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The Prayer List

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    Oh Dawn, big hugs to you and Terry! I pray the hormone treatments work and that Terry doesn't have too many "power surges" with them. I also pray that getting rid of those nasty kidney stones goes easier than expected. Hugs, Robin


      Scoopie, praying for you and Terry to get through this and for the treatment to work. I take effexor and it got rid of all menopausal symptoms with a very low dose. I don't suppose you would want this antidepressant for no reason but that. There are natural supplements that help as well, like evening primrose oil and I can't remember what else. You are at the top of my list. Love and Hugs. Jan


        Dawn~ thinking of you and Terry and wishing you the best.

        in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


          Dawn and Terry, you have been on a rollercoaster ride. I pray that Terry responds to the meds okay and that the treatment is effective. Prayers for both of you.

          Woodbury, Minnesota, USA
          Longarm quilter - Gammill Classic Pro


            Dawn, prayers for you and Terry, and the whole medical team.
            Margarita in Auburn, CA

            Woodbury, Minnesota, USA
            Longarm quilter - Gammill Classic Pro


              Dawn - Thinking about you and Terry, and hoping all goes well. Got a bit of a double whammy of my own today - our granddaughter Drea (almost 4) was taken to the emergency room this evening when her mom realized that half of her face was paralyzed. They're not sure if it's Bell's Palsy or perhaps Lyme disease - they're treating her for Lyme while we wait and see what happens. And my sister told me at chorus practice that her husband had a biopsy today on what his doctor is almost certain is a basal cell skin cancer - they're awaiting the biopsy results to know for sure. Please think happy thoughts. Thanks.

              Woodbury, Minnesota, USA
              Longarm quilter - Gammill Classic Pro


                My prayers are going out for all of you and your loved ones going through rough waters. Please keep my neice, Shaun, in your prayers. Chemo began three weeks ago. Beverly


                  Your are both in my prayers! Hugs, Sherry


                    I've included you all in my prayers daily.
                    Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                      Oh, Mary! I am so sorry! Drea is such a beautiful little girl! I pray that what ever it is, that it is not serious or permanent! Give her extra hugs for me! And, I pray your sister's husband's biopsy is non-malignant!

                      In beautiful Northwest Montana


                        I wanted to update all of you about my testifying on Tuesday. My boss has been divorced about 15 years with a restraining order and her ex -- who lived in Arizona at the time - constantly sent faxes to the office and copies to the DA, ex attorneys, all kinds of people complaining about Jane and threatening her, etc. Also he essentially walked away from his children. Sending faxes is against the RO. Finally the DA had had enough and began the investigation to find him and file charges against him. So last fall he turned himself in and (oh BTW he was an anesthesiologist, very intelligent, but severe bipolar and not on medication). So after several pretrial hearings, he defended himself because he is so smart, the trial began on Monday. 12 jurors and 3 1/2 days. Oh, he was charged with 4 counts of felony stalking, 3 against my boss and 1 against his former attorney. So Tuesday I got to testify. Let me tell you that is something I DON"T EVER want to do again. The DA had prepared me, but I didn't know what Tom would ask me and they were definitely off-the-wall questions. Anyway the jury came back late yesterday, guilty. To make a long story short, I wanted to thank you for all of the prayers and concern. Robin mentioned to keep my hands in my lap and just answer the questions and I appreciated that advice.

                        Sorry this is so darn long, Mary I will be praying for little Drea and Dawn you and your hubby. On the blog I mentioned that my Jerry was in the ER last week. Today we go surgeon, gall bladder coming out and get a surgery date. We have a wedding in 37 days, YIKES. Thanks for all the support and kindness.

                        I think of all of you often and fondly.
                        Sharon in HOT Colorado - yesterday recorded hotest August in Colorado history -


                          Sharon, at least the trial is over!! One less thing to worry about. I hope the meeting with the surgeon goes well and that Jerry's surgery goes smoothly and he recovers quickly enough to dance with Laura at her wedding!
                          NanaPie, I'm saying prayers that Shaun's chemo works wonders without making her too ill in the process.
                          Mary, I'm so sorry to hear about Drea! I hope doctors can figure it out soon, and I pray that they have the right medication to control it and heal her. Prayers too for your sister's husband!
                          Hugs to all, Robin


                            I just wanted to let you all know, that the time had finally come to tell the kids (4) the news on their Dad's health. I am glad we did not tell them any earlier, because it would have been misinformation. The strangest thing, though, as I have posted updates in the past, it has been as if I have been talking about someone else, I now realize. Now that our own children know, it has become more real to me! So, yesterday was kind of an up and down day for me. I did go to quilt guild in the evening, because there was a lot to discuss with our big show just 3 weeks away. Thank you again for all of your support and prayers. We are headed into unfamiliar territory, but with God's grace, we will be strong and have a better understanding of His plan for our lives.

                            In beautiful Northwest Montana


                              prayers and many happy thoughts for you all


                                Way to go, Dawn. I'm so happy to hear that you and Terry talked with your children about his health condition. As a family it will be hopefully easier for all of you to be strong during this part of your journey together. May God bless all of you.

                                My prayers and hugs are for everyone else here too.

                                Have a safe and happy Labor Day weekend everyone!



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