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    Oh dear I must have drunk too much wine, I can't remember getting off the plane but it's lovely chilling out in limbania's garden. Where are the rest of you?

    How's it going Nancy? Are you still in control of 'the' project

    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


      Probably the one food I miss over here is good Mexican food. Arizona will be a great place to get my fill.

      Renata, my husband makes a great Limoncello so I would be happy to bring that.

      As I read through the list we have enough food and drink to last us quite a while! We'll have plenty of Vit D by the time our mini holiday is over. I could really use some. As Rosemary points out, not much sunshine here. We had lots of snow this last weekend. It's all melted now but the temps are still quite cold and they are predicting more snow this weekend! I'm not complaining. I wouldn't trade living here for anything. Though this weekend I'll actually be in Funchal, Madiera!! Supposed to be in the 70's there and I am very excited.



        :shock: :shock: Do we call that "Spring Break" ?


          We had sun here again today in the sunny South West was cold enough to freeze your nose off . At least it wasn't raining for a change. :roll:

          I am prepared to sing for my supper if necessary. And in that kind of heat I will even sing from the pool when you have all thrown me in. :mrgreen:


            I don't like to fly, so I'll be waiting at Platform 9 3/4 for the TQS Express Train! :lol: :lol: :lol:

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              That's a good one, Margo... I like trains... One can walk around, one can open windows (sometimes), and one can stop and get out just about any time - havn't seen that emergency break handle in any plane I've ever been in!
              But the way we fly TQS air, not one of us realized we were actually sitting inside a sardine can!


                :lol: :lol: :lol:

                Well I was fooled. Are you drinking again Lotti

                When do you get here Margo. Hope your journeys as much fun as ours

                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                  Great idea Margo! My kids love train rides. Every summer when we go to Alaska they take a ride from Anchorage to Seward, some day when they get older we're planning on going from Anchorage to Fairbanks. I heard is a wonderful ride. So happy you decided to join us.

                  Lotti, you're so clever! :lol: :lol: :lol:

                  How wonderful to have you all here!!! Renata, limoncello sounds great, my next door neighbor has lemon trees and they are perfect and juicy just now.

                  No rush, Rita , enjoy the sun, the company and the food and just let us know when you're ready to sing. Not sure if the mariachi knows any Irish music but I'm sure your voice will be gorgeous accompanied by their wonderful instruments.

                  Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                    Your cooking is fabulous Limbania I'm enjoying the Mexican food. Just wish I didn't keep dropping it down my front

                    Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                      Originally posted by Lorna1021
                      Probably the one food I miss over here is good Mexican food. Arizona will be a great place to get my fill.

                      Renata, my husband makes a great Limoncello so I would be happy to bring that.

                      As I read through the list we have enough food and drink to last us quite a while! We'll have plenty of Vit D by the time our mini holiday is over. I could really use some. As Rosemary points out, not much sunshine here. We had lots of snow this last weekend. It's all melted now but the temps are still quite cold and they are predicting more snow this weekend! I'm not complaining. I wouldn't trade living here for anything. Though this weekend I'll actually be in Funchal, Madiera!! Supposed to be in the 70's there and I am very excited.

                      Enjoy the weekend Lorna! It's in the 70's here and it certainly feels good. :wink:

                      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                        Originally posted by twiglet
                        Your cooking is fabulous Limbania I'm enjoying the Mexican food. Just wish I didn't keep dropping it down my front
                        Well, thanks, so glad you like it! No worries there Wendy, the birdies will be very thankful for whatever goes in the floor, we can take care of the rest with the washer. Now, watch out, some of those birds are fearless and very daring if it comes to food. :lol: :lol: :lol:

                        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                          With lemon trees next door, we should definitely make some extra limoncello, Limbania! Lorna, wouldn't mind trading recipes with your DH! Mine comes from when I lived in Sardegna--we used to make both mirto and limoncello there.


                            Limbania, definitely take the train from Anchorage to Fairbanks. Be sure to stop at Denali and ride the bus up as far as you can. Can be a rough ride but worth it for all the wildlife you see. Rent a car in Fairbanks and take a trip to Ester and visit the Malimute Saloon. They do a great tribute to Robert Service. Sawdust and peanut shells on the floor, player piano, and lots of ambience. (That's not really the word I wanted, but sometimes my old brain just won't tell me the right word.) :lol: :lol:


                              Well, here's the newest look (see profile photo). Gone with the chemo... It better be taking the cancer with it too!!!

                              I'd love the recipes for limoncello Renata and Lorna, pleaaaaaase?

                              Thanks for the tips Cathy, we'll have to add that to the itinerary. There use to be a place like that in Anchorage. Can't recall the name and don't know if still in business. DMIL might know, I'll have to ask her.


                                Looking good Limbania. Positively 'glowing'! What's a little hair if the cancer goes too... And it better... We're all with you, and keeping on praying!
                                Three cheers to Limbania!


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