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The Artist's Way

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    Hi, I hope it's not too late to join! I ordered my book and it will arrive by the 27th. I am an early riser and a journal-er (if there is such a thing)

    I had heard Alex Anderson mention this book on one of her podcasts - I looked it up at that time, but I wasn't sure if I'd stick with it if I did it alone.

    So I'm really excited you invited me to join you to do the book as a group. I'll start as soon as it arrives.

    Thanks again!


      Welcome, Jody! You will be ahead of many of us in that you're already comfortable with journaling.
      Jan in Spokane


        This is so cool!! We're growing!
        I've been trying to do my morning pages, but it's hard. I am a stream of consciousness person and it sounds dumb when I write it down.
        I'm so ready to do this. It's great being here at Hanscom in MA, except for the food issues(I whined over in the other forum). I don't feel any pressure to work on customer quilts, and I bought fabric the other day at Keepsake Quilting for a Halloween convergence!! It just came to me when I was wandering around. I also picked up some sky and landscape fabric medleys. I think the medly is a great idea-you get several fat quarters that go together and if you really like one, you can order yardage from the website.

        Anyway, I'm getting off topic here. I told you I'm stream of consciousness. :lol:

        I finally feel like I can be creative again. I'm going to put myself on a work schedule when we go home so that I have time to do my thing during the day before I get too tired and use up all my spoons.
        I'll try to check in again tomorrow. I have to get ready for Mike to pick me up for lunch and then I'm taking myself sightseeing. I'll use it as my artist's date for this week.
        PS-Welcome to Camille, Jody, Lisa and everybody!

        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


          Eileen That sounds like a good plan to bump yourself up in the lineup before you use up all your energy. You'll probably get ideas from one project that will flip over to be great on another.
          Lyndhurst, Ohio USA - East Side Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio


            Yup - a big cyberhug!


              I wasn't sure that I would want to do this....I don't think of myself as a "creative" person. I enjoy making more traditional quilts, and have in fact NEVER made an art quilt. :?
              However, I think I need to venture out of my box, at least a little. I got The Artist's Way workbook....just to see what you all are up to and now I wonder if I need to get the other book too, or can I just work through the exercises as they are explained here? Just reading the workbook sounds really out of my comfort zone...all the Zen stuff...but I did get up and did Morning Pages today. Are we supposed to keep these pages, or is it just the doing them that's important?? I am not a collector, or keeper of things, and would just as soon pitch them in the trash if that's allowed. Opinions anyone???

              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                Margo, in the book, she states specifically NOT to read the morning pages - at least for 6 weeks, I think. It isn't necessary to go back and read unless you'd like to later check back in order to see how you've grown, if only in your thought process. Julia calls them "brain drain"....clearing your mind of clutter and "stuff", recognize thought patterns that are self critical, but most importantly "teach the logic brain to stand aside and let artist brain play". I have thrown away all of my previous journals. No problem. No rules And, to answer your question.....YES, it is in the doing!
                I think it's important to read the book, not just "do" the workbook. There is soooo much to be gleaned from her narrative and background. Avoid getting stuck in what you see as Zen stuff; the book does not follow any religion, rather encompasses spirituality in that it recognizes the Source of all of us, no matter what you call it. In Julia's own words...
                "There is an underlying, in-dwelling creative force infusing all of life - including ourselves."
                "You are seeking to forge a creative alliance, artist-to-artist with the Great Creator."
                Or, if you choose to see it more simply........
                "We undertake certain spiritual exercises to achieve alignment with the creative energy of the universe." You may choose to capitalize "creative" or "universe", if you wish.
                Even my Lutheran pastor SIL wholeheartedly supports TAW. I also know people with NO desire for religion per se, who have enjoyed the book and greatly benefitted from it.
                I believe it is beneficial for everyone, be it different for each one
                Jan in Spokane

                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                  I also don't think of myself as a creative person and that is one of the reasons I am interested in the book. Other people see me as creative so why don't I see it?


                    People think of me as creative too, but I really just copy what someone else created. I would like to be able to come up with my own ideas for quilts and other crafts I do with the children.


                      Thanks, Jan. I'll see about finding the other book.

                      Sandy and Judy, I think we are all in the same boat. I want to try something that I dreamt up all by myself, not just a re-do of something I've seen already made up!

                      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                        Ta-dah!! I found a (like new!) copy of The Artist's Way at our local used bookstore for just $3.25!! I guess I'm supposed to do this????

                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                          Lucky you!!! I found mine on Ebay, total cost with shipping 6.77. I thought that was good, you're a better shopper.

                          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                            One of the main reasons I want to do the book is because I have always been sure I wasn't creative. I keep getting drawn to creative things though (like quilting, and I think even traditional quilts are creative- you still have to pick out the fabric etc) but never try them because "I don't have a creative bone in my body." Well, I'm just not sure that's true, so I am giving quilting a good try and I refuse to give up because my first tries may not live up to my expectations. I may be right and I'm not creative but I'm going to explore it anyway.


                            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                              Margo - AWESOME! I'd agree that it must be serendipity.

                              Lisa - You ARE creative, everyone is! It's in there somewhere; you'll discover ways to nurture the expression of it through this book.

                              I'm excited for everyone. 8)
                              Jan in Spokane

                              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                                I just got my book-- can I still get in!! I will start reading it this weekend :-)

                                It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                                That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


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