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Kaffe Mystery Quilt

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    Would be good to keep in contact if I find myself in trouble


      Okay, 4 each of the first 4 blocks. No 2 blocks are the same.

      So far I am ecstatic with the results. I am a little concerned about the color choices on the flock block but I used the color wheel and I am just going to carry on and see how I like them after I get more blocks made.


        I am not the walrus. I am the tortoise.


          Laurie, Striking colors! And good for you for venturing forth on a new block.


            Originally posted by "KFox358" post=148361
            please help me get rid of the email notifications. way too many
            I turned off my email notifications for the same reason. You have a couple of options for taking care of this:

            1) You can, as suggested by Barbara, simply 'unsubscribe' - but I'm not sure that won't keep you from getting information you may actually want to be notified about.

            2) Option 2 takes a few simple steps but helps you customize what you get in the ways of notifications: A) Go to your Profile tab in the top row of the forum page ( just above your avatar at the top of the screen). B) Once you're in your profile, click on the "preferences" tab/link then look just below for the link line that says 'emails and notifications', C) Once you're on the email and notifications screen you can select/deselect the individual items you want/don't want be notified about or where and how you do want to be notified about them. NOTE: There are quite a few things you can be notified about via email so, be sure to scroll all the way down the page to make sure you've deselected anything you don't want to be notified about AND be sure to save the changes you made before you exit the page using the save button at the very bottom.

            Hope that helps.



              certainly - nice to have another Brit on here doing the same quilt - wonder how different they will all be,


                Yes it will be interesting. I haven't started off with kaffe fassett fabrics as I have a while load of Alison Glass to use up. During this time of lockdown I have been trying to use up my existing stash. Lots of plains . I'm doing the 6" blocks. Perhaps we can show them when we're finished.


                  I'm having problem with finding the Fool Proof Color Wheel in your store in notions or in the Kaffe faset area




                      Love it!


                        I have been looking for this information. Thanks so much for posting it and your very explicit instructions. Like the other people who have been mentioning this, my inbox fills up. I check in once or twice a week to see comments and postings. Thanks again.




                            Need help in finding the Katie ballard color wheel


                              Caught up this morning. I like my first blocks, but it's clear to me that I need some lighter values. Since I'm working with a limited color palette, I think it's important to have enough contrast in values, and most of my taupes and violets are in the midrange. Will pause until those arrive so I have enough variation to work with. Really enjoying and learning from all the colorful blocks.


                                It came up when I googled it, but it's out of stock in the TQS store. That must be why it didn't come up when I did a search inside the store.

                                in Vancouver, Canada


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