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'Wot RoTT' exchange

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    Looks like an interesting book. Now would that be like my mother's "Oh do it yourself Pat!" :roll: For which she is famous not only in our family but with our children's friends.


      Rosemary, I just check out "Lately Arrived From London". Looks very interesting! I'll be waiting for your review. Loved the press logo. Lois


        Rosemary, will look at that book...thanks. And I have something to share as well.
        Here's a link to a cute little bag that might be fun to make with extra reels, hsts, scraps, "upcycled" clothing...whatever.


          I got two more baby AAQI quilts done and re-did Limbania's one which was too wide. I have 3 more reels to convert into baby quilts and then I can start on the real thing. These two reels are by Terri Rexford (Highland Lass 75?) and Elizabeth Wells (Scrappy?) not sure of their TQS names. I split the reels on the diagonals and then put them back together. It made one longer than the other.

          Rosemary, I am looking forward to seeing your herringbone one, will you post a photo when you are done?

          Happy quilting everybody.


            great quilts, Rita!


              Well, life has slowed up a bit and I've been petting and enjoying my reels ! Thanks everyone who made reels ...the
              fabrics are wonderful and I see something new every time I gaze at them on the design wall. Thanks to Rosemary
              and Lorna for all the work....the book to come....(after HSTs can't imagine what wonders will come)....and Romira for
              recipe work ! the new avatar !beautiful ! I have a few little things to finish up then I'll start planning Reels !
              Congrats to new grandmothers !


                Love the baby AAQIs, Rita! Colors are delicious and I see the the pretty circles in the quilting of the dark one!!! Marilyn, your reels are beautiful on your design wall! And Romira, what a lovely Avatar, so kind looking, natural and beautiful against the tree! Great photo, please tell your hubby!


                  Rita, you're quilts are so cute

                  living in Central Denmark
                  Charlie Brown: The secret is to look fantastic at a distance


                    Hey Marilyn, I can see my reel on your design wall! Roseanne I agree about your photo it's a really lovely photo. I have 24 years of photos by my DH most of which are dreadful! Thanks Renata - glad you like the babies. And thanks Norma.


                      Aww, shucks...y"all are so sweet.
                      ops: ops:


                        I agree Roseanne. The new photo is so nice. You have a very nice smile. The other one was neat too. You looked so mysterious and fun. Lois


                          Rita--Great AAQI reels!!! I look forward to bidding on them!

                          in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


                            My reels came last week while I was away at a quilting retreat. I finally got a chance to look through them and admire them! There were several names I recognized, and some I didn't. Each one of them is so special. I think I am going to make Edyta's spools pattern. Thank you everyone for creating such lovely reels! Love the Wot RoTT label too!

                            in 'Yes, I Know the Way to San Jose...', California, USA


                              Godd morning,
                              This doesn't pertain to reels, but I know Rita and probably there are others that are from Ireland, chat on this site. I have never been there, but just viewed Carol Moellers pictures from her visit to the Quilt Festival in Ireland and they are absolutely stunning. The pictures she took show some beautiful countryside and stuctures. Would truly love to visit Ireland sometime.
                              Have a happy sewing day,


                                Hi Lori,

                                I am very glad to hear that Carol was able to get some good photos. The weather was so bad that I am amazed that she would have got anything other than rain and mist! Ireland is a beautiful country and we are a welcoming nation by and large (you get grumps everywhere) so come on over and visit sometime. I guess Carol must have posted the photos on facebook?


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