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The Artist's Way

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    I didn’t catch Alex’s reference to TAW but I was watching during lunch at work and had the sound turned down. I thought both Ricky and Alex quilts were different from what we associate with them. I loved both quilts.

    I read Chapter 4 yesterday I really related to the turning loose of the old to make room for the new. While getting my bedroom ready to paint last Friday and Saturday, I had to pack up 4 bookcases. I don’t know how many boxes I filled with books, whatnots, pictures, etc. Probably 90% of what I packed I no longer need or want. I’m am turning loose of the clutter in my life. I started decluttering before TAW and that may be what lead me to TAW in the first place. I have never done anything like this before.

    I love traditional quilts but I am drawn to a lot of the new techniques I am seeing on TQS. I can’t wait to see where the journey is going to take me. I don’t draw at all but I actually started a sketch book where I am recording ideas and stick drawing.


      Thanks to everyone who so warmly welcomed me the other day. I have ordered the TAW book from Amazon and am eagerly awaiting it. In the meantime, I checked at the library in this little town we are vacationing in to see if they had it. They did not; but, then I asked for "Drawing on the Right Side of Your Brain" by Betty Edwards 1979. They had it so I have been doing the art exercises in it until the TAW arrives. It is very interesting to me that I am now seeking out all this art help/inspiration. My father found Drawing on the Right Side of Your Brain when it was new and was so thrilled with it and kept trying to get me to read it! I was not interested then. Now I find it very intriguing. I guess it is true, that when the student is ready....... I just wasn't ready. My life was too busy then with a new marriage, 4 teenages between us and working full time. I went down the mountain to another town to WM tonight and bought a spiral notebook to start my journaling tomorrow. I used to do journaling many years ago as part of therapy exercises and have gotten away from it. I always found it very helpful then. It just might help clear out some of the clutter in my head now, too! I agree with the others who said it is good to be on the other side of depression. It's looking like I've done my daily journaling here! This forum thread is so inspiring. Thanks everyone! Mary Anne


        Whew! I managed to get through one whole day without reading! The only thing I REALLY missed was TQS!!! But...I've gotta admit, I really got a lot more done than I usually do! I started by cleaning out drawers and taking a load to Goodwill! (Thanks Sandy for the inspiration to clean out the bedroom!) Then I got a quilt mounted on the long arm and started that project and in the evening I sat and folded fabric instead of reading! It was a good day, and I feel more energized to try some new techniques in the sewing room! ITS A NEW DAY! One day at a time!

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          Margo, I too heard Alex mention the TAW retreat, interesting. It isn't hard not to read except here, I cut way back on my reading and I too got lots more accomplished around the house. Is that a good thing? I am not sure. I realize I use this and other internet exploring as a release from daily stress, but other wise I would be eating it away. How does everyone else relieve daily stress?

          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            I'm still plodding along behind you all and I've had a good week with recovering a sense of identity. I will confess that I was rather surprised with what I found out this week, but glad to learn what I need to focus on now. I've taken a few steps in recognizing and putting in place one of my crazymakers (good for me) and I'm feeling good about where I'm headed.
            I have missed two mornings writing when I first wake up....but have done them later in the day and have now attached a sticky note on my monitor to help remind me how important they are.

            My artist date this week was a trip to our local Alco to buy Crayola crayons. Yes I did say crayons. I've signed up for an online class at MQResource about Color Theory and our first assignment is about using crayons to make a color wheel. What fun I had!!!

            Today I'm starting Week #3 and am excited when I think of what's ahead for me.
            Have a HAPPY day everyone..

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !



              I guess most of you are not reading this week, since there are so few posts online. Thanks to those who have been posting. I so enjoyed Show 302 this week! I caught Alex's reference to a TAW seminar (?) and wondered where she went. Does anyone know? I am still waiting for my book. I finished up a quilt top yesterday which is full of dotty fabric, circles and curved lines. Not sure what else I'll do with it or how I'll quilt it yet. Think I'll get some ideas at Ricky's Retreat next week? Mary Anne

              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                I knew you girls couldn't last, :roll: Judy in AZ


                  My TAW book came today! Yeah! I have read the intros and Chapter 1. I will start my morning pages tomorrow. I made some notes to myself about it this afternoon. This is really exciting to me and I'm not sure why. Much of this is very familiar to me from other recovery work, yet this looks at it all from a different perspective and with a different focus--removing my creative blocks and nurturing my inner creative self. It never hurts to do these kind of exercises again and again over the years. It is amazing how some of those old, negative messages seem to sneak back in take root again--especially when doing something new and risky.
                  I know how hard it is for me to put my quilts in the judged competition of a quilt show. It's the old negative sewing judges/censors from my 4-H days and the county fair. I know that was then and this is now, but emotionally, I guess I don't, because all the old fears come up. I pushed myself to enter my quilts for judging this last Jan. in the Tucson Quilt Fiesta and received a first and third in the wallhanging division! I was so thrilled, excited and amazed!

