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The Artist's Way

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    I like the idea of starting over once we are at the end. We will have more of a comfort in where we were and what we missed along the way. So far I am liking week is a current issue for me.

    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


      I finished reading Week 6, I still have the tasks to do. I am looking forward to them. I thought twice and didn't buy the latest book featured on Oprah, Dr. Oz You Younger. That's a big step for me not buying something that I think I want.

      Really funny, on Sunday, my artist date, I went by myself to Michaels. I bought a rock tumbler and rocks. The kids and I are going on a rock hunt tomorrow. I just read the section about picking up a rock today. Margo, now I get what you were talking about when you said you picked up a rock. Did you know about the rock before you picked it up?

      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


        Originally posted by dogquilter
        I finished reading Week 6, I still have the tasks to do. I am looking forward to them. I thought twice and didn't buy the latest book featured on Oprah, Dr. Oz You Younger. That's a big step for me not buying something that I think I want.

        Really funny, on Sunday, my artist date, I went by myself to Michaels. I bought a rock tumbler and rocks. The kids and I are going on a rock hunt tomorrow. I just read the section about picking up a rock today. Margo, now I get what you were talking about when you said you picked up a rock. Did you know about the rock before you picked it up?
        NOPE! It was that "synchronicity" thing she talks about, I guess! I'm also not going to pick flowers to press. I'll count all The Greenway photos in my website towards that task!

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          I pulled out a big book the other day and it startled me when 3 dead flowers fell out. They didn't preserve that well. I don't need any more smooched dead flowers either. I did take some photos of my hibiscus the other night.

          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


            Hi Everyone, I'm back! I'm reporting in for my week 1 which lasted for 11 days. I did morning pages 9 out of 11 days and found them to be very interesting and helpful. I did not do them first thing, as my dogs need to go out NOW when we get up. I did them at some point in the mornings. I went to Ricky's LVQR last week and so I'm calling that my Artist Date for last week. It was worth every penny it costs and the time it takes. Ricky is such a wonderful, patient and supportive teacher. I am now through one of my major creative blocks, inspired and on the right path. Save your dollars and treat yourself to this awsome experience! Yesterday, I reread the introductions and chapter 1 and it all makes so much more sense now. I write the morning pages as a stream of consciousness that may be "I don't know what to write about" type of writing or it may be venting a frustration, worry, or whatever is crowding into my brain at that moment or been in there all morning. I think Julia calls it a "brain drain". It is helpful to get it out and then I also write solutions if they come to me. I like taking the "Blurts" (negative self-talk) and reframing them into affirmations. Life is brighter when I give myself affirmations than when I put myself down.

            I'm so glad there are still some of you who are continuing on this journey, even though your "Censor/critic" is being very active right now. Remember, this journey of recovering our creative self is a process; not an event. Progess, not perfection. The journey is
            what counts and is where we will find new, exciting things about ourselves and within ourselves. Keep up the good work and keep posting--I need you! Mary Anne in rainy CO

            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


              Originally posted by DesertQuilter
              I'm so glad there are still some of you who are continuing on this journey, even though your "Censor/critic" is being very active right now. Remember, this journey of recovering our creative self is a process; not an event. Progess, not perfection. The journey is
              what counts and is where we will find new, exciting things about ourselves and within ourselves. Keep up the good work and keep posting--I need you! Mary Anne in rainy CO
              Very well said, Mary Anne *_*
              Jan in Spokane

              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                I'm going on vacation tomorrow, but I'll be checking in. DD is taking her laptop and we have internet access. I'll be home on the 16th. I am taking my journal with me, but I'm not going to do week 7 until I come home, if that's okay.
                Mary Anne, Jan, and everyone else on this journey...I'm so glad we're doing this and I need you more than you need me, trust me.

                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                  Eileen have a wonderfully artistic vacation. Fill us in on all the details. I love hearing about others adventures.

                  from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                  Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                    I too am enjoying this journey with you.
                    Last night I had an unexpected artist date. I watched the opening ceremonies of the Olympics and I was very inspired and delighted with the presentation.
                    I like the way they use symbolism and poetry in pictures. I haven't ever even given a quilt a name. SO, I am going to begin using symbolism and poetry and scripture to describe my quilts!
                    It is a fun journey indeed, Elizabeth

                    from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                    Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                      It's Monday evening (the Olympics are on TV!) and I've just read Chapter 7 and done the exercises and listed the tasks. Is anyone else working on Chapter 7? It surely has been quiet on this thread lately! Anyway, I am most impressed with the insight about perfectionism! I've always said that "I don't do PERFECT", so I guess I've got that part figured out. The exercises make me realize again how blessed I am. I just wish that I could figure out why I still don't feel like an artist. :?

                      It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                      That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                        I am happy even if I don't end up feeling like an artist. I just want to be more creative in my quilting and piecing. Elizabeth

                        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                          I haven't started Chap 7 yet, still trying to wrap up Chap 6. I am doing better on my morning pages but I am doing them more as a journal and I do vent a little but it is more what I accomplished the day before and what I want to accomplish. I added a section for weekly goals, monthly goals, long term goals or just things I might like to do one day.

                          I don't think of myself as an artist either but I'm okay with that. I do tell people I am a quilter and at this point in my life I am happy to be known as a quilter. The sky is the limit, maybe one day I can be a master quilter. The word artist covers so many activities but being a quilter is where I want to focus my creativity so I am proud to not 'just' a Quilter but A Quilter.


                            I, too, am proud to be A QUILTER, but when you say you are "a quilter" to john or jane doe, they inevetiably start telling you about their grandma's quilts! I've started saying that I'm A QUILTMAKER and that I do most of my work with a wonderful sewing machine. At least that lets them know I'm not sewing my husband's worn out clothes together by lamplight on a frame hanging from the ceiling!! LOL!!! IT'S A NEW DAY!!!
                            If you've never heard Ricky tell the story about sitting on an airplane trying to explain to a fellow passenger what he does for a living, you need to! It's a riot!!

                            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                              I"M A QUILTMAKER! And IT's A NEW DAY! EVERYDAY!

                              I'm afraid when I say I'm an artist, people reply, what do you paint? And I have to say, my house.


                                I don't think of myself as an artist either. I proudly call myself a quilter. Through the journey of the Artist Way I hope to release some of my own creativity into my quilting and to appreciate the joy of sharing art and learning to children.


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