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    Patti-I am sorry to hearof your DM's passing. I can clearly see you and your DS reading those love letters and finding some peace in their content. Your parents are most surely happy together again.
    I keep your DS in my prayers in the hopes that she will begin to heal herself...take care of yourself now and try to find some relief from all this stress you have been under lately. Karen

    Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


      Patti I am so sorry to hear of your mother's passing and I totally understand the blessing your feel that her struggle is over. What a treasure to have their love letters and see the dancing in heaven and know all is well in their world. Will keep you and your family in my prayers.


        So sorry about the loss of your mom. Cry when you need to. After my Dad passed, three years ago April 1st I cried on & off for about a year, particularly when I would hear a particular song. There are moments when I just miss him still. Coming up on his anniversary I've been thinking about him a lot.


        Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


          Please keep in your prays Rachel kichen 911 she is have problems with sisters daugher Happy

          Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


            Patti, you and your family will be in my prayers. It's good to know that Alzheimer's will disappear in Heaven and she will be with your dad.
            Teri, good to know I'm not crazy, I cry quite often (even as I type this!) when I think of my dad. He just died in December. I wish I had my mom here with me. I am praying the conscecration to the Blessed Mother for help with all this, and Knowing His will.
            Today I go for the MRI of my gut.


              Joan, hope you get a clear diagnosis with the MRI.

              Thank you everyone for the kind words. It is a tender time and I know I still grieve for my dad at times so expecting it won't be over quickly for mom. And trying not to be obsessive about my sister. I'll put my energies for her to prayer and let her sort her own life out. OK now I've promised that outloud and I need to be held to it.


                I think every loss certainly deserves some just helps us in so many ways. Patti, you are in my thoughts and prayers and it's so precious that you had that time to read the letters and put your Mom with you find thankfulness in the memories is a beautiful thing and I think it helps to replace some of the grief with the beauty of memories. I was told once that "You greive only as deeply as you loved".......and I find that to be true.

                Hi Ms. Ann, I missed you too.

                Dana in Olive Branch, MS


                  Patti, just want to stop in and give you hug - so sorry to hear of your mom's passing; I will pray for your sister. After my dad passed away, (this was many years ago - he was 55!) I found some things written in his own handwriting that gave me much peace and confidence that he was with the Lord. I imagined the joy you felt reading those old love letters.


                    Hi All -- just a quick note -- last night DS called who will be new daddy. Our DIL was leaving work and stepped off the curb wrong and broke her right foot and sprained her left ankle. They checked the baby and he/she is fine and Beth is sore, etc. I spoke to her today and she will be home for the rest of the week. She feels stupid for falling, but it happens to he best of us. She is just worried about the baby.

                    Thanks for the prayers.



                      Patti, my heartfelt well wishes for you during this hard time. Even when your loved one isn't mentally with us it is hard when the physical leaves us too. prayers and hugzzz...



                        Sharon, I'm so sorry about your DIL....but certainly thankful the baby is fine. I'll remember both of them.

                        Dana in Olive Branch, MS


                          Dana-your quote "you grieve only as deeply as you love" is such a beautiful thought to me. Thank you for writing this...I will remember it.
                          Sharon...I do hope you DIL heals fast...being pregnant brings out the awkwardness in the best of us....but never foolishness.

                          Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


                            Thank you so much for your prayers for my friend's daughter, J. DH saw her mom in the grocery store last week. Thy have one more test to do, but she should be getting a kidney transplant soon. Both her father and sister are matches. The last test is the final one for her father. He will be donating a kidney. I will let you know more as I find out about it.


                              Pray for my brother he passed out this moring BP 78/35 they do not know why it is low but when he went out he snaped he ankel he has RA and heart prolbems


                                I am praying for all of you and yours that are in need. My friend Joan needs prayer. She had cancer and has diabetes. She's in the hospital again and wants to be able to be here for her 4 kids for some more good years. She knows the Lord and so far he has healed her well. Will check on all of you. Thanks, Jan


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