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Chinese Whispers

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    HAPPY EASTER everyone, somehow I missed the TQS plane to Limbania's I do not know what happen, I hope everyone had a great time.

    Lotti and Karen I am enjoying your wonderful Easter Eggs. Thanks.

    Margarita in a Sprinkling Easter morning in Auburn, California
    Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


      Happy Easter everybody.


        Last Friday was a rough day! All morning getting Naturophatic treatments. Blood work and appointment with the oncologist. White blood cell count... None. Too bad since I'm dealing with a cold that can get our of control very easy. Started taking antibiotics and having some rest while DMIL helped with the kids for the night. She went back home to AK on Saturday morning.

        Happy Easter!
        Easter bunny managed to leave a basket with goodies and a few eggs for the kids to find (thank you DMIL and auntie Gail).
        Auntie-grandma and Uncle-grandpa took the kids to the movie theatre and will take the kids out for Easter supper today.
        Still have to be off public places. Cold is not too bad anymore but, some cough now. But, so far no fever, so that's good.
        Ms. Sheri, a dear friend from Springfield, Missouri (where I lived for 7 years) sent this beautiful creatures and empty tomb eggs, they are gorgeous! (See photo).

        Love the eggs and the bunnies Lotti! I'll have to try those next year. In Mexico we don't do Easter bunny or anything like it. Since most of the population is catholic is mostly a religious holiday.

        Cute pictures Lotti and Margo.

        It has been a blast and a pleasure having you all "virtually" here. Hope some day we can make it happen for real.

        Thank you for the nice comments about the "new look".

        Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
        You look beautiful Limbania! You could give Sinead O'Connor a run for her money! How's your singing? Your hair will grow back so enjoy this look for a short while.
        Not much on the singing department Rita, although I can imitate some singers in Spanish, might have to try one of Sinead O'Connor's songs and see.

        Originally posted by idaho
        The smiles and laughter really make my day ! Limbania.. don't know who the photographer is but
        they sure know how to catch your amazing spirit !! I know we're all with ya ! :!:
        Happy Easter weekend to all !
        Thanks Marilyn! The photographer is me and my camera is my iPad.


          My thoughts and prayers are with you daily, Limbania. I am so sorry you have a cold along with everything else. The eggs are darling. So glad your family is helping with the children. No matter how tired or worn out Mom feels with illness the kids' energy never stops. We're with you. You are looking beautiful. Wish you felt as good as you look!


            Our internet was disconnected for the day, so I'm catching up. It was a good thing because it meant I got a lot of other stuff playing with digitizing some designs (notice I did not say I turned off the computer... :lol: ). So there is a lot to catch up with on the Forum!

            Limbania, hope this cold is a passing thing and that you recover quickly--hopefully the support of family and friends are giving you a little bit of time to decompress while you go through all this. In the meantime, what wonderful eggs you received from your friend! Too cool!!! 8)

            So glad both Lotti and Karen showed off their mahogany (in Karen's case burled eggs), they really look like wood and are just showcase eggs--I'm going to make some for next year (or maybe next week for fun if I get antsy after hours of digitizing).

            Happy Easter everyone--hope you had a great weekend!


              One hour, one day....progress is made ! one step after the other ! Sending positivity your way...everyday !
              Hope your Easter Day was happy and rest-filled.


                What a lovely gift to lift your spirits after the day you had. What are naturophotic treatments?

                Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                  In my case i'm combining mainstream or traditional medicine with natural medicine (herbs, homeopathic, supplements, etc). At the Naturophatic Oncology Clinic I get treatments to help decrease the side effects and sequels from chemotherapy and other drugs used to treat the cancer. As I type this I'm getting some supplements intravenously (in this case through the port I had put on my chest to get the chemotherapy, blood work, etc.). One of the more used natural therapies for cancer is megadoses of vitamin C (50 gms and up), while in the bloodstream it turns into hydrogen peroxide like substance and oxygenates the blood and also kills pathogens. In my case due to a particular condition of the cancer it wouldn't work and actually would make it worst but, I still get 10 gms of vitamin C in a saline solution. I also get alpha Lipoic acid, which feeds and protects the cells. The other one I get is curcumin, a very potent anti inflammatory, since the cancer I have is due to very acute inflammatory oxidative stress process.i get this treatments twice a week. I also take a bunch of herbal supplements that along with the IVs work at a cellular level to protect the major organs of the body (heart, liver, kidneys, etc) from the chemotherapy.

                  I sew this this morning on fb and thought of you Wendy. Do your girls do this for you? I'm not a coffe drinker but tea would be nice.
                  :lol: :lol: :lol:

                  Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                    What a precious picture.
                    I'm glad to hear your are taking all those supplements. They will help you go through this.

                    living in Central Denmark
                    Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                      Limbania, Might as well fight this thing from all sides. Good for you for checking out all perspectives. As for the chicken you found on fb, I have a feeling it's not a girl. Looks like a rooster to me. If you ask me, if he's going to wake the world at the crack of dawn with all his crowing he might better well have the coffee on too. Great picture!


                        I'll train them for when I get your mug rug Limbania :lol:

                        Interesting to hear about the treatments and how they work. Thanks for explaining.

                        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                          It's amazing what 'Chinese Whispers' has come to involve. :roll: I think it's a new comment on anything wild, varied, witty, informative, supportive, encouraging, sometimes unexplainable and usually involves chickens...."It's Chinese Whispers to me" ..... 8) This will now replace the old phrase "it's Greek to me" but I can't even remember why we have the Chinese involved in the first place!! Is this getting out of hand? :roll: :roll:

                          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                            Limbania I love the picture, so cute. It's really interesting to hear about what you are taking/being given alternatively. I am sure nothing like that goes on here. Keep telling us about it, it's really interesting.

                            Terrie, I guess the Chinese Whispers thread was always going to be a little batty seeing as we can't talk about the quilts themselves. Speaking of which I wonder how Nancy is getting on. Is ev'rythin' up do date in Kansas City Nancy.... have you gone about as fur as you c'n go?


                              :lol: :lol: :lol:

                              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                                Originally posted by loise98
                                Limbania, Might as well fight this thing from all sides. Good for you for checking out all perspectives. As for the chicken you found on fb, I have a feeling it's not a girl. Looks like a rooster to me. If you ask me, if he's going to wake the world at the crack of dawn with all his crowing he might better well have the coffee on too. Great picture!

                                :lol: :lol: :lol: :shock: I never realized it's a boy!!! :shock: Well they are closely related anyway, besides, I have a very good excuse now "chemo brain". Heard that recently and thought it would be handy some time


                                I'll train them for when I get your mug rug Limbania
                                Sounds great Wendy, thanks!

                                You're right Terrie, this thread just took on a life of it's own and truly goes with the name! Love it! And how much fun. So glad it'll be still one more year before it might come to an end. Would be so interesting to go back and read it again, I bet there will be things we might've forgot about.

                                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


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