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The Artist's Way

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    You're in Linda and anyone else who wants to jump in.


      So...............we'll start tomorrow?

      When you get up, sit down and write. I bought a new journal just for our journey together. Remember, nobody will grade you on this. Just enjoy the process.

      See you in the AM.


      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


        I am leaving in the morning for my girlie break until Thursday, but I've already started the Morning Pages. Not sure I understand it all, but am willing to give it a go! I will make an effort to keep up with the book, and look forward to catching up with the posts when I get back.
        BTW...I'm surprised that there hasn't been any mention here of Ricky's tour to South America for the purpose of working on creativity! That would be the ultimate Artist's Date!!! :wink:

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          I agree Margo-- that would be a dream come true!!

          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            That would be great, Margo but the book states we're supposed to be alone for our dates. That's hard when you think that quilting can be a very social hobby-we come together to share our love of quilting. A good example-look at how TQS has grown.

            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


              Eileen not sure how you want to start the discussions of the Artist's Way and how we are doing etc. along the way but want to share an experience I had this week. Then you or anybody else can chime in unless you want to establish some guidelines. (I won't say rules sounds too much like those creation/quilt police I am trying to banish)

              Any way here goes. Thursday night I was trying to keep up with the Justin featured guest chat (wow what a fun chat) when the phone rang and it was a woman I haven't seen or heard from in over 45 yrs. A school mate who I have recognized now as a serious contributor to some of my poor self esteen issues in high school etc. Couldn't imagine why she called (still am not sure) but all those awful down putting feelings came rushing back. So after she hung up and I read the chat transcript so I found out what I missed, I drew a cartoon of her and put big slash marks over her. It helped. I am still not quite over the rush of bad feelings and have been stuck for a couple of days but am working as hard as I can to conquer that nemesis and the time travel ideas have helped. So onward and upwards and DAB you are out of my life.

              Ann (she couldn't even call me or my husband by the names we use now so boo on her ) HOME IS WHERE WE PARK IT


                Ann your friend reminds me of a few people I know. They want you to feel inferior so they feel superior. My favorite quote. Eleanor Roosevelt, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent "


                  I am doing my morning pages but not everyday. It is not yet an automatic thing to do. I try to write whatever pops into my head and not think about it and it is weird where some strings of thoughts end up. I have no trouble filling 3 pages of ramblings but not yet sure where they are leading. I haven't done the exercises yet but hope to start on them tonight. I have been hand quilting ever free minute I have but that project is almost finished and I can move on. Why is it so difficult to do an Artist Date? I have one planned for this week though and we'll see how it goes.


                    This person, who I wouldn't even designate as a friend, was trying to communicate with your Inner Critic to make you feel bad. Just rise above it. Write it all out and then release it.

                    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                      Good advice Eileen. Ann- wonder why she would pick this particular week to contact you after so long??? maybe so she could be part of this weeks tasks and you can let her go for good???

                      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                        Thanks all of you for your comments and support. I agree that this is an inner critic moment and I have to just push past it. I have started a new small project today, put some things I am stuck on away and have been watching Ricky's grand finale (especially the section on piped binding because I am determined to conquer that technique.)

                        I go tomorrow for blood tests again and think possibly some of my creative funk is due to my chronic anemia. If that is the case, a blood transfusion or an iron infusion will put me back on track. So cross your fingers for me. I am hoping that I do not need the transfusion or infusion but if that is the problem because I have big plans for this fall.

                        Didn't say anything until I had gotten my confirmation from Justin but we are going to La Veta for quilt retreat in September. Dh is grousing about costs but on the other hand bragging to anyone who will listen so I am really excited and DETERMINED TO MAKE THIS ARTISTS WAY JOURNEY HELP ME PREPARE FOR WHAT DANA HAS CALLED A LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE. WHOO HOO LA VETA HERE I COME

                        (AND a couple of well behaved companions for Skippy the kangaroo are coming along. Justin told me they are welcome. )

                        Ann HOME IS WHERE WE PARK IT (and September it will be La Veta)- now just have to write the check. LOL


                          Originally posted by snowplow3840
                          Thanks all of you for your comments and support. I agree that this is an inner critic moment and I have to just push past it. I have started a new small project today, put some things I am stuck on away and have been watching Ricky's grand finale (especially the section on piped binding because I am determined to conquer that technique.)

                          I go tomorrow for blood tests again and think possibly some of my creative funk is due to my chronic anemia. If that is the case, a blood transfusion or an iron infusion will put me back on track. So cross your fingers for me. I am hoping that I do not need the transfusion or infusion but if that is the problem because I have big plans for this fall.

                          Didn't say anything until I had gotten my confirmation from Justin but we are going to La Veta for quilt retreat in September. Dh is grousing about costs but on the other hand bragging to anyone who will listen so I am really excited and DETERMINED TO MAKE THIS ARTISTS WAY JOURNEY HELP ME PREPARE FOR WHAT DANA HAS CALLED A LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE. WHOO HOO LA VETA HERE I COME

                          (AND a couple of well behaved companions for Skippy the kangaroo are coming along. Justin told me they are welcome. )

                          Ann HOME IS WHERE WE PARK IT (and September it will be La Veta)- now just have to write the check. LOL
                          Congratulations, Ann, on the September La Veta retreat!!!! I am going in late July, and part of why I didn't jump in to The Artist Way right now is I am trying to get ready for the retreat! I have been to a innovation :idea: ground school, which sound very similar to some of the journalling that you are all doing. You will be amazed at what your brain is capable of, by using some of the journalling and mind mapping techniques. I am enjoying watching from the sidelines all of you jumping into the Artist's Way! :!:


                            I've finished reading week 1 and am now going to concentrate on the tasks.
                            Just take it slow and easy-I think we'll all come out better on the other side.
                            I am sending you good wishes and prayers for your blood test.

                            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                              I've begun my Morning pages and I've read week one. I even did an artist date last night, if going to Michaels and buying a few fun items is a date. I do that all the time. I do believe these exercises will help me with my quilting creativity as well as my child care projects that I prepare and create for the children I care for. I did realize with the first chapter that I don't have negative feelings about artists. I have always thought that you can be an artist and what ever else you want to be. I try to encourage children to be artistic, they all are.

                              from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                              Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                                I've read Week 1 and I don't do Morning Pages everyday but I'm trying.

                                At first I could not think of any ‘blurts of negativity’ but when they start they don’t stop:
                                I’m don’t think of myself as creative because I use someone else’s pattern whether it is for appliqué or traditional blocks
                                I don’t plan a quilting design but most of the time I quilt in a grid pattern
                                I am afraid to experiment with color and tend to stick with the colors in the pattern picture
                                I have no style that says this quilt is me and can’t even settle on one appliqué technique
                                I honestly don’t believe that I can be a quilt artist
                                I don’t refer to quilting as an art to my family and friends. I was raised that quilts were practical and not artistic
                                I don’t enter quilt shows because I don’t think my quilt making skills are good enough
                                I don’t try hard enough to improve my sewing skills
                                ……so is this the type of things the blurts are meant to be. I'm focusing on quilting creativity but hopefully there are some other creative genes just waiting to be let loose.


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