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    I'm so sorry, Rosemary! Give hugs to Izzy for me!



      Oh Rosemary I'll be thinking of you guys as you deal with this. It's always upsetting when anything hurts our kids.
      Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


        :cry: So sad when we lose our furry friends ! Hugs, Rosemary ! and Izzy !..DH, Too.



          I'm so sorry to hear about Custard. That is very sad.


            So sorry, rosemary. Big hugs to you all.


              Sorry Rosemary, hugs for Izzy.

              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                All I can say is that the light at the end of the tunnel is shinning very, very bright! This quilter is sitting here looking at a very damp project stretched out on the floor while it's remembering how to be flat. At the same time another quilt back is already stretched on the basting frame waiting for batting, top and pinning. She expects that by the weekend she will be mindlessly sitting at the sewing machine watching serpintine stitch magically flow onto the new quilt top. There will be miles and miles and miles of mindless sewing and hours and hours of hearing the machine hum a very restful tune. No decisions, no second guessing just sewing. That will be me. What will you be doing, Rosemary? :twisted: :lol: :?


                  Congratulations, Lois! Doesn't it feel good when the end is in sight? I can't wait to see the quilts that everyone made and will make!!



                    Lois is hum, hum, humming away....
                    Yeay ! 8) 8) 8)


                      Wow well done Lois

                      Shall be such a treat to see them next year. Enjoy the humming I'm sure it's rattling round in Rosemary's head and round and round and bang !!! Plop arrive on your doorstep Rosemary

                      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                        Originally posted by lotti
                        Lois is hum, hum, humming away....
                        Yeay ! 8) 8) 8)


                          Currently taking a break from arguing with my sewing machine :twisted: Took yesterday off from C Red Handed to a) make two flotation bags for our new canoe - which unfortunately called for changing tensions for using top stitch/buttonhole thread (it never likes that thread :evil: ) and b) the funeral (egyptian in style, Izzy had made an egyptian adobe house out of a box for school last term, so we added boxes of food, his nawing log, and a bed of sawdust for him to take with him. DH was not expecting to have to dig quite such a large hole :roll: )
                          My machine has decided that it likes to skip stitches just as it goes over one of the seams (from one direction only), and since I am zig-zagging across that seam repeatedly it is getting extremely tiresome. And then for a change it decides to break the thread. So far I have swapped in about 4-5 needles and fiddled with the tension several times. And I was expecting this bit to be smooth and straight forward straight line stitching :roll:
                          Hoping a weekend with Lorna, followed by a week's holiday will recharge my batteries for the finish of CRH and to be able to get a running start on my CW quilt - that reminds me I think that I need to buy some more Ruby Beholders (aka Quality Street) :wink:
                          Ah well, back to the salt mines...


                            As long as you're keeping yourself busy and motivated, rosemary.
                            Custard's funeral sounds very stylish and very worthy of such a great friend. Hugs for Izzy.


                              Congratulations on approaching the finish line, Lois! I bet if feels pretty good, eh? Like Nancy, I, too, can't wait to see your CWQ! Patience was never my virtue... :lol: Rosemary, watch this be one time that the our US postal service is unusually efficient and your turn will start sooner than you thought! :lol: Your holiday break is coming at a great time, you'll be all rested and ready to turn on your creativity, which you have a lot of, lucky you! Rita, you should be sweating pretty soon! :lol:


                                Rita probably is already sweating.... we've been having hot weather & sunshine :wink:


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