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hospital update

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    hospital update

    Just got home from the hospital and have news.kat had some test run today and here is what they found. first they went down her throat and opened her swallow tube so she will be able to swallow better and they found a small ulcer in the stomach. thats it from the top. now from the bottom they found that her small intestins was inflamed not infected [I dont know the difference but that is what they said] said her small intestins was constricting and that is what is causing her so much pain. they took a biopsy and they are sending it to the lab for testing for a bug or parasites to explain the constricting. she is in good spirits and believe me she cant wait to get home. they have her on soft foods [flavor water] tonight and maybe solids tommorow. she hopfully will get to come home tommorw. Now I just want to thank each and everyone of you from the bottom of my heart for all the comments and prayers that you have sent. I thank you. oh yea as far as a hospital project you know she is not just going to lay around so she had me bring her her croucheiting needle and thread so she can make bookmark snakes. lol. thanks to all. your friend pete

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !

    thanks for the update Pete! - bring her the needle with new yarn and get her hands busy! thank u for the update - continued prayers.......


      Pete--Thanx so much for the update. You must've been worried sick, but still took the time to let us know what's going on. Bless your heart! So...Make your wife follow dr's orders so she can come home SOON!!


        Pete thanks for keeping us posted. I'm glad she can do some crocheting at least to help pass the time. Hope she is home soon.

        Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


          Pete, Thanks for the update. Hugs to you both


          In leafy Berkshire, south of England.


            Thanks for the update and take plenty of yarn. Kat is so generous everyone who tends here will get a bookmark before she is finished. continued prayers. Sandy


              Thanks, Pete! Glad to hear that she is doing a little better! Sending prayers and hugs! Mary Kay


                Thank you so for letting us know. She remains in my thoughts and prayers. and I hope she is home very soon! Karen


                  What a sweetheart you are to keep us posted, and take her some bizzy work!! Thanks!

                  It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                  That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                    Thanks for letting us know...still praying for each of you!

                    Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


                      Pete, you are such a sweet hubby! Thank you for keeping us posted on Kat's diagnosis. We will keep you and her in our prayers. I'm hoping that she will get "sprung" from the hospital real soon and you all will get back to your normal routine! Normal is good!
                      Debbie S.

                      Quilting is a Beautiful & Complicated Art!


                        Thanks for the update. I don't the difference between inflamation and infection either - they both dang hurt. Glad to hear about the treatments they did do though. I have had them and they help tremendously. so keep the faith and we will continue praying. We need her smiling face back here. Hugs and love, Ann


                          Pete, thanks for the update. Take her plenty of yarn for the bookmarks and maybe if you bring her baby yarn she can start knitting hats for the newborns. Have been keeping you both in my prayers, as well. Judy in AZ


                            Pete, thank you for the update, you really are a great Husband. I am still praying for her, and hope that 2009 starts with a clean bill of health!


                              I thank you too Pete for the update. I'm praying for you as well as I'm sure this is a tough time for you. But one word of caution, don't take the videocam to the hospital or she will make you film a lesson on making those snakes! Sandy, I was thinking along the same lines as you were. EVERYONE will get a snake made for them lol! I am hoping this clears up quickly and especially that the pain goes away NOW!


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