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Kaffe Mystery Quilt

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    Here is the block I have completed so far.
    I love using the book and the colors of the hand dye fabric is variable,but love the look it gives.


      Here is the block I have completed so far.
      I love using the book and the colors of the hand dye fabric is variable,but love the look it gives.


        Love this method for making flying geese
        Learning so much
        Thanks Alex


          While waiting for my Kaffe fabric bundle I started practing with what I had in my stash


            Ok. I'll start with an apology cause i know this has been asked a million times. I have both Synthropol and color catcher. Do i use them both at the same time when washing my Jane Sassaman HC cotton? Also, can i machine dry my fabric afterward? More to the point... is it advisable to machine dry it?



                Originally posted by "busmama13" post=148691
                Ok. I'll start with an apology cause i know this has been asked a million times. I have both Synthropol and color catcher. Do i use them both at the same time when washing my Jane Sassaman HC cotton? Also, can i machine dry my fabric afterward.
                Today Alex mentioned using both in the wash. Hand dyed fabrics can bleed a lot so if washing hand dyes you might want to use both. I use 1-2 Color Catchers depending on how saturated the colors are. She mentions separating lights/darks into two separate washes, I do that too.

                Yes, you can dry fabrics in the dryer--shake them out flat, not globbed up, and take them out before bone dry--less wrinkles that way. I press them flat to finish drying them--they are almost dry when I take them from the dryer, not wet at all, hardly damp, if that makes sense.

                North Alabama, USA
                "I am a part of all that I have met" A. Lord Tennyson


                  Beautiful! Love your center square fabric.


                    I hope that these publish...they are the inspiration Kaffe and my blocks.


                      Yay! and thanks, not Beverly , but Barbara. I had to go to a new computer, and then had NO trouble. Go figure. Also, Thanks all for the suggestions. I really appreciated the "jump in" suggestions.


                        I am having the time of my life . This is way out of my comfort zone but it is eye opening. I’m learning a lot about color which has always been so hard for me. Thank you Alex, For taking time three days a week plus getting everything ready, to make these last few months so much fun! I have never made a mystery quilt and it is so much fun not knowing what it’s going to look like until the end!!!
                        Lynn Hupp


                          Alex, thanks for doing the mystery quilt series for all us homebound quilters. I've been quilting since the '70s but not taken any basic classes. What you're doing, sharing how to accurately make these basic blocks and explaining the shortcuts is fantastic. And especially during Covid, doing sessions every other day has kept me involved and learning the correct way to make 6" quilt blocks. You should be sainted!!! :lol: Here's what I've made so far using some old KF fabrics I already had.


                            Secretagent, I love your red as a background. I think it will look terrific with the Kaffes.


                              I love the way Alex demonstrated flying geese today. Thank you!

                              Since I have three different books on blocks I just couldn't justify buying the one Alex is using even though it looks wonderful. Today when I found the Sawtooth Star block in one of my books, there was another star next to it, Sarah's Choice. It's the Sawtooth with a pinwheel for the center block. I decided to try that for my second block. I also have been liking the black fabric people have been adding, so thought I'd try that too.


                                I really like the sawtooth stars.


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