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    Beautiful Wendy, love it. I am impressed with your stitching and your background. Which was the technique that you hadn't tried before :?: :?:


      Originally posted by twiglet
      That's better. I sorted out all the wonkiness by overquilting and redoing the bottom borders.

      How's the indigo going Maureen?
      I scraped around my indigo fabric and found 9 x 6 1/2" pieces (some I didn't want to cut up, but needs must ) and have sewed them to the 3 blocks. I am going to put navy 2" sashing round them with a coloured dyed cornerstone. When I come back from Belfast and the weather gets a bit milder :!: :!: :!: I will start up an indigo vat and get some more fabric dyed. I will take some stitching to do when I am away, but we are visiting family and will probably be too busy talk, eating and partaking of the liquid kind :wink: :wink: :wink:


        Well it was confetti quilting the leaves on (a la David Taylor) but I actually failed because the tulle I had was too coarse and dark and didn't look right so I fused it and put it on with tweezers :roll:

        I hadn't pieced a background like that either which I got from you lot talking after Nancy or was it Lois attended a Gloria Laughman class. So thank you.

        Rosemary you nut!!!!

        Thank you for the encouraging comments

        Mug rugger and lounge lizard


          Have a good rest in Belfast then Maureen and enjoy your family

          The indigo dyeing sounds fascinating.

          Mug rugger and lounge lizard


            Very nice, Wendy. You have a very lucky friend.


              Nancy, What a tease!

              Wendy, your birches are beautiful!


                You ARE wickedly funny, Nancy!!! I'm kind of wondering when you will come up for air next and with what in your next picture... :lol: Have to admit, that was good!

                Wendy, I really love what you did with your birch quilt--both the thread play on the trunks and the background. I thought that was reminiscent of a Gloria Loughman background... I took the class with her last September in Philadelphia and loved it. I'm still waiting to find something to use her diamond technique on (I used her tile technique in a small quilt of a Myrtle Beach, North Carolina sunrise last fall). Everytime you put your hands on fabric you turn it into something magical, Wendy. If I come over, will you let some of it rub off on me? :P


                  I'm so sorry Renata it was you who made that lovely quilt after the class. You do say nice things.

                  Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                    Wendy, if you let me come, I will feed the chickens too!


                      Then you'll have to teach me the tile background.

                      Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                        You're on, Wendy! It was a lot of fun!!!


                          Impressive birches!

                          What would you want to trade learning to tile and serving the chickens for?

                          Some maple syrup - it's the season! Or a few French lessons?

                          I think we need to plan an international retreat - you know, share our stuff... :mrgreen:

                          Rosemary, I think you'd be good at organizing that! :wink: Or if anyone has a really big house, we could do the sleep over/potluck thing.


                            Wow Wendy, even on its side your birch trees quilt is beautiful. I really love your use of colour in this one. So good.

                            Now about that international sleepover/pot luck thing.....I have a house....but I don't think it's big enough for everybody, sorry! :lol: Who wants to sleep on the floor? In the loo? On the landing? No, I guess some of us are too old for that now. Although one of my quilting friends chose to sleep out under the stars (well in the gazebo actually) when we were in Dingle last summer. It was pretty cold but she was happy as a pig in s..t! We expected to find her dead from hypothermia the following morning but she was hale and hearty, if a little troubled by her hayfever! :lol:


                              and we're all pitching up at Maureens next April. She'll have room then, the quilts will have gone 8)

                              Mug rugger and lounge lizard


                                Originally posted by twiglet
                                and we're all pitching up at Maureens next April. She'll have room then, the quilts will have gone 8)
                                :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Wendy did you forget it is May not April :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :roll: :roll: :roll:


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