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The Artist's Way

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    I just love your quilt-- the colors are so striking and it is beautiful! Can't wait to see how you quilt it :-)

    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
    That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


      Eileen - We could hang out together. A lot of your likes were either on my list or I wished I had thought of that. I did my morning pages 5 times last week which is much better than the week before. I have discovered I don't dream as much as I use to because things I want to change are everyday things, paint the house, make design wall, new lighting for sewing room, walk the greenway, free motion quilting, read, etc. And my imaginary life - I don't really have any. I did have make a convergence quilt on my change list and selected it as my goal to do for the week and I did that Friday afternoon.

      I vote to go on to Week 3. I am enjoying the journey.

      " Every tear falls down for a reason. Don't you stop believing in yourself when you're broken."


        Eileen was incredibly brave to post her lists!! BRAVO!! And like Sandy, I think I'll borrow some of her ideas!

        I've been good about my morning pages, and one of the things that I got done on my list last week was to get the garage cleaned out. It makes me smile when I drive into it now!!

        "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you are right!"

        It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
        That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


          I've started Week 3 also. I guess we'll stay on schedule. I confess-I don't do every single task. But I do as many as I can.

          What are we going to do about Week 4? It's the Reading Deprivation week.


          from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
          Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


            It's the Reading Deprivation week will just have to be one of the tasks I don't do. I can't imagine getting my husband to read TQS blogs and forum entries to me. Besides I tell things here he doesn't need to know.


              Kaijin here.

              I've worked with this book before, but of course I can't find my copy. I'll stop at the Frugal Muse and get another if I'm not too late to join the party!


                You are never too late. Jump on in.


                  Sorry to be checking in a little bit late; for some reason I haven't been getting the email notices that let me know that any of you have posted a reply on this forum, so I thought all was quiet on the western front!

                  I'm totally enjoying the book - but most of all, I'm really, really enjoying reading y'alls entries. I appreciate your honesty and willingness to share.

                  I did 6 out of 7 days of my morning pages, although a couple of days I kept going and wrote extra pages. I did 3 of the tasks; I found that if I circle the ones I want to do as soon as I finish reading the chapter, I'm more likely to accomplish them.

                  My husband was out of town for most of the week, and my son and I celebrated our birthdays (my husband felt really bad that he couldn't be here, but work is work). So I spent my Artist Date by meandering and going to a quilt shop and eating way too much. One of my daughters bought me an entire Linda's Fudge Cake from the Cheesecake Factory so I could have a birthday cake! What was she thinking!?

                  I'm looking forward to working on the tasks from chapter 3 - what a great chapter!

                  Have a great week!


                    Try now. Try again. Try one more time." Written in 2008 by Kavitha Murugesh --- California

                    If it doesn't turn out the way I want the first time, I am apt to give up. I will try again and again. Margo's progress with her logarm is inspiring me to get started on free motion quilting.


                      Welcome, Kaijin. Your name is so interesting-what's the origin of it?

                      We're working on Week 3. Since you've done this before, catching up shouldn't take you too long.

                      from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                      Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                        Welcome aboard Kaijin.

                        Quite a while ago a friend of mine who is a counted cross stitcher handed me 4 carousal horse, Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. She wanted me to turn them into a quilt. I was extremely intimated by her perfect work. I finally figured out a design to incorporate them into a quilt. She told me when I finished that she was going to enter them into the county fair. I was even more intimated. Well our fair ended Sunday and she did enter the quilt. She won second place to her other counted cross stitch entry. My point here is I am really disappointed in myself that I didn't make an Artist Date to go the fair and view all the entries. Never miss an opportunity to go on fabulous Artist Date.

                        from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                        Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


                          Originally posted by dogquilter
                          Welcome aboard Kaijin.

                          Quite a while ago a friend of mine who is a counted cross stitcher handed me 4 carousal horse, Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. She wanted me to turn them into a quilt. I was extremely intimated by her perfect work. I finally figured out a design to incorporate them into a quilt. She told me when I finished that she was going to enter them into the county fair. I was even more intimated. Well our fair ended Sunday and she did enter the quilt. She won second place to her other counted cross stitch entry. My point here is I am really disappointed in myself that I didn't make an Artist Date to go the fair and view all the entries. Never miss an opportunity to go on fabulous Artist Date.
                          Don't beat yourself up, Judy. You actually FINISHED a piece that you weren't sure about. That deserves a star in my book! As for missing the will remember that you missed it and make more effort next time there is an opportunity! One day at a time!

                          It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                          That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                            My book came yesterday and I've read the introductions through the 1st chapter. Oh my this is going to be really good I think.
                            I have done my first morning writing and have been thinking how to catch up with you all. I think I'll take about 3 to 4 days on these two chapters that I'm behind instead of a full week. That should get me there I hope. I haven't done any of the tasks yet but I plan to work on them later today.
                            Looking forward to moving right along.

                            It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                            That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                              Thanks to all who welcomed me into this group. Eileen, there is a story that goes along with my name, but it is best told over a glass or two of wine. Mostly, I just say that my name is my name, and I'm happy with it.

                              Playing catch-up, today I selected the journal in which I will write. I crafted and signed my Artist's Contract with myself, committing to this process and to this group.

                              I also took myself on an Artist's Date, driving to the next town over to a wonderful LQS by myself -- solitude! -- and purchased six one-half yards of fabric for the quilt I am beginning to plan.

                              I even experimented with the new free-motion foot on my Janome 6600p.

                              Tomorrow, I will begin my morning pages.

                              It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter
                              That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived !


                                Well, I guess that glass of wine will have to wait. Wisconsin is a bit far for me.
                                I'm having some trouble getting started on Week 3. Can someone light a fire under me? I've been so tired lately I don't want to do anything.

                                from the beautiful Hudson Valley of NY
                                Gammill Classic Plus w/IQ


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