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It's A New Day! to be Fit and Trim

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    Perfect Linda. You accomplished two things at one time. I learned last night that my treadmill does not work when the power is off.


      Hahaha Sandy. You know what I would have done. Oh well, points for trying, I'm going to go watch TV. :P


        Hi everyone! I recently found this forum. You all are such an inspiration, and I need help losing weight.

        I'm trying to watch my calories and write down what I eat. I can keep this up for about a week, and see some progress, but then I'm out of town for a few days with my job, which tends to blow the diet! Then I'm back at square one. How discouraging & frustrating!

        I will report in on Fridays.



          Hi Nancy
          I'm glad you found us and just know you are not alone. I can understand that travel would make it very difficult to lose weight because I have really cut back on fast food. We never ate out a lot, but I picked it up and brought it home. Same thing. A lot of restaurants have their menus online along with nutritional information. I check this before I eat and am able to make an informed decision. It's all about baby steps and life style changes you can live with.


            I'm back to exercising and hope to stick with it. I've walked 1 hour a day every day since Sunday, and have worked out Monday and today on our weight machine. I'm going to try to do the weight machine at least 3 times a week, 3 reps of 7 different exercises. Hope I can stick with it.

            The hurricane is not very near us, but we're getting some thunder and lightning, so I won't be able to stay on the computer long--even though we have surge protectors, we still unplug the electronic stuff during storms.

            Pat in Rockport, TX


              Wow Pat you are really doing some heavy duty walking. Good for you.


                Congrats to everyone on their progress this week - weight loss and looser-fitting clothes! I have lost 0.8 of a pound. I'm happy with that.



                  good for you Nancy! Every bit helps. Karen
                  Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                    Okay, another week done. I did manage to use the weight machine on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, for about 15 to 20 minutes each time. I walked 6 and a half hours total this week. I didn't lose even one pound, but there are 1 3/4 inches gone off my measurements, so I must have exchanged some fluffy fat for some muscle mass. I'm a happy camper today. How did you do?

                    Pat in Rockport, TX
                    Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


                      I was much more committed this week in the food department after my daughter's less than gracious comments and I lost 2 pounds. I feel so much better about myself. I continue to walk with the weights. Decided I need to do that in moderation so I don"t end up with Popeye arms. Couldn't believe the muscles developing in my forearms


                        I've been doing well with exercise--still walking at least 6 hours a week, and working out on the weight machine for at least 20 minutes three times a week--but have only lost one pound in two weeks, and only half an inch in measurements. I will have to do a bit more, and eat a bit less.

                        Pat in Rockport, TX


                          I"ve been going to the gym for classes. Mostly they are step classes, but they also use weights and do some toning work.
                          I lost .8 pounds last week, at least it was something. Last week I went to the gym every day. Not sure if I will do that this week. Maybe 3 days... we'll see.
                          I'm worried about when school starts. They have evening classes 3 days and both weekend days, so I can still go then. Just hope I can keep this up.


                            Roni and Pat, remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so you are doing great! The more muscle you have the more fat you will burn. Working out is great for your bones also. Keep up the great work!

                            Happy Quilting,

                            Shiner TX


                              Thanks for the nice words Wanda, I went to the gym this morning. The class was called Boot camp.... I kept up pretty well, if I couldn't figure out something I just marched in place. The instructor, ( thin, tanned, blonde, you get the picture,) kept coming over to my friend and I I think she was trying to show us what we were doing wrong. I was just thrilled I could do something!
                              Happy Quilting,

                              Shiner TX


                                Now I am going to make you all sick and envious. Keep in mind I did have the gastric bypass so hunger isn't really the problem. IT IS CRAVINGS :!: :evil: I lost a pant size in 10 days by just giving up coffee :idea: and cereal. I switched to hot tea with out sugar. If I wanted flavor in it I added mint. Then for breakfast I had fruit and toast and peanut butter, or toast and egg. Then I just had my usual soup for lunch.
                                Happy Quilting,

                                Shiner TX


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