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    Dawn you are in my prayers, I know how continuous pain can change a persons personality, I recently had a flare up of gout it is much better now but it sure changes you while it is happening. I pray that your pain goes away. Joan


      Praying for relief of pain Dawn.
      Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


        Shirley, thank you for letting us know about Nancy. I'll add her to my prayers and hope that she beats the odds!

        Dawn, I'm sending you an email with suggestions from my mom, whose had sciatica issues as long as I can remember. I hope you can find the "off" switch soon!


          I need to ask for some prayers. Prayers for my boys that they can find the courage to walk everyday and breathe. Prayers that one day taking that step to walk won't feel like it is so hard. Prayers to help them not lose themselves in this time of crisis and know sometimes it is ok to need others for a while. Prayers that my family that they will not be broken for long.

          No matter how tough it is on you it is so hard to see your babies (11 & 13) go through so much pain and to see their spark falter and diminish for a while. It feels as though nothing you do helps and would want nothing more than to take that pain away from them forever. I struggle (some days more than others0 and have a hard time wrapping my brain around 2 suicides. How can I possibly imagine my boys even being able to do it. This is so tough for us all.

          Thanks for letting me have a place just to put my heart out there for just a little while. Clara


            Will do, dear Clara. (((((((((((((Clara & family))))))))))))


              Oh Clara, I'm so sorry and I'm praying for you and your family.
              Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                Clara, I think all you can do is surround your boys with as much love as you can manage, but please take care of yourself, too. Your boys need to know that their mom is going to be okay, so it might help to share with them what you're doing to take care of yourself. Many hugs and prayers for you and your family as you find your way through this pain.


                  Clara, I cannot begin to understand the depth of that kind of pain, nor can I offer any advice. But I do know the One who created us and He does understand and He can comfort like no other. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers.


                    Keeping you and your boys in my prayers. Kaylynn put it well. May the prayers of others lift you up at this time. Jan


                      Clara, praying for you and your family. Margarita


                        Clara, prayers for all your family, from over here too (they might be a bit soggy, it has been raining here, and it is a bit of a long swim, but share and take heart, that although we have not experienced your depth of pain, we care for you and yours)


                          Clara, praying for you and your family through this difficult time.


                            Thank you. Every prayer is appreciated. (Soggy or not) Clara


                              Prayers continue for you and your family .

                              in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


                                It's funny that we as individuals can take a lot, but when it comes to seeing our loved ones in pain it is hard to bear. As an adult it is almost impossible to wrap your brain around a double suicide. How can a child possibly cope? For now we are bathing them with love, patience and support. My hubby and I feel like we are caring a mac truck around on our hearts. We do what we can to remove any pressures from my boys for a little while and slowly ease back into normal life. We all have to move forward someday. We've also been showing them through example of situations that are hard for us, but we continue to do them because we must. Take a little time to recover and then try again.

                                Thanks for your continued prayers. They are appreciated greatly. Clara

                                in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


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