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It's A New Day! to be Fit and Trim

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    Too late! We ate the cake. The ironic thing is that DD has to lose about 80 pounds herself! She's 24 and I can't say anything-she gets so defensive. She was even thinking about lap band surgery until she found out she won't be able to drink soda ever again. She's addicted, as am I.
    So, I'm starting again. I just have to figure out how I'm going to do this. I'm sure the fibro symptoms will decrease if I lose the weight. I'm just not sure I'm ready.

    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


      Libbi, Pat in Rockport, TX also recommended measuring in multiple places and I still haven't done it. What you say makes sense. There are weeks I just know I have lost a pound or two because my clothes feel looser but the scales remain the same. I am going to get my tape measure out and do it.

      Eileen - If someone made me a cake I don't know that I could give the whole thing away but I would eat a tiny piece share the rest with anyone who came through the door. It is much easier for me to diet at this point in my life because I am not cooking for my kids or my parents. It's just me and my husband and he needs to eat healthier also.


        Well, after being on vacation for two weeks, I am very pleased to report that I didn't gain any weight--I weigh the same this morning as the Sunday before we left. And my measurements are actually down 3/4 inch. I can't tell you how pleased and surprised I am. I did try very hard to stick to my low-carb regimen, and took along a good supply of the Atkins Advantage bars to help me turn down things I shouldn't eat. Now if I can just get another 35 or 40 pounds off.....

        Pat in Rockport, TX, who has lost 62 pounds from her all-time high.


          Eileen, don't beat yourself up over a setback. Just move forward. Weight is a very personal, sensitive issue and brings out a lot of emotions. DD will pick her own moment. There is a lot of psychology that surrounds the weigh problem. Maybe DD made that cake, not only because she loves you, but because you share something with her. If you lose weight, maybe she feels a bond will be broken. I'm not a psychologist, so I just should shut up!

          Another thing that worked for me was to focus on the positive effects of weight loss. I did a lot of quiet time visualization of how good I would feel, how good I would look, the things I could do that my weight wouldn't let me do. But don't visualize yourself skinny all at once. Maybe 5 lbs at a time. Even 20 lbs is daunting but 5 lbs is doable. Then another 5. Before you know it, you've reached your goal.

          Pat from TX: Good for you. I'm giving you a big hug long distance.

          Looking out the window at Lake Leman in beautiful Switzerland


            I'm hoping to be able to check in twice a month. So far from the last time I weighed myself I have lost about 4lbs. Not really sure, cuz once the scale passed the 160 mark, I jumped off. ops: LOL. Today it didn't make the 160, it stopped at 158. piling my plates with colorful veggies are sure helping alot! I haven't had drive-thru in a long time-there was a time the drive thru was breakfst lunch and dinner. I've done alot of grilled chicken and fish, I haven't had too much red meat either. The last two weeks at work were ladden with bar-b- ques everyday each class had a end of year celebration. I just worked extra hard on my end of year reports :wink: .

            The real good news is that last years summer clothes don't fit as tight, 5 more lbs and they should be comfy. In the meantime I'm off to entertain the masses, um kids, for their summer vacation. Lissette

            Looking out the window at Lake Leman in beautiful Switzerland


              WTG Pat for the 65 and Lissette for the 4. I told a friend today that when I'm seriously committed to losing weight, it's actually reassuring to feel hungry as proof I'm headihg in the right direction. Of course, it's awfully nice to have the stomach shrink and not have to battle hunger so much. Everyone is doing great, it's motivating to me.


                Eilleen I alway had to have a soda 2-3 a day Put when I made my mind up to make a change for the better I new I had to give up the soda and really I do not miss it and when I do think I would like it I let it go flat and one of the small cans take 3 day to drink I feel great now I was 2 years to make my mind up I wish I would have done it sooner I was 250 size 24 now I'am 125 and size5 Happy


                  I like Happy had the GP and when I absolutely have to have soda I drink no name. It is usually not as carbonated and I can't stand as much of it. So I don't drink as much. I wish I would have lost more weight but I had the accident right in the middle of a losing cycle. That and the meds stopped the losing right in it's tracks. So I for the moment am working on just not gaining. By the way Yes deffinately messure yourself in several places. Why? Muscle weighs a lot more then fat! what you may be doing is toning your muscles. So it is a 7/1 ratio if I remember correctly. Either way muscle weighs more. So take several meassurements . Around upper arms thighs, waiste, calfs, and wrists. Take before and after photos. And put photos on frig of what you would like to wear when you are skinny. Rachel


                    I know that I need to work on portion control, drinking water, and exercising.

                    I think that I do pretty well with portion control most of the time.

                    Drinking water is hard for me. Most of the time water is boring and sometimes our well water just doesn't taste good. I recently discovered True Lemon, True Lime, and True Orange. I really like it and hope this will help me drink more.

                    As for does one exercise with a bum knee? I haven't found a way yet.



                      Do you have access to a pool? You can walk or swim and the water takes the weight off your knee.
                      Frances in Austin where it just started pouring, yea we need the rain.


                        Walk Away the Pounds-Complete In-Home Walking System by Leslie Sansone.

                        I bought this dvd last month. I watched it this morning in the longarm studio because something was wrong with the regular dvd player. DH fixed it and I'm starting this program tomorrow.


                        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                          Get an exercise ball. Make sure it is the right size for your height. If you set on it you are working out without even noticing it. It helps you maintain balance, and lightly balance. Believe it or not use it instead of a computer chair and just bounce slowly. You will slowly burn calories and build back, leg, and stomach muscles. This was reccomended after my GP surgery. By the way it works great while you are in the early stages of labor too. That is how I lost mine. My neice still has it. She used it all during her pregnancy and while in labor. Give it a shot they only cost about $20-30 and they usually come with a work out dvd. Rachel.

                          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                            Way to to Eileen. Let us know how you like it. I might be interested in alternating between treadmill and something like this.


                              I was talking to my friends physical therapist and she said that she has been using the Wii for quite a few of her patients. She say that they don't even know that they are doing therapy. Also Wii has an exercise program. I just thought I would pass it on to those of you who may not know this. My kids have been point out all the benefits to me about why I would like the Wii. So if you would like more just ask and I will connect you with one of them :lol: Rachel


                                Rachel, my daughter has the Wii, it's a lot of fun and great exercise. It's on my list of things I want.

                                Eileen, let us know how the walking DVD goes. I am moving my treadmill out of hiding tomorrow.


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