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It's A New Day! to be Fit and Trim

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    This topic has been so inspirational. Thanks to all who have shared their stories. I lost good 30 pounds years ago on weight watchers, but eventually put it back on and then a few. It's difficult to fit exercise into the scheme of things, particularly when I've practically replaced all the exercise I use to do with quilting. I've been trying to bring a healthy lunch to work and eat more salads, some weeks I win, and others I lose. This Forum topic can help keep me stay on track -- it's motivational, as well as educational.


      WOW! Libbi, you have certainly got an inside track on this thread. Thank you so much for sharing these words of wisdom! I wish you well and continued success in your weight loss efforts.

      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


        This has been an inspirational thread. I also cut down on feeding my eyes by using a smaller dish. I also try to make sure that my salads are colorful and full of green. Nature is such a good model, green is the base of just about every landscape that I can think of. Now that the school year has wound down and the hustle to get records completed is over, I can increase my exercise that I do at work. One thing that I incorporated was to use my exercise ball at my desk--it's great for my posture! I tried to do so in my sewing room but alas, not enough room! Best of luck to everyone who has accepted the challenge to improve ourselves!

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          I love this thread. After reading what everyone is doing, I get more excited to go do something. I totally agree with Libbi. I follow the things that she has recommended and have never have had much of a weight problem. Add the extra steps wherever you can. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. I have to get my dogs out everyday. And I love to do that. Having a bad day is not the end of the world, get back on track the next day. Studies have shown that losing a few pounds make a difference and that adding exercise makes a difference in one's health. So find something to do that you love to do everyday. Then we'll have more years to quilt.


            Well I've resisted this thread because I'm the poster child for how you can lose ground quickly with obesity. I have been trying to qualify for lap band surgery for over 4 years but my company has an exclusion clause against bariatric surgery. When I sold my condo in VA and moved to MI I kept some money aside to pay for it myself. But now it's difficult to find someone who'll do the surgery on my size. They want you to do the bypass which I can't afford. Now that I'm off on medical leave with no signs of improvement and filling out disability claim forms, I can't spend a dime. SO, afterall that whining, this is to say I started counting calories again this weekend. Right before my back went out in Feb, I had lost 41 pounds getting ready to have the lap band surgery as ordered by the surgeon. But I had no one to get me groceries and gained it all back I'm sure eating pizza delivery. So count me in and thanks for the support. ops:


              I truely feel for you. There are organizations out there that will help you get groceries and run errands if you need. Call church organizations like cathlolic charities, or call your local social services and see if they have a list of programs for shut ins. Also you can call almost any church even if you don't belong chances are there is some one there who would be willing to help if you asked. The point is put down the pizza and pick up the veggies. Also don't try to do it alone. That and I know you just broke your leg but stay active. There is nothing wrong with your upper body and your other leg. So get moving them. If you have weights use them. Also if you have an exercise video. Put it in and do as much of it as you can sitting down. I know it may sound weird but any movement is good movement. You will not lose if you do not move. I had the bypass surgury and did really well. I lost over 150 pounds. I promptly quit losing the day I had my car accident. Coincidentially that is the same day that I quit moving. Rachel


                Patti, I really agree with Rachel. Find another source of food supply and get something other than fast food or prepared foods for yourself. Not only is the pizza loaded with calories, the foods that are used to make the pizza are generally bulk cheeses, meats, etc that carry their own double whammy of bad stuff. I am no food scientist but I have a pretty strong suspicion that it is the additives and preservative used in these foods are a big contributor to worldwide tendencies to obesity.

                Her suggestion to move any part of your body is also very on the spot. I believe that Richard Simmons had a video for exercises for people with limited mobility.

                I also get very angry when I hear these stories of people who are denied bariatric surgery for years because of insurance issues. It really is an issue of pay me now, or pay me later. And it is those of us with weight problems that pay the biggest price.

                I was fortunate. The problem is small here as opposed to the USA and UK. There is a massive campaign to make people aware of childhood obesity. The lifestyle is much more active. The whole family goes out for walks. They are bicycle crazy. There are walking paths and bicycle paths everywhere.

                And, I must tell you this, in the countries I've lived (Italy, France, Switzerland, Singapore, Austria), they LOVE their pastry shops. In my small village there are 5! They must have their bread fresh daily and the variety is enormous. 4pm is coffee and sweet time. But very few are obese, some are overweight, but the majority I would say are average. Not Hollywood celebrity stick figure thin, but real people weight.

                Sorry but this is a subject I go ballistic on. I suffered physically, emotionally, and socially for over 50 years because of this problem and I hate to see others with this problem.

                Looking out the window at Lake Leman in beautiful Switzerland


                  Everyone has a story! And that is certainly true of the TQS family. I am so amazed at what so many of you ladies have accomplished and so proud I am a part of your family. Pattisure, I wish I lived close to you and could help you out. I’m sending you a big hug of encouragement.

                  I do a lot of sitting at work and when I am quilting. I am trying to get in the habit of taking a break at least every hour and move around some. But time sneaks up on me so I’m thinking about picking up a cheap watch with an alarm and setting it to beep me every hour as a reminder to move.

                  Stressed spelled backward is desserts. Do think there is a message there. I certainly eat more when I am under a lot of stress and that used to mean sweets.


