.

                            We did get in contact with the insurance advocate. After unsuccessful discussions, we will file a complaint with the insurance commissioner. If nothing else it will give them a blemish on their record. My doctors are also sending letters. I pray no one else will ever have to experience having to fight for a service that you've paid into for years.

                            On a positive note, we are both off of work until the new year so it is a blessing that no customers are waiting for orders and I can rest with no guilt or stress.

                            Joan, I'm so sorry to hear about your sister's health. I hope the doctor is able to figure out what is causing the lapses. She is so very young. I will keep you and your sister in my prayers as well.

                            I wish each of you a blessed Christmas filled with love, laughter, and happiness.

                            aka ladyquilter

                            Troutdale, OR
                            <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->


                              Thanks for the update, JoJo! Please take care of yourself and keep us posted. Hugs....

                              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                                Joan, I am sorry to hear about your sister and will keep you both in my prayers.

                                JoJo, Thank you for keeping us informed of your situation. You are in my thoughts and prayers.


                                In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


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