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It's A New Day! to be Fit and Trim

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    Originally posted by dogquilter
    Eileen, It's a New Day, don't beat yourself up. You are making steps towards your goal everyday. I have found from the TAW (The Artist Way) writing things out that are getting to me really helps to release the frustration behind the desire to munch. You might try writing down your emotions on your food list. I joined a website called awhile ago. I need to look back into it too, but anyway, there you can keep track of your food really easily. We are here to support one another in every way we can think of, what ever it takes we will all meet are goals.

    Margo all your posts are great to read. Everyone here loves you chat away. People are reading and being inspired all over the world. Isn't that amazing when you think about it?
    Thanks, Judy! Actually, it's kinda SCARY when you really think about it! :shock:
    I have probably shared more with this wonderful community than I have with anyone locally! I've just let it all hang out! (Well....maybe there are still some secrets, but we don't need to go there!! LOL!!)

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      Thanks, ladies. I'm really not a "big honking hole of need", honest :lol: :lol: :lol:

      Margo, there may be 30,000 members but how many do you think even come to the forums? If it's even half that, I'd be very surprised. Plus, a lot are like me-only read the ones that pertain to something I'm interested in. There.........does that make you feel better? How about picturing us all naked? OH NO!!!! Never mind, don't do THAT!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :roll: :shock:

      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


        Originally posted by eileenkny
        Thanks, ladies. I'm really not a "big honking hole of need", honest :lol: :lol: :lol:

        Margo, there may be 30,000 members but how many do you think even come to the forums? If it's even half that, I'd be very surprised. Plus, a lot are like me-only read the ones that pertain to something I'm interested in. There.........does that make you feel better? How about picturing us all naked? OH NO!!!! Never mind, don't do THAT!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :roll: :shock:
        Shoot, Eileen....I am of the opinion that the TQS members who do not participate in the forum are missing out on one of the best things this site has to offer! It's always nice to have a new member join in, but like I've said before, this just feels like a really safe "place to play" and I love reading about friends! I am so glad that TQS has come into my life!
        (But I have no intention of posting nekked photos!!! LOL!!!)

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          Hi, I've been a lurker on this subject and ya'll have inspired me just by I decided to come out and join you. I've actually lost 6 pounds since the thread started, probably more if I would schedule exercise time. I have a treadmill in the kitchen..hidden behind the vacumn and a portable island, so I am gonna do some rearranging shortly and get it out of hiding. Think I will hide the vac behind the treadmill. hehe Thanks for all your inspiration and support and hopefully we call all help each other. Sandi in FL

          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            Welcome Sandi in FL!! Glad to have you join us! I vote that you park the vacuum in a really out of the way place!! :wink:

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              Welcome Sandi in Fl. I am so happy you are joining us. Treadmill definitly more important than vaccum. Can you tell how unimportant it is to me, I can't even spell it. I am waiting for my kids to come for dinner. It is my son-in-laws birthday and while I am preparing his favorites I will only eat small portions and my daughter can make him a cake. Actually he does not eat cake so we don't worry about that.


                We had a nice birthday dinner with my daughter and son-in-law. My daughter had a wedding shower to attend at 2 and they were to be at our house by 4. It was 7 when they finally got here. I wasn't surprised because you get a bunch of girls together who haven't seen each other for months and they are going to have to have some time to catch up on things. My dinner was fine and the extra weight didn't hurt it at all. I tried a new Yellow Squash recipe and it was delicious, and me had my s-i-l favorite B-Q Boneless Bibs and Oven Browned Potatoes and Sister Sue's Rolls. I ate small portions and did not go back for seconds and sent the leftovers home with them. I did miss my exercise and I am going to try to excercise twice today to catch up, but I don't promise. I didn't make a cake but made a Peach desert with jello, cool whip and canned peach (without the syrup). I sorry I sent all the squash though.


                  Hi Sandytn, you are up early! The squash sounds yummy, can you share the recipe? I am taking some online continuing ed classes, needed a break so popped in here. I got my treadmill down and when I finish this class gonna walk, walk walk. Sandi in FL


                    Hi Sandi,
                    I do get up early, about 5 and now here it is almost 5 hours later and I have done 30 minutes on the treadmill and just finished writing the recipe in my 'Favorite Family Recipe' book I keep. One day I am going to formalize it a little bit and give my kids a copy of their favorite recipes. The recipe is from a local chain of restuarants and their recipe made 2 9"x13" dishes and used 10 pounds of squash. I cut it down...

                    Aubrey's Squash Casserole
                    2 pound yellow squash (5 or 6 small to medium)
                    3 tablespoon margarine
                    1/4 finely diced sweet yellow onion (or less if you don't like onion)
                    1 egg
                    1Tablespoon sugar (I will leave out next time)
                    1/4 teaspoon salt
                    black pepper (a few shakes)
                    1/4 teaspoon granulated garlic
                    3 Tablespoons bread crumbs

                    Cut off ends of squash and cut lengthwise making 2 pieces. Boil or steam until soft. Drain and place on clean surface and weight down for about 5 minutes to help remove liquid. (I put between several layers of paper towels.) Add squash and remaining ingredients to mixing bowl and blend with mixer or by hand. Pour into casserole dish (I used about a 9" x 9" dish). Recipe said to bake at 350 degree for 20-25 minutes. I baked at 400 so it depends on oven.

                    Hope you like it.


                      That squash recipe sounds delicious, will have to try it.

                      I had a better week. I'm down 2 pounds from last week, and 3/4 inch off my measurements. I wish it came off as easily as it went on!

                      My knee is just about healed, so may be able to get back to walking this week.

                      Pat in Rockport, TX, determined to lose another 30 pounds.


                        That's a great week Pat. Glad your knee is coming along and the squash was delicious.


                          Keep your fingers crossed, ladies. I'm writing everything down :shock: !!!

                          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                            MMMmmm, that recipe sounds great. Thanks Sandy! I guess it would be a good idea to write the measurements down, just the thought of seeing those numbers make me think ewww, but, hopefully it will be less of an eww watching them go down. Sandi in FL

                            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                              WTG Sandi in Fl - 6 lbs is great! Sandy in TN thanks for the recipe I love yellow squash/onions fried in butter and this recipe sounds healthier. I'm going to try it. Pat so glad to hear about the knee getting better. I'll bet you're feeling freer like I am as you get better. And Eileen, I know how you feel. I've many times in my life would say to myself I know when I've got it in me to commit and when I don't and would get so frustrated when I wanted to commit but kept slipping. I would not wish my problems on anyone with weight but the chair is coming Monday and even tho it's a tremendous blessing to ease my back pain, I wish I had had the fortitude to have worked harder and not gotten to this point. It seemed at the time I was working hard and I was but the only choices are working harder when it is harder. I like Maya Angelou's quote "We do the best we know to do and when we know better we do better." (paraphrased, I'm sure) So I don't want to put a heavy on anyone, I like how Weight Watchers takes the guilt out of it by treating weight control as another maintenance item in our lives, but things can turn south so quickly. God bless you in your struggle Eileen.


                                Welcome Sandi in Florida!!!
                                When I got dressed this morning, after my treadmill time and shower, my clothes are looser. Nothing taste as good as my clothes feel looser. Tomorrow is check in day.


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