                  I'm going to be working along in TAW, just like you, Linda. Is anyone just starting?

                  Judy, I'm in CO now for July and Aug; but, I live in Green Valley, AZ. How long does it take you to get to Tucson? Are you getting rain there? Hope so. Stay cool! Mary Anne


                    Originally posted by jbtaz36
                    I knew you girls couldn't last, :roll: Judy in AZ

                    Staying away from here is the hardest task yet. I have limited my usual reading. I read to children everyday......I still did that because I think it is important to read to them everyday.


                      Welcome, Mary Anne! Just a comment about your recent entry into a judged show. First of all a big WHOO-HOO for your ribbons! Feels great, doesn't it?

                      I would like to remind everyone that it's really important to enter your quilts in shows, even if you don't think you stand a chance of taking home a ribbon. If only the "best" quilters ever entered quilt shows, the quilt shows wouldn't be nearly as interesting! I want to see all kinds of quilts and all levels of quilting when I go to a show. You never know what you will see that will spark your next creation! Can you imagine how overwhelmed a brand new quilter would be if the only quilts hanging at a show were the winners???

                      IT'S NOT FAIR IF YOU DON'T SHARE!

                      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                        Hi, Mary Anne, I assume you are asking me, Judy in AZ, these questions about rain, etc. Just so you know, we have Judy (dogquilter), and Judy in Torrance, CA. and other Judies as well. who also like to get on this site. Anyway to answer your questions if they are directed to me, it is about a 2 hour drive to Tucson from where I live. And no, we don't have any rain as yet where I live, but it is supposed to be coming from Dolly over the weekend. It is cloudy out there as we speak but nothing is falling from the sky. It was 111 yesterday and I am in the house!!!!!!!!!
                        Lucky you being in CO for the summer. And welcome to forum. Judy in AZ


                          Welcome, Mary Anne. TAW is an interesting way to look inside yourself. My morning pages have had some revelations for me. I just let the words flow and sometimes I surprise myself.

                          I'm a baaaaad girl. I had to read. Same as breathing. That's my story and I'm sticking to it :lol: :wink:

                          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                            Hi Everyone,

                            Thanks for the welcomes. Glad some of you are reading and posting. I spent so many years working, going to school and taking care of the elder and younger generations, that I thiink it is wonderful I have the time to read just for fun! I quilt a lot, too, but I also read. I agree, it is as necessary as breathing! LOL

                            I started my morning pages today when I first got up; but then the dogs needed to go out for their walk and morning business. My DH took them so I could write, but I found I felt resentful that I was doing that instead of enjoying the early morning walk and romp with the dogs and visiting with DH. That is quality time, too. I am going to do the morning pages when I get back from now on. I think that will work better.

                            Have great day everyone! Mary Anne in CO from AZ

                            from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                            Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                              Mary Anne, I too wait until I get back from my early morning walk to do my morning pages. I'm not sure but I think that just getting them done is more important than doing them first thing in the morning! Anyway, that's my take on it! I've been good about doing my morning pages this week, but for some reason I've been feeling the need to "vent". I haven't yet, because I was taught to never write on paper anything that you wouldn't want to hear read out loud in a court of law!! However, I have a feeling that I'm going to write some soon that will go directly into the paper shredder!! :shock:

                              This whole week without reading has been difficult, and I couldn't give up ALL my reading. I still checked TQS daily, but did without my bedtime beach novel, the book on tape in the car, the daily newspaper and the magazines beside my chair. I've noticed that I definately got more accomplished by not reading as much, but I sure couldn't handle it all the time! Talk about withdrawal!! I also think that since the book was written in 1992, we are now using our computers as communication tools as much as just a source of reading material. I wonder if J. Cameron would have done a "telephone deprivation" week? Hmmmmmm.

                              I just got back from my weekly artist's date. I went to a couple of antique malls, specifically looking for something that my niece asked for when she was here last week. I didn't find what I was looking for, but it was nice to just stroll and look at stuff. Then I went to the quilt shop and found a couple of "perfect" pieces of fabric for a pieced quilt that I'm working on. It was a great artist's date!

                              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                                this week has been a total loss in terms of following up with the Artist's Way and all the things associated with it. I didn't so my morning pages once and haven't even finished reading Chapter 4. (Eileen, would you like to slap my hands for me and get me back on track?)

                                My excuse if you can call it one is that we are staying at a friend's house (in the motorhome in the back yard) but we have gone out to eat every night but one and played cards or visited until late enough that all I get a chance to do is check e mails and maybe read the forum before I am sitting with my forehead on the keyboard. Then there was the little detour to the hospital which ate up about a day and a half. Tomorrow we leave here and head back to Minneapolis to have the generator on the motorhome checked so tomorrow and Tuesday will be quiet days. Maybe I can get back on track.

                                I did do some sketching this week and have a couple of quilt ideas brewing in my head so maybe it wasn't a total wash out but I am determined to get back on the right track tomorrow. Will keep you all posted on my progress next week. Thanks for all the great entries. You all have inspired me to go back at it. Ann


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