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Kaffe Mystery Quilt

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    I just finished blocks Origami-left side and Origami modifed right side. Four blocks to go and I can sew the quilt together. The final four blocks are prepped and I am hand-stitching. Below is a photo of the remants of the one-yard of white fabric. "Seams" I had the perfect amount.



      Originally posted by "karen2847" post=149534
      I’m setting my quilt on point and threw in a wonky block. Still playing with it.
      I like where you are going with this. Also love the way you fussy cut the flower blocks.



        Originally posted by "PaolaRB" post=149526
        pines, do I see a 1/4 inch fold line around your block so that you know where to sew them down? I like that idea!


          SueMar, I took about 6 months of lessons from Kari Schell. I am now

          working with what I learned, and this fall or winter, I will go back and continue on with lessons.
          I think she is the best teacher I have ever had in quilting. You can go to her blog and learn a lot just from all the free blog videos she does. But going about it
          systematically with her program is almost fool proof for learning how to do what ever you want to do. I highly recommend her.


            Originally posted by "Suemar" post=149536
            To HelenW and pines: I have a question for the 2 of you. I have EQ but need to learn how to use it. Recommendations, please.
            Thank you.
            Suemar. Not sure which version of EQ you have. If it is EQ8 then in the help menu are a few options that provide great information. They are Online Support Articles, Video Tutorials, and Printable lessons.

            The website has a couple of areas where information is shared DoYouEQ? and the blog . Plus, there is usually a monthly challenge.

            When I first got EQ it was EQ4 and the first windows version of the program. I bought the book equivalent of the now EQ8 Lessons for Beginners, and went through it page by page trying each of the lessons.

            This program can do so much. My best advice is to read the reference manual, try the video tutorials, and printable lessons, but mostly play with designing blocks and quilts…. You don’t have to make them. It is okay if you don’t like them. You will not break the program.



              pines, I totally agree with you. If she is new to EQ. I did all the things you said before I signed up with Kari Schell. If she wants to just have someone, give her the process
              of learning step by step from the start, Kari can do that for her. It is all so much fun!!! HelenW


                Thanks for advise, I was pretty sure I just need to sit down and go thru tutorials. It's nice to know you started with EQ4. I have EQ8. Since I'm trying to use the Jaybird quilt's, Hex n More ruler for my quilt. I printed out a triangle grid from EQ which helped with my layout. I know EQ could do more, but I need to play with it. Thinking the Kaleidoscope add on might be helpful.


                  My finished top. What a challenge! I used both the hand dyes and the other solid fabrics and both Kaffe set of fabrics. My border is a little different . Now to quilt it!

                  Roberta Brunet


                    My finished top. What a challenge! I used both the hand dyes and the other solid fabrics and both Kaffe set of fabrics. My border is a little different . Now to quilt it!


                      Do you have a listing of all the blocks that you made from your super block book?


                        Here’s my quilt I’ve named 2Q-Squared (Qaffe Qovid Quarantine Quilt) – 2020.
                        Designing from scratch was new for me so I appreciated Alex’s guidance in selecting and making the pieced blocks. I enjoyed using the Kaffe fabric as a basis for picking the fabrics for the pieced blocks using the color wheel. I’ve never used a color wheel before, but I’m sure I will again. One of my rules was to use some white in each block. I found that I wanted to put it in less predominant places the more blocks I made.
                        My accountant’s brain kicked in when I was finishing so you’ll notice symmetry in the placement of the “solid” Kaffe blocks, the setting triangles and the borders. I needed a solid border to stop my eye so I used orange and purple 1-inch finished strips. I think black would have looked nice too. I ran out of the pink border fabric so I pieced some of the orange in the middle to match the blocks in the middle. I also used the “half-square triangle in the corner to make it look like a mitered border” trick, and I think it worked because of the solid fabric and the busy-ness of the printed fabrics. If I were to do this again, I’d piece the Kaffe six-inch blocks using a quarter square triangle block, but the fabric is so busy it’s ok.
                        Thank you, Alex. I was ready to pack it up for the long arm quilter until I heard you say you were going to straight-line quilt yours. I’m looking forward to seeing what you plan to do with this. I may try it.
                        I’m looking forward to the baskets.


                          Here is the top of my Kaffe Mystery quilt . Love the colors and am happy with the border that I made for it. Lots of color which I love!. This was my first time doing these types of blocks so I learned a lot. Loved working with the color wheel and will use it again as I piece together the leftover fabrics for my backing. What a great discovery to use the glue stick sometimes! Thank you Alex for an enjoyable experience.





                                I've started doing the back for my Mystery Quilt using the scraps that I have left over. Here is what I have pinned on my design board thus far. Lots of colors again. Will probably use large pieces of Kaffe all around. Now I need to figure out how to sew it together!


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