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The Prayer List

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    Originally posted by joanrae
    I want to apologize for going on and on in my last post. I prayed all day, and I know it is His will and in His time. I'm just weary and had to get it out! Sorry!
    Thanks for your prayers.
    no need for apologies
    jenny in oz
    Jenny in Oz


      My Mom passed away 11 years before my Dad and she was cremated, put into a not too expensive urn and turned over to Dad. A year later Dad decided to move back to Wisconsin from Arizona and he stopped by my house on his way driving across country. I knew he had a moving company take most of his belongings and asked him where he had put Mom's urn. I had to bite my tongue when he said she was in the trunk of his car...somewhere he had secret thoughts of putting her even before she passed away when she was especially crabby. (she could do that very well sometimes) I shared this with my Sister and Brother later and we had to all admit there were times Mom belonged in the trunk-out of ear shot. I meant no disrespect because we all loved Mom of course, but funny is funny and Dad had no idea how it sounded when he told me of her whereabouts that day. Years later when his time came, he was cremated also and his wish was that he and Mom be buried in the same family plot. The day before the memorial service we were frantic trying to find Moms urn for the internment. Dad had told each of us a different story as to where he had put Moms urn when he arrived in Wisconsin. We searched inside and out under the lilac tree and beside the hydrangea urn. About and hour later my SIL came out of one of the bedrooms with a brown paper bag in hand. She had found it behind some hats on a shelf in a closet. Inside was the urn and we were all happy to have found her.
      I relate this story because family dynamics surrounding illness, dying and death rituals are so varied and different in each family. The worries of what to do while they are so sick and how to care for them is trying enough, but then to have to make decisions about their burial one day is so very traumatic for some, especially when family members aren't in agreement. If we only knew for sure what is the best thing to do and could do it with prayers and controlled emotions. In the end we must do what is right and do-able in our own circumstances.
      Joan I'll keep you and your Mom in my prayers. Karen

      Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


        Thanks everyone for you kind words and prayers. Prayer does work, my sister called my brother yesterday to apologize for the things she said. And my brother came over to talk to us, and included me too, usually he just talks with my husband.
        Mom is going in for an endoscopy today to find out about the chest pain last week. Also to the dr about her knee. I still do not understand why my sister does two doctors on the same day! We decided last night to find out when my sister flies next, and my husband and I will go down and get mom before she leaves.


          Florence, Ritzy and Karen, I enjoyed your stories. What ingenuity to make your own boxes and vases, too. Joan, I'm glad things are better for you. Judy


            Joan - no need to apologize-- I go on twice as long as you! :lol: Good luck with all of your planning. I've been so thankful thru all of this that my siblings get along (well enough... no perfection, but as middle child I'm always smoothing out the ruffles...)

            Ritzy - you and I must be psychically connected. I saw mention in another post that you have a brother 13 years younger, so do I! Hard to imagine that baby is 36!

            And Karen - what a hoot! During some of this discussion/planning, we learned that almost all of us have a cremated dog in a box somewhere in the house! that'll be a surprise for someone one day!

            Hugs to you all, and keeping your needs in my prayers.


              I have one dog and two cats in boxes in my house. The dog was my son's. He was in middle school when his dog died. One day he had to go to the doctor and knew he needed blood work done. He hates needles!!! He wanted to take his dog with him so I let him. He was holding onto the box for dear life when the lab tech drew his blood. When she asked him what was in the box, he told her it was his dog. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when she left the room. :shock: . This is the kid that the year before I had to threaten to sit on him so the nurse could give him his flu shot.


                I haven't posted much recently but have read this thread faithfully and have been praying for all of you.

                The stories about our Mom's has reminded me again how much I miss my Mom. I know she is in a better place and not in pain so I have no regret but there are so many times that I wish I could talk to her or tell her about her great granddaughter's accomplishments etc. I should have posted this before Christmas but will post it now. Someone sent me an ornament with this written on it.

                "I love you all dearly, Now don't shed a tear, I am spending my Christmas with Jesus this year." It is a quote from a poem by John Wm. Mooney, Jr. and more information is available at

                Now for my prayer requests. I still need prayers for myself because I am not gaining my strength back as quickly as I would like after the flu and the gastritis that started in December. Maybe I should just admit that I am getting old (LOL) I go to the hemotoligist on Tuesday and will see if I need another iron infusion. I still am thankful that I have not had to have a blood transfusion since July and no iron infusions since September so all in all I guess I am doing better.

                But please add two people to your prayer list. My friend Lois's granddaughter Abby (about 18 yrs old ) has had part of one leg removed due to cancer and the cancer is still spreading. and

                Another friend, Julie's son in law Greg has just found out he has lymph node cancer and the doctor's do not know yet the primary source. He is only 45 and has a family

                When I think of them and so many of you, I just have to remind myself that I don't have much reason to complain. And I know that GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME, ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD.

                HUGS, ANN


                  I'm praying for your friends and you Ann. I hope you get your strength back and some answers at the DRs. appointment.
                  Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                    Prayers are being sent up for you and your friends Ann. God is good and he hears our prayers. Karen

                    Living in the beautiful Carson Valley of Western Nevada


                      Ann, sending prayers for you and your friends. And yes, that poem is lovely, someone sent it to my sister after dad died, and she sent it on to us.


                        I have thinking about you hoping and praying that no news is good news 18 that is to young to be going throw what she is having to deal with and the young man and his family hope they will be able to work throw what he has but lady you need to take care and keep in touch please love ya Happy


                          Like Happy I was suspicious things were still not well with your health since you have been absent here for awhile. I pray for you often sweetie. Will be praying for your 2 friends too.


                            Hi, Ann! You and your friends are in my prayers! MK


                              I just said a prayer for your requests, Ann. Everyone, please pray that my SIL, Dan, will have good results in a colonoscopy--he had suspicious results with the test you do at home and mail in. Judy


                                Please keep my DD Stephanie she is 17 and has been riding horses for 7 years the horse that she has had for the last 3 years cut he leg and my not be able to lop again then on top of that she broke up with her bf they was dating about 6 months when I ask way she only said he was dum so I think that was a good thing any way I was woory about the red the horse more because that is her baby thanks Happy


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