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    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


      Limbania, love your new look. Perhaps we should have a 'who can make the jazziest earrings' competition? :P

      Margo, love your breakout picture - so does Izzy....

      Wendy do we have to take you everywhere twice? (the second time to apologise for the first :wink: )

      I've almost certainly missed something, but I was definitely getting withdrawal symptoms...... ops:

      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


        Busy preparing the bread bunnies and Easter eggs for our Easter breakfast at Limbania's tomorrow morning...


          Bunnies are Cute and the eggs..beautiful !!


            Wow Lotti, they are amazing. Never realised what you were up to

            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


              How wonderful, Lotti and so delicious looking--can't wait for LImbania's brunch! What did you use to dye the eggs? The colors are so beautiful--almost like shades of mahogany... Happy Easter!


                Lotti, How beautifully festive your Easter treats are! They are gorgeous! Do we get to see the bread bunnies when they come out of the oven? I think I can smell them baking now. Hmm!!!!


                  Beautiful eggs and bunnies Lotti! I can taste those bunny ears already!


                    Eggs are cooked in onion skins, I generally just collect the onion skins from all red and brown onions, boil them up in a pan of water, add the eggs to the hot water, cook till hard oiled, rinse in cold water, ... paint using a waterbased white paint, rub with a butter-wrapper, then polish with a paper towel and they're all set. If I have more time I tie parsley, small flowers, whatever herbs and pretty grasses I can find around the eggs, hold it to the eggs by tying them up in old (washed) pantyhose, before cooking, also cook in the onion skins till hard boiled.

                    I actually cheated, as I'm home alone this year I didn't bother with the Easter baking and cooking... So these were the pictures of last years' lot, when we only realized that the baked bunnies were never fotographed - we all love them and they usually go fairly quickly... But here's a picture from another year...

                    Both the eggs and bunnies (as well as easter brunch either before or after the egg-hunt), have been a tradition at our house since I was little.


                      For those of us who love eye candy, the visuals are almost as good as the real thing and even better if we are counting calories. Thanks. It's nice to enjoy the pictures even if you aren't doing the baking this year.


                        Hey Lotti I make onion skin eggs too. My Mom always did when we were growing up. I love how they look like wooden eggs. She would put some paraffin wax in the water to get patterns to appear instead of painting them with the white paint. Last year I tried adding cooking oil instead and here's how they turned out for me this year. It's funny to see how they look. The pale solid beige one was in the same batch that got some of those yellow speckled ones.
                        Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                          Love those eggs, Karen! Isn't it fab the way each egg is always totally different! And the fab colors we can get just with the onion skins. Nature at its best!


                            Can I take one home to inspire the girls?

                            Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                              Go right ahead - there are plenty for all!


                                Originally posted by lotti
                                Love those eggs, Karen! Isn't it fab the way each egg is always totally different! And the fab colors we can get just with the onion skins. Nature at its best!
                                Thanks Lotti! Nature is sure cool and so surprising with the results.
                                Happy Easter everyone!!
                                Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


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