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    Am ordering my T to T ruler tomorrow!!!


      You will really enjoy it and use up those scraps! Karen


        And it really does feel like you are creating a treasure! I am quilting mine at the moment and it is such a lovely joyous quilt I am very happy with it. I will post a photo when I am done.


          Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
          And it really does feel like you are creating a treasure! I am quilting mine at the moment and it is such a lovely joyous quilt I am very happy with it. I will post a photo when I am done.
          So nice that you are happy with your treasure --I am really looking forward to seeing it! I need some inspiration to try one...


            Originally posted by Renata
            Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
            And it really does feel like you are creating a treasure! I am quilting mine at the moment and it is such a lovely joyous quilt I am very happy with it. I will post a photo when I am done.
            So nice that you are happy with your treasure --I am really looking forward to seeing it! I need some inspiration to try one...
            And I'm glad that the quilting is going better now!!



              Originally posted by Margo
              This quilt you've lead us to is lovely. I love how she quilted it, as well. Margo thanks for the link.

              I have been doing pineapple blocks ever since I got my pineapple tool shortly after the episode with Gylean. But it took me until today to find this Pineapple discussion on the Forum. You'll all soon get to know that Lois has trouble finding lots of things on this cite. LOL I love, love, love the discusion. And I have a quilt top nearly ready to quilt. Have to make decisions about the boarders. I took a picture of it as it is right now. Excuse the quality. Photoman would not approve. It's laying on the floor. On the other hand, the Quilt Police would be happy. It's not hanging on the design wall until I get all those bias edges stabilized with a floating boarder. Then it will go back on the wall to audition more boarders. It's now 64'' sq. and I want it to be about 86" sq.


                Originally posted by Reetzbobeetz
                Lorene, and anybody else who has sewn these blocks together without sashing, can you please tell me how you stopped your machine from gobbling up those tiny corners? And also, did you press the seams open? In anticipation, Rita.
                I had this same problem. I solved it by started the seam about and inch inside the block. Then I sew to the end and turned the block around and started on top of the beginning stitches and then sewed off the end. I think I would like to try the starching and ironing but I am very much afraid of stretching the bias edges. How do you prevent distortions using that method. I pressed my seam open and did not try to match every seam, only corners match. Lois


                  Wow Lois, I am impressed! That is a LOT of pineapples. And, very pretty, too! I love the scrappiness (is that even a word?) of it! I have never made an intricate quilt THAT big! You go, girl!

                  In beautiful Northwest Montana


                    Originally posted by QuilterLynn
                    Am ordering my T to T ruler tomorrow!!!
                    I am so, so happy you are doing that. I know you've been wanting to have one. I have been finished with my pineapple patches for almost a week now and I so missed the drifts of "colourful" little triangles all over my sewing room floor. LOL. I know I will soon have to start another one. The trash is not gone yet! I know you will have fun with these blocks. Lois


                      I am speechless by how attractive your pineapple quilt is. Part of what attracts me to it is the dark green parts that seem to give movement and definition to the overall scrappiness of the quilt. Very nicely done! That IS inspiring!


                        Lois your quilt is gorgeous! Isn't it fun how many different ways you can do these pineapples? I went for even more scrappiness - what Gyleen calls 'the full mosaic' and I love it too. But even as I was putting the squares together I was thinking about the next one and what form it will take. I just put the binding on mine tonight and will post photos hopefully tomorrow when I can take a photo in good daylight. That is if we get any good daylight, today we had nothing but rain, rain and more rain. :|

                        I had been very worried about the bias edges but I found that starching the 8 1/2" blocks made a huge different to sewing them together. I pressed them carefully and they didn't distort at all. It meant that the little corner triangles didn't shrink back into the seams and the blocks stayed together much more easily too. I pinned each corner just to be sure and put one pin in the centre but that was all. And once I had starched them I didn't really need the stiletto that much or even the starty-stopy.

                        I am looking forward to seeing what kind of a border you put on yours. The seminole border on Joyce's quilt is really lovely. Someday.....


                          Rita, I missed Joyce's quilt with the seminole border. I looked in show and tell. I scanned this topic and couldn't find it, but then I am the one who has trouble finding anything. Lois


                            Lois, it's the one Margo gave us the link to that you mentioned earlier in this blog. Here's the link again so that you can have another look at the border.

                   ... completed/

                            But I am sure you can find the important things like your sewing room, your fabrics, threads, needles, machine feet, cookies, chocolate know? :lol:


                              I was so totally amazed by that quilt that the fact it was made by "Joyce" just blew right through my brain and didn't get attatched anywhere. I think it's the ADD. Or perhaps, the brain has just had a few too many birthdays! But your right I can easily find the important stuff like quilt shops, more fabric and chocolate. Lois


                                Lois -

                                I really love your quilt! It really glows and has incredible movement! Thanks so much for sharing!



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