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    I am with you on karma Sherry. A "like" button would be great but I don't like the karma thing. I do really like TQS and hope you all will hang in there with the changes because I would miss you if you left!


      When viewing the website with my Ipad, on the front page some of the wording is cuttoff. For instance, the tab "What's New With" has the very bottom wording "What Can I Do" partially cutoff and I have no idea if there is anything beneath those words. Also, the "Connect" tab at the top has the wording below it cutoff. The word "Forum" is cutoff by the next tab. Is anyone else having this problem?


        Chris, while I don't have an iPad, I do know that when I had my desktop monitor set to a resolution of 125%, it cut off icons within software. The same thing would happen on my Kindle HD, which is why most of the time, I use a desktop for Internet browsing.

        Can you change the resolution on your iPad? If you scroll, are the words still cut off?


          Hi Sue, I can change text size so that it is smaller but that still does not fix the problem.


            Originally posted by "chrisquilter" post=124519
            When viewing the website with my Ipad, on the front page some of the wording is cuttoff. For instance, the tab "What's New With" has the very bottom wording "What Can I Do" partially cutoff and I have no idea if there is anything beneath those words. Also, the "Connect" tab at the top has the wording below it cutoff. The word "Forum" is cutoff by the next tab. Is anyone else having this problem?
            Chris, I also visit on my iPad. My screen looks exactly as you have described, with certain wording appearing to be cut off. I guess I noticed it when the new website first appeared, but hve just learned to ignore it.

            from the Piedmont of North Carolina


              Yes, I am having this problem too but I am a mac air.

              from the Piedmont of North Carolina


                Has anybody had any luck in editing their profile? I have tried several times ever since the website launched to remove certain information that I do not want to be in the public domain but that does not seem to be possible no matter how many times I cange it and SAVE afterwards. I am very conscientious about what is available online so I really, really want to be able to remove some of the info. I won't contact the site until I am absolutely sure I am doing it right but if others can't edit either I will. We have all had credit card details and e-mail addresses hijacked from companies who are not security savy and I don't want to hand over information on a plate just because it is not possible to edit a profile. I am slowly but surely getting really cross :sick: :evil:


                  Thanks again, Marianne for that last post. I had not thought of security possible being a problem with the new website, but of course, due to all the other glitches, we cannot be sure that that area and information is safe. hmy: I was hesitant to re-new, but now even more so now. I wonder if they would accept a cheque via snail mail?

                  I think of the old adage ' If it ain't broke, don't fix it"


                    Marianne, under the cover photo on the right, you can click options. Then select preferences. I have mine set so only site members can see my stuff. I think I've always had it that way, so I didn't try to change it. Did you try that?


                      One hopeful thing I've noticed regarding the new website... I seem to stay logged in better over the last 2 days. Previously, I would get knocked off the site about every 15-30 minutes, but now my logon seems to last for hours! One less thing to fiddle with!

                      Question for the group: are email notifications driving you crazy? I know there is a checkbox at the bottom of a topic to opt out of emails, but I often forget to do it. Wouldn't it be better to have unchecked as the default?

                      from the Piedmont of North Carolina


                        There are lots of things you can change on your profile page Marianne. If you go into your profile and click on 'profile' you will see a drop-down menu with lots of options like 'privacy', 'preferences' etc. I went through each one and sorted them to my own personal satisfaction.

                        The only thing that is not to my personal satisfaction is that we have to login to make a comment on the forum and yet all our forum comments are in the public domain. I would prefer if the forum was only visible to members, otherwise why bother with the login.

                        And as for the login, Connie, mine has got worse in the past few days. I am having to login each time even though I don't logout and it refuses to remember me even though I check the box each time. It all seems so random and unpredictable. And yes Connie I agree with you - it would be better if the default was unsubscribed with a check box if we want to follow the thread.


                          For the fun of it, Google search your user name. I have references back to 2004, on many different forums, not just TQS and they all have sign-ins. Really, does this matter unless we are on some nefarious forum. Some of the forums aren't even active anymore.

                          In this day & age, why would anyone let a company let keep their credit card information? If we are concerned about that, the credit card information can be changed. Being diligent with our accounts makes more sense than panicking users of this forum who may be un-tech savvy and freak out easily. Gee, I guess I'd better get my morning coffee. :whistle:


                            Well said, Sue.


                              On my iPad, I cannot make the page larger using my finger gesture like I used to be able to do. This is a problem for my old eyes! And this quick reply box is also so tiny I can hardly read what I am typing!

                              PLEASE TQS, change whatever setting this is- I am sure there are lots of us 'oldies' who need things I larger font or larger screens. THANK YOU!


                                Originally posted by "MontanaGramma" post=124562
                                Marianne, under the cover photo on the right, you can click options. Then select preferences. I have mine set so only site members can see my stuff. I think I've always had it that way, so I didn't try to change it. Did you try that?
                                When I go to Profile - Edit Profile this is what I see:

                                I don't want to share my postcode so I have tried deleting it, changing it to my name, changing the box on the right to the padlock so it should not be shared but despite saving all these different options several times over it is still visible in my profile so changes do not go through.
                                The "option" button only allows you to change whether your information is shared with the public, site members or friends. Thanks for pointing out that there is this option available too MontanaGramma

                                I do not want to be an alarmist but I have recently had my creditcard information stolen and that happened because a retailer where I used my card did not have good enough card security (that is what my bank informed me but did not tell me who!) so I had to fight to get GBP 615 back - not something I want to repeat any time soon. We do not here in UK have the possibility to get one-go creditcard numbers as you do in US so anything we buy online has to be with the "real" card. If there is a breach of security on a site and it is possible to link a card number with a name and an address you are in real trouble. It may be very easy to deal with identy theft in the US but believe me it ain't in this country or other European countries either. TQS has an international membership so this is of importance. Sorry if I have trod on anybody's toes (hope your got your coffee hot and strong, Sue) but my identity is more important to me than TQS is. Off now to contact support. I will report back unless I get thown off the forum before that :kiss:


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