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    Good news, Jan!

    in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


      Thank you so much! Jan

      in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


        Thanks for posting, Jan. I was thinking about you today. I pray the news continues to be good! Robin


          Thank you, Charae and Robin. Have a nice weekend. Praying for Dawn's husband Terry. Hoping he's feeling better. Thanks everyone and to the Quilt Show for bringing us all together. Jan


            Jan, I am glad you made it through yesterday okay! It was not a good day for Terry. He is still trying to pass a kidney stone. (Yes, along with the biopsy soreness!) It makes for a pretty rough day, then he'll be okay for a couple of days. Then it will move again. Or, THEY will move. He feels one up high, and one down lower. When it rains, it pours! I would say 2011 has not been good to us health wise! But, I will just have to praise the Lord that we have enjoyed such good health for so many years!

            In beautiful Northwest Montana


              Dawn, I feel so bad for Terry. Can't they do something to get rid of the stones? Thanking the Lord that you have had such good health and praying that he feels better soon. Jan


                Dawn, the waiting must be horrible. I am so sorry but I am still praying!

                Jan, glad you proceedure is over and I'm still praying for you as well.

                Ritzy, oh boy am I looking forward to hearing when that precious Eli arrives! Still praying for all of you and your family and the friends you mentioned that aren't doing well.

                I know I may be forgettin to mention some specific prayer requests by name. I think I need to keep a journal just for TQS friend's requests. But how wonderful that we have such an awesome God who knows what we need even before we ask!


                  Ritzy, I am sorry that your family and friends are going through so much at the moment. I am praying for them all.

                  Jan, I Pray that you continue to get good reports.

                  Dawn, I pray that Terry's stones pass soon and that you get better news from your doctors and I continue to pray for you both.

                  Hugs to you all Pam

                  In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


                    Originally posted by drj2athome
                    Dawn, I feel so bad for Terry. Can't they do something to get rid of the stones? Thanking the Lord that you have had such good health and praying that he feels better soon. Jan
                    Yes, they call it surgery! I'm not trying to be funny, but there are old wives tales about drinking cranberry juice, lemonade, etc. and none of that really works. He's had probably between 15 and 20 in the past 35 years. Two required surgery. The last surgery was the worst. He wound up with a bladder infection about two months later, which moved into the kidneys, and he got VERY sick and wound up in the hospital for a few days! All of the stones look different from each other. Some are smooth and light in color, others are quite jagged (ouch!) and deep brown. So, the theory that you should evaluate the stone, leaves us with the question, "Which one?" They are all composed of a different material. Ricky has this same problem (passing MANY stones), and my heart went out to him recently when he had his bladder infection. I know what Terry went through! Probably more information than you needed, but that's the scoop from Scoopie!

                    In beautiful Northwest Montana


                      Originally posted by Scoopie
                      Originally posted by drj2athome
                      Dawn, I feel so bad for Terry. Can't they do something to get rid of the stones? Thanking the Lord that you have had such good health and praying that he feels better soon. Jan
                      Yes, they call it surgery! I'm not trying to be funny, but there are old wives tales about drinking cranberry juice, lemonade, etc. and none of that really works. He's had probably between 15 and 20 in the past 35 years. Two required surgery. The last surgery was the worst. He wound up with a bladder infection about two months later, which moved into the kidneys, and he got VERY sick and wound up in the hospital for a few days! All of the stones look different from each other. Some are smooth and light in color, others are quite jagged (ouch!) and deep brown. So, the theory that you should evaluate the stone, leaves us with the question, "Which one?" They are all composed of a different material. Ricky has this same problem (passing MANY stones), and my heart went out to him recently when he had his bladder infection. I know what Terry went through! Probably more information than you needed, but that's the scoop from Scoopie!

                      In beautiful Northwest Montana
                      Oh I feel for your husband. I have had kidney stones and have never had such pain! (I have had four children via natural childbirth and the kidney stone was far more painful!) Ended up having surgery for one and then had lithotripsy to break up the others. I haven't had any since for which I am very grateful.


                        Probably TMI, but I agree with Debbie. Childbirth was a cake walk compared to passing a kidney stone. Mine was smooth and fairly round. It turned out it was made of calcium oxide so I avoid eating calcium rich foods (dairy) with oxalic acid foods (like spinach). If I do eat either one of these foods, I drink lots of water to flush the particles before they can compact together to form a stone. I haven't passed a stone in years. My dad has passed some stones that had pointed edges. . .I can't imagine the pain that would have caused. I hope Terry feels better soon.


                          So sorry, Dawn. I was thinking they used a laser to bust up the stones or something like that. Seeing how everyone here above had them I see that doesn't happen if they are small. It must be the worst if it is worse than having a baby. I am asking the Lord to take away the pain somehow. Also wondering if pain meds could help. Jan


                            Jan, Yes the stones can be broken up with the proceedure that djane mentioned, called lithotripsy (shock wave). But, it can have side effects. It can damage the pancreas, causing diabetes later in life. It can also raise a person's blood pressure. And, we have been told that it can damage the bones in that area, which would make sense. There is no "pill" that will take the pain away, but if he goes into the hospital there is an intravenous drug (I think it is toradol) that can work fairly well. He did do that once, and almost did it again last week, but just decided to tough it out. Sometimes by the time you get to the doctor's or ER, the pain had subsided anyway. Only to return another day! Thanks for the prayers! Today is a good day, so far!

                            In beautiful Northwest Montana


                              Glad to hear it is a good day today Dawn. I hope many more are on their way for you and Terry.


                                Oh Dawn, I'm soooo sorry to hear Terry's dealing with one of his kidney stones now. Not exactly what you two needed. Glad to hear it was a good day, though, and I hope things stay that way. Big hugs, Robin


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