                    Thanks guys for the support. I only had to eat pizza I forgot to say for about 6 weeks and then I came up with the brilliant idea of a neighbor who offered to be a handyman when I moved in and I called and asked him if I could pay him to shop and he did a great job. I had already felt like I gained the 41 lbs back and slipped into tho putting off the calorie counting until I was back on my feet. I didn't break my leg, I have a ruptured and herniated disc and pinched nerve. The nerve causes too much pain to allow me to sit up for more than 30-40 min. I have the added stress that the airlines are laying off people and if I get caught on medical leave and get laid off, I'm out the door without benies. So I've done drugs, PT and now the shots and nothing is working. I am doing the stomach exercises but not as much as I could so that plus going back to strictly counting calories is what I should have been doing more faithfully and am now scared enough to force myself to it. The most disappointing thing is I DID call area churches. I became disabled shortly before I moved and never got out to find a church but was sure I would get some help but was unable to find a willing source.


                      Patti there could be a silver lining in that cloud of concern about losing your benefits...IF you have to get another health insurance plan, (which can often be cheaper than COBRA) they can no longer deny coverage for "pre-existing conditions" so long as you have not had a "break in coverage", or I think only as long as your break in coverage was... ie, if you went a month w/o insurance, they could only deny coverage for that condition for a month... so obviously w/ the disk issues, you won't want to be w/o insurance, but maybe you'll find a plan that covers MORE than your current one. I realize there's a price $$ to pay, but you might get more benefit than what you pay in...


                        You are right there Florence. As I am filling out disability papers I worry about not being able to work again. But please God I will be and yes it be great if it worked out that way.


                          Unreal the churches wouldn't help you. I thought for sure they would especially as you were new in town. Another avenue you could look into is call your local hospital and ask to speak to their social worker. Explain your situation. She usually will be able to point you in the right direction for assistance. By the way if you had called any of the churches that I have gone to in the past. They would have deffinately have helped you out. Then again I am from a small town and have lived in small towns all my life. I am sorry they were not more kind to you. I can also sympathize with your nerve pain and back pain. I do hope that your ailment heals quickly. Remember just move as much as you can. Rachel
                          P.S. And put the pizza down :shock:


                            Nice Thread,very supportive, very eduacatinal, very inspirational. "Good Luck on the weight loss and a very happy reunion"

                            ( Good Luck to everyone trying to loose weight.)

                            Yes, Check on the Social Services in your township they should help you out.
                            I'm in Ohio and I had an Uncle in Kentucky that needed help and I called Social Services in Kentucky and told them the situation and you talk about getting help fast,they were right on it. They were really nice, they helped out alot. Though my uncle was on disability. I was worried sick but I couldn't get to Kentucky at the time. My Uncle is an Achoholic and He set out in the cold rain drinking and he had a very bad cold, I was afraid he was going to die of phemonia. Well I have another uncle that lives with him but he is disabled too he lost his mind due to a divorce,he's not right minded,drinks too. One takes care of the other. I'm sorry,I got mixed up here on my uncles the second uncle was one that got ill. I not much on editting! First Uncle has drank since I can remember,he got hit by a car from walking on a side road drunk,broke his neck. Dr. said if he hadn't of been drunk he wouldn't have lived through this,I'm like it wouldn't have happened if he hadn't of been drinking.
                            "I did what I thought was best at the time". I did fess up later to my Uncle that I called social services for them because I was worried over thier wel-being. He was happy that he got the help. They took my uncle
                            To the hospital and got him well,they also made sure he was a a fit bill in health needs all the way around.Eyes/ears,complete physical, They even made sure he got his dental care taken care of.
                            I really felt bad in way of thier privacy but they did get the help they were needing. I felt it was a life & death situation,he taking better care of himself now. The S.S. keep in contact with them AND DO HOME VISITS BECAUSE NEITHER HAVE DRIVERS LICENCE,sorry caps.
                            So with being out of state don't ever think you can't get someone the help if needed, I did. Though they do have to have disabilities benefits.



                              I had to re-post, Last post was long!

                              Okay you guys may think I'm silly but I weigh 118 pounds and some times 122, I gain / I loose. But I'm over weight for my size either weight. I'm not as active as I use to be because of getting tired easily, its the fybro/arthritis. Alot of folks would think how is 118-122 pounds over weight, lets just say it is for me. "Truth" I have a heathy gut/bigger thighs,fatter face...never mind you can trust me,I'm over weight.


                              I have a sausa dish for you guys to try if you like:

                              two cans of pineapples/chopped
                              one red or purple onion/chopped
                              mix altogether and eat with corn chips.... I would call it a light snack but the corn chips with salt might not be forgiving,I don't know.
                              Daughter just gave me this recipe if its not good for the diet then just eat a couple, I'm so sorry. Though it would be great to get afew good diet recipes going here. I'm not good with the dietary depart. but I know I like the sausa's.

                              All my best to you everyone, Kathy


                                well fresh pineapple or canned in water would be fine. Salsa is a great low cal dish. I make a killer fresh salsa from a recipe one of my students gave me when I was teaching new hire classes in West Virginia for UA. Miss those tomatoes and can't wait for them to show up at the Farmers Market! Well I've been compliant to my 1000 calories and exercises twice a day for 3 days now Yippee!

                                Got a call from the scooter store who's been working for months on getting the insurance OK for a powerchair and I got approved today. This is such good news as I can rejoin the world when I'm able to sit again. Here's to dieting right out of that chair (if my back gets better as I expect it will when the pounds go)but I'm so so grateful for the help now.


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