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The Prayer List

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    Originally posted by QuilterLynn
    Praying for all these needs. I have been away from TQS for a few days and am always surprised to return and find that my absence certainly doesn't mean the hurting for others stops. The real question is "Why am I surprised?" Every single person in the world is carrying a pain or a hurt from something. Sometimes it's our turn to help and sometimes it's our turn to ASK FOR HELP. Knowing help is this close and as close as a prayer is such a comfort. So....prayers lifted up.
    Beautifully said, Lynn. DITTO. And, a big thank you to JoJo for the research she found on the 2 dog links. I'm praying for everyone in need. Thanks be to God for listening and answering our continued prayers. Blessings to everyone in the TQS community/family of quilters!

    Much love to all,

    aka ladyquilter

    Troutdale, OR
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      More prayers for Cathy and I'm so sorry that she has had a set back. I am also proud to be a part of this group of prayer warriors who are lifting up all the needs that come to us. I certainly appreciate all the prayers that have been said for me. NancyW

      aka ladyquilter

      Troutdale, OR
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        Continuing to pray for Cathy and Nancy.

        aka ladyquilter

        Troutdale, OR
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          My continued thoughts and prayers are with Cathy and Nancy.

          JoJo thank you for the info

          Taree NSW - Australia
          My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


            Yes, Cathy did have a pre-existing condition. She was taking a medication for her stomach and this factored in greatly to what happened. Whatever she was taking (sorry, I'm getting my info from UPS guys who are not very chatty about details and Al is just off in a haze-understandably) whatever she was taking put her at risk for fighting infection. It seems it was one of those perfect storm things--she was taking medication, the dog had picked up some kind of germ that was not harmful to dogs (since the dog hasn't been sick at all and they did not go the way of putting him down), but not something her system could fight off in her weakened conditon because of the stomach problem. I'm not sure the doctors were able to identify what the germ was. The fight for her life was initially the focus and since has been trying to heal her devastated body. Though the combination of events may never occur again, I think, why risk it when dogs can be affectionate in other ways. The better perspective I cling to is that whatever comes our way, it doesn't take God by surprise, He loves us and trusting Him with our lives is always right. Thank you all for your prayers. I am so glad I stumbled upon this Prayer List one day. I had know idea how much it would mean to me to be a part of this praying army in such a short time. Nancy, you are in my prayers as well as the many people who we've been made aware of through this site.

            Taree NSW - Australia
            My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


              Jane, you are so right to remind us that God is never caught off guard! He is the great physician and he knows what we need before we even ask! I hope Cathy and her husband know our Savior personally and can cling to this truth during this most difficult time. I'll be praying for them both.

              Taree NSW - Australia
              My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


                Sorry to hear the road is rough for Cathy and others. I continue to pray for many, and also remember that ones who have lost their loved ones recently. Let Love be the healer.

                Taree NSW - Australia
                My motto in life: live by the three GGG’s - be Grateful, be Gracious, be Gorgeous to yourself


                  Dear Friends, I ask you all to pray for me and my family. My youngest daughter, Elizabeth, broke her leg about 3 weeks ago. She had it casted and non weight bearing since then. Wed. she came home from work short of breathe and having chest pain. Her husband took her to the ER where she was diagnosed with numerous pulmonary embolisms (blood clots). The doctors worked with her all night, but she died yesterday at 5am. Elizabeth and Frank were to have their 5th anniversary in May. They have two children, a boy 3 and a girl of 6 months. We are all devastated. She was 26 years. I don't know what Frank is going to do. We offered him and the babies a home here as long as he wants to stay. Financially they should be OK. They had good insurance which will pay their mortgage and other debts. Emotionally we are all a mess and desperately need you prayers. Thank you.


                    Oh my dear, dear, dear lady - you certainly need and will have the presence of angels and the Lord to comfort you in this devastating loss. I am without words except to say I will pray for you and your family. How terribly tragic. Love and blessings and hugs to you.


                      {{{{Cathy &amp; family}}}}

                      and prayers


                        Oh, Cathy!
                        My heart is just breaking for you and your family! I have no words! You can be sure I will keep you all in my prayers!


                          Cathy, I can only imagine how devistated you must all be. May our loving God wrap his arms around you and enable you to feel His love by using your loving friends and family around you&gt; God bless you all as you walk this difficult path.


                            Cathy, my heart breaks for you and your family and of course we will all include you in our prayers!! I'm so very sorry! Nancy


                              OMG! Cathy Dear, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss! What a terrible shock for all of you! Am saying prayers for God's love and comfort to help you and your family through this difficult time! Please keep us posted.
                              Blessings and hugs,


                                Oh my heavens! Oh, I will pray for all of you and that God will hold all of you in His arms and show you the way through this. Beverly